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  • I know Kraken got E-liter. I'm going to redo at least 5 guides on this. I still believe in the special and subweapon even distribution process
    Wdym even distribution process
    I can still make out a pattern for sub/special distribution amongst kits, though I probably should wait until Fresh Season kits are out before shuffling things about
    It's a good day when I got it in two
    Wordle 971 2/6*

    I don't think I made any mistakes in my kit recommendations in my guides. 52 Gal Deco simply breaks the rules for more than two kits with same subweapon and same mode picks
    So where did I go wrong? Well Big Swig Roller guide needs a rewrite. So does Tenta Brella, but I didn't publish this one yet.
    Well frick. Curling Bomb. Have to check everything. Still don't believe it
    I mean its right on their official twitter. Do you think its possible that your theory about kits might be wrong. Or maybe it could be right and they just arent good at it, or maybe its right and they did do it well but you dont see it bc after all you are just a player and, from what i understand, you believe the devs have been successfully designing kits to fit certain modes, even if the players dont see it.
    The overall theory of "kits are designed for specific modes" is right. But it's more than possible that I get the wrong modes for a weapon. I look for patterns AND gameplay when judging which kits work best where, and if you make a mistake for one weapon, you get another one wrong
    At the risk of sounding mad, the new Explosher kit was designed for Splat Zones and Rainmaker over the primary kit
    the guide could also just, be more thorough. "what matchups to avoid" should be on literally any dynamo guide, no matter the skill level, because this is like, the most matchup dependent weapon in the game. knowing how to deal with or avoid stuff like naut, squeezer, chargers, rapids and range on it is necessary info.
    oh right uh. splattershot outranges your ohko btw. even splash falloff damage does from level ground. jump flicks dont really change this because that isnt how roller damage works.
    and uhh. idk make a section on vertical use cases, it's kinda important despite how pathetic it is in a vacuum.
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