Could you please send a link to this video, I searched the channel, and I couldn't find it. Also, I've never really seen Sorin use a blaster, much less tell you tips and tricks about it. Maybe you're talking about Sendou's video about Blaster rng. Which he mentions pretty much everything I talked about. "Sure you just can't jump, but jumping is a very important part of every blaster player.
I saw this on Sendou's twitter account a couple days ago.
And yes, I know that you can still shoot accurately in splatoon 2 when you jump. However, you lose out on a lot more kills just because you shot at the top of your jump, which was understood for the entire lifetime of splatoon 1 as the time to fire.
And yes, I know this change was to nerf blasters overall. However, the best blasters those being Luna Neo and CRB got heavily nerfed in their own right. The main nerf with the luna was that it got it's safety net of Quick Respawn + Stealth Jump removed, plus an ink consumption nerf on top of that.
The CRB also felt the qrsj nerf, but it also got it's panic buttons taken away. You can't roll a splat bomb to your feet if a flanker comes near you, suction bombs just don't allow that type of play. And you certainly can't panic kraken like you used to, making range blaster require more aim to be as efficient as it once was.
Those changes were fine, they stopped blaster players from becoming too aggressive, and careless with their tools to win gunfights without aim.
Why the rng manipulation is overkill, at least in my eyes is that it can easily make the user's trained aim, complete garbage. And someone who can't aim the broad side of a barn can now hit directs because the shots can deviate so far.
The other reason why this change is complete garbage is because it harms the vanilla blaster. Yeah, the weapon that has literally disappeared after the range blaster got introduced. It was never considered "high tier" in splat 1 anyway. It was just the blaster that never had a good bomb, couldn't space like the other two instakill blasters, and couldn't compete against them for a team slot. Which makes a struggling weapon trying to get into the meta even weaker, and even in this splashdown meta, it's never really seen. Which is just depressing because if anything splashdown is getting a nerf, not a buff. And toxic mist isn't going to save the weapon anytime soon. I'm not even going to get started on the custom version. That poor thing has a terribly underpowered inkjet that it can barely ever get, and a sub that doesn't help it at all in an intense gunfight.