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Oh yeah, the nominations thing reminded me. Have I ever posted my custom Custom Hydra Splatling render I made as texturing practice? Well even if I have, here it is again.
Because I was forced at gunpoint to say nice things about pencil lest I get evicted and also given a massive debt. I will now reiterate that the Snipewriter is a stinky doodoo weapon >:(
Splatling Supremacy, RAAAAAHHH!!!
I love the vHeavy kit, really I do. But god do I hate using it in the lobby. The sprinkler noises and the Wavebreaker constantly pinging things sounds awful and feels icky!!! And I keep popping them cause I forget!
feels like a cruel, cruel joke that the first rotation for the soloq meetup is the exact same mapmodes as the splatling challenge.
Leave me alone Flounder Heights. Challenge level: impossible
Got a new Autobomb to take Big Foot's place. His name is Dipper because his head is too big and he always ends up dipping forwards and pecking the ground :)