Recent content by SylentVictory

  1. SylentVictory

    [Poll] Should there be a Ranked version of Turf Wars

    I really enjoy playing Turf Wars and kinda wish there was a Ranked mode for it as well. I feel like the mode can be very competitive and shouldn't be looked at as a game type for beginners or casual players. What do you think?
  2. SylentVictory

    So .... what's next?

    How do you unlock the Aerospray?
  3. SylentVictory

    So .... what's next?

    Trying to reach Level 10 and finish the story mode. I have been going back and forth between The Witcher 3 and Splatoon.
  4. SylentVictory

    [Poll] Which Camera Controls Do You Use?

    Motion controls seem like the way to go, the Gamepad is definitely not made for a shooter. Using the analog feels clumsy and slow. I wish there was support for the Pro Controller but until then I will use the motion controls.
  5. SylentVictory

    Game Time! Happy Splatterday Everyone!

    Waiting outside Toys R Us, for Amiibos and then heading to Best Buy to pick up my pre-order of the game! Can't wait!
  6. SylentVictory

    1 Pro || 1 Con

    Pro: fun and innovative shooter Con: lack of content at launch
  7. SylentVictory

    The Cutest Review of Splatoon Yet?

    Great article, very interesting to hear her perspective!
  8. SylentVictory

    Map rotation might disguise load times.

    That actually makes a lot of sense, never thought of it that way!
  9. SylentVictory

    What Splatoon Amiibo are you getting?

    I just consider the Splatoon Amiibo to be DLC. I no longer have the Amiibo craze but I do not want to miss out on in-game content. I hope to snag a 3-pack on Friday when I pick up my pre-order at Best Buy.
  10. SylentVictory

    Voice Chat for Friends Only?

    I second this, it would be a great addition for the game. We shouldn't have to use Skype or another third party chat program in order to talk to our friends. It would be great if Nintendo would just make voice chat a new feature to the Wii U as a whole.
  11. SylentVictory

    say what you will about voice chat but not being able to socialize is a bit lame

    The main issue is that Nintendo does not offer a way to voice chat with friends. It is a basic feature that should be present on all consoles. They better get with the times when they release the NX or they will have very poor sales again!
  12. SylentVictory

    Do You Think Anymore Splatoon Amiibos Will Be Coming Out?

    I don't think they will do any more Splatoon-based Amiibo. I could see them adding in functionality so other Amiibos could unlock costumes or challenges in Splatoon.
  13. SylentVictory

    Is anyone else bummed about Splatoon's interactivity?

    Completely agree, social features really help keep a community alive. FPS can become boring after you unlock all the content, especially if there isn't an easy way to engage with others in the community!
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