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I absolutely love it when I wake up to my favorite artist announcing they'll be touring with my other favorite artist. Great way to start the morning. Oh and not to mention my fav artist release a new ep last night??? euphoria I say
I think I'm going to be playing wiper more after the patch. Hammer consistency increase is HUGE, throwing and blocking. Decav will still be something I play, but if hammer is as good as it sounds like it'll be, then I think it'll work much better in our comp (maybe, there's a reason Isaac is captain lol). I also really want 5 star on wiper, and I'm a little under 4 and a half rn.
If S4 allows for the switch 2 mouse (why wouldn't it tbh, its perfect) I'm not sure if I wanna keep using motion or switch 2 the mouse (see what I did there?). I'll for sure try mouse if there's a perimere, but weather I keep it is the question