Yello? Hiya! It’s not too late, right? Here’s my app. A side note, I’m kinda shy with the voice stuff, so I’ll primarily be texts, if that’s okay.
1. [Insert Clan Tag Here] Gameboyphx
2. MST
3. 20
4. AWrittenIdea#5724
5. Dualie Squelchers(most any Dualies)/Tentatek Splattershot/Foil Squeezer
Hey thanks to both of yal for the apps.Are you still recruiting? I hope I can still join
1. Name With Clan TagZee
2. Time Zone EST
3. Age 31
4. Discord ID zee#4462
5. Favorite Weapon Depends on the map and mode
I suppose I could give it a go.
1. Name With Clan TagSquitten (probably gonna change it to Tea, I can't decide on a name lol.)
2. Time Zone : Eastern Standard Time
3. Age : 21 (22 in November)
4. Discord ID : The Precious One#9423
5. Favorite Weapon: Octo Brush, N'zaps, Splattershot (I am pretty decent with Rollers as well)
1. Name With Clan Tag: Chad
2. Time Zone: EST/New York
3. Age: 20
4. Discord ID: Chad414#0765
5. Favorite Weapon: Nzap, hero shot
Thanks for the apps yal. I'll hit u both up via discord ;)1. =>Enigma
2. EST
3. 21
4. TestFailed#2289
5. I don’t have a main. Whatever the team and the situation needs. I AM partial to dualies and shooters though.
1. Name with clan tag: Duststorm
2. Time zone: EST
3. Age: 27
4. Discord ID: Duststorm #8372
5. Favorite weapon: Splat dualies, Custom dualie squelchers, Sorella Brella (sometimes)
We are!! I'll send you an invite link when I get home.Hello! Are you guys still accepting members?
Name: <=> Blue
Time Zone: EST
Age: 30
Discord ID: Blueskies#7925
Fav Weapon: Splatlings (all, but like Hydra the best); shooters, and chargers.
Thanks in advance!
Sure! How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?I’d love to try out. All x rank. Star 2 player (level 200)
Pacific time zone
22 amigo!Sure! How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?