Camp Triggerfish Out-of-Bound Rainmaker Glitch Discovered!

Hi Squids! It's Hank from Nintendome! Recently there has been a lot of talk about a glitch that allows you to keep the Rainmaker safe on the reasonably new Hammerhead Bridge map (my friend Rynator has an excellent demonstration on his channel)! Well, it seems like the glitches are not stopping there. Twitter user 'Nintendo Florida' has discovered another out-of-bounds glitch that can be used to keep the Rainmaker safe on the Camp Triggerfish map. It seems to abuse a mechanic that allows a squid to sit on a ledge right by the map's spawn area.

Watch the demonstration here:

It's important to note that this glitch may be a bit more difficult to abuse. Discord user DanielKO had this to say regarding the glitch:

"...With this [glitch], you might spend half of your rainmaker timer just getting all the way back with twice the countdown speed. In the video it took 16 seconds to swim with the rainmaker from the center to that point."

What are your thoughts on the viability of this glitch? Do you think glitches like these should be banned in competitive tournaments? Leave us your thoughts in the comments section below!
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Does the Rainmaker actually respawn on that tiny ledge after you fall off, though? That's the key question, because if you just wait there until it goes boom (which won't be very long, since you have to retreat far into your own area), it's just going to respawn back at the center.
Come on Nintendo. We need that huge update, or at least word on what's going on there. Inkopolis is being held together with packing tape right now. Inklings are scared to walk the streets with glitches, octolings, and unknown technology roaming turf. The most we've gotten out of you are more amiibo and star fox delay. What about the Squid-kids?
Does the Rainmaker actually respawn on that tiny ledge after you fall off, though? That's the key question, because if you just wait there until it goes boom (which won't be very long, since you have to retreat far into your own area), it's just going to respawn back at the center.
Judging by the way the glitch is performed, I'd wager that the Rainmaker does not spawn down at the ledge. There is nowhere for the Rainmaker to respawn onto.
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this probably should be banned at tournaments (at least until they fix it) because I believe a team should always have a chance of winning
Hahahaha! See, I know this is probably a bad thing but these glitches are hilarious! Triggerfish and Hammerhead? Gimme some more!

In all seriousness though, Nintendo patch these glitches before Japan either finds some more or they find some strategies with the glitches we already have.

You have to admit is kinda funny lol
Hahahaha! See, I know this is probably a bad thing but these glitches are hilarious! Triggerfish and Hammerhead? Gimme some more!

In all seriousness though, Nintendo patch these glitches before Japan either finds some more or they find some strategies with the glitches we already have.

You have to admit is kinda funny lol
these glitches are very fun if you're having a squid party online. In hammerhead bridge you march to the other teams base and attempt to land on some of the solid beams and set up beakons for your team to jump to.
I don't think it's a really good thing to use these glitches in matches... Ok it gives you an advantage and you need to know them and use them, but come on... I feel like it's just cheating. :/ I just hope as always that Nintendo will fix this soon ! :p
It interesting to know that these glitches are mainly related to Rainmaker specifically (or most of them). Honestly I find it amusing that people will take the time to find these glitches so that people will push to patch it or abuse it till its patched. Who knows what new rainmaker glitch will come next. For now I'll still play it but I wish this will get patched soon for everyones entertainment. Also thanks for pointing this out instead of keeping it to yourselves.
It interesting to know that these glitches are mainly related to Rainmaker specifically (or most of them). Honestly I find it amusing that people will take the time to find these glitches so that people will push to patch it or abuse it till its patched. Who knows what new rainmaker glitch will come next. For now I'll still play it but I wish this will get patched soon for everyones entertainment. Also thanks for pointing this out instead of keeping it to yourselves.
I know it's not the best way to get updates, but hey, at least we're pointing out flaws in the game and perhaps one day, we can have a unity between producer, Nintendo, and consumers, us. That'd be the best.
Not very usefull. The rainmaker will respawn in the middle after your time ran out.
(As long as you die on your side, the rainmaker will always reset. unless you get killed by enemies)
Come on Nintendo. We need that huge update, or at least word on what's going on there. Inkopolis is being held together with packing tape right now. Inklings are scared to walk the streets with glitches, octolings, and unknown technology roaming turf. The most we've gotten out of you are more amiibo and star fox delay. What about the Squid-kids?
It appears that our gods have abandoned us.

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