Full Squid
Well, after looking at a video showing all the bosses a few days, I'll throw my two cents into this.
While the subplot could use a little expanding upon, I quite enjoyed the final boss fight, mostly because the presentation, the dialogue, music, and PRETTY COLORS EVERYWHERE. I suppose the last one is a bit of an odd one to focus on, though.
It does feel like the roles for the Squid Sisters were originally supposed to be reversed, but I don't think it's too glaring, at least for me. Then again, I might need to look at a full playthrough of the single player for context.
(Also, I prefer Callie over Marie, but I can see why she was the winner of the last S1 Splatfest.)
While the subplot could use a little expanding upon, I quite enjoyed the final boss fight, mostly because the presentation, the dialogue, music, and PRETTY COLORS EVERYWHERE. I suppose the last one is a bit of an odd one to focus on, though.
It does feel like the roles for the Squid Sisters were originally supposed to be reversed, but I don't think it's too glaring, at least for me. Then again, I might need to look at a full playthrough of the single player for context.
(Also, I prefer Callie over Marie, but I can see why she was the winner of the last S1 Splatfest.)