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I have couple of friends that are trying to build a squad for Genesis 5 in January. If you are going to play Splatoon there as well maybe we can play some games and see if we click? Tbh most of us are newer players but we still have a couple months left to practice and want to compete. All of us...
Im interested in playing in this. Available most nights after 9pm PST to practice and can stream everything. Hit me up on Twitter at https://twitter.com/NME_THATSA if you wanna talk more ;)
Stuff similar to IEM/Dreamhack/MLG, but probably on a much smaller scale.
Events where multiple teams go to compete LIVE? Id love to go see something like that.
Hey there everybody! Newbie here who absolutely loves this game so far. I was thinking about buying an Xbox one just to play halo and I figured If I want to play a shooter I could just buy Splatoon for the system I already have.
Been playing for a day and im already lvl 11 and C rank. Love the...
Nintendo Network ID: THATSA
Current Rank/Best Rank: C/C Im a newbie ;)
Weapon preferences: Splattershot Pro, .52 Gal, •N-Zap ‘89 Im new so I can learn other stuff if needed.
Time zone: PST
Discord name: dont have yet, i'll probably get it sometime today or tomorrow.
Like I said, im still new so...