Antwanology- the study of a dude


Nov 3, 2015
Hi everybody, my name is Anthony but was given the nickname Antwan in highschool and thought it was hilarious because of irony. I am 21 and live in Tennessee. I started my collegiate career at a "university" studying marketing but quickly found out that i'm opposed to materialism and would feel like a hypocrite trying to sell people stuff (my family is that redneck family you think of with all the stuff in the yard that's rusting and useless. I'm also the first one in my family to make it out of highschool without a baby, my family is full of examples of what not to do).I left that school and started a web programming degree at a community college. With no prior knowledge, I saw my first piece of code during the first class and so far its been awesome to study and learn more about computers.

I mainly chose that first school so I could continue playing lacrosse, which I played since fifth grade along with wrestling.I try to stay in shape with athletics and outdoorsy stuff such as hiking, longboarding, disc golf, mountain biking and anything else I can do after smoking weed, which is another hobby of mine haha. I also love to read and write as well as doodle and craft art, though my skills are highly lacking.

I currently work for a small mom and pop Italian restaurant where I make breads and pasta from scratch (simple man's chemistry dawg) and will hopefully move west after I graduate. Not sure where, why or how but those are just little details haha.

I played a good bit of video games growing up but was never any good at them, they were just something to do with friends. But now that my social circle has broken up due to relocation and changes of personality, I'm finding I have more free time alone and Splatoon has helped fill that time with fun. Playing with you guys has made this game way more fun and engaging and I'm excited to see how we grow and how we compete with other teams.

I can't find any recent pics of me on my computer but i'll take one after school if yall really need to know. think of a younger, less attractive Joseph Gordon-Levitt haha


The REAL SwimShady
Jan 9, 2016
Photo required. I need it to complete the Squad Shrine I'm building in my closet.


Pro Squid
Dec 3, 2015
Cleveland, OH
I feel it, man. I wouldn't wanna go into business or marketing, either. I envy your love of the outdoors...I greatly enjoy hiking and naturey things but there isn't much opportunity for those up here (actually if you read Alex's post I'm contemplating taking him up on his offer there). Plus the weather usually totally blows most of the time so there's that. Right now it's gorgeous though.


Nov 3, 2015
Ah I found some. Much like Bigfoot, I really don't like being in pictures so they're hard to come by and they're usually blurry and disappointing. But these bad boys came from this last fall when I visited my girlfriend who was working at Disney World for a semester. First time I had been.... 7/10

This is me when I'm slightly excited and or playing splatoon.

Gotta keep dem skillz sharp.

And this is what I imagine my death will look like.

Yeah dude, every time I go hangout in the woods I think about how some people in this world will never do that. Some people will never go swimming. Some people will never ride a bus or go in a building that's taller than three stories. People have similar stories but every life is different and that's pretty cool.

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