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I had this aching headache for the past couple of days and I had no idea why until I remembered that I haven't drank water once in the past week. So I drank some and my headache went away, who knew doing healthy thing is healthy for me.
I'm starting to not like kraken as much as I used to. I don't know for me it just feels so slow. It might be because there's not really any kraken weapons I like to play except for range and roller. But both of those weapons have their own problem that doesn't really make the kraken kit fun to use.
Truth be told I never really listened to much hiphop not because I dislike the genre or anything I just never had any urge to listen to hiphop music, but Tyler The Creator "Chromokopia" got me like
I find myself caring less and less about medals as time goes on. At the start of splatoon 3 I put high values in medals and which ones I got and judged myself based of that. But here's the thing medals are not accurate judges to your performance. Nowadays after a match I think to myself "Did I do my job properly?" If yes then I'm all good, if no then I ask myself what I could of done better.
i procrastinated on my work and now I’m doing it when I have to sleep. I can’t believe that my poor actions and decisions have consequence! no one told me >:(
Good news: internet went out in my house so that means no school for me today.
Bad new: internet went out which means I can’t really do much of anything. But it should come back on later.
Edit:internet is back one lets gooo
Guy I came to a horrible realization about myself. Today I was playing roblox, and when I looked at the chat it was filled to the brim with so much slang that I didn't understand. It's official I've gotten old, I'm irrelevant at the big ol age of 18
You know that whole dznutskup thing was actually incredibly fun, so much so that I'm starting to think maybe I should finally make the switch to becoming competitive and joining a team. I felt like every question I had about competitive was answered during that tournament. Granted I still need time to think this over.