Competitive Splatoon weapon tier list


Inkster Jr.
Jan 20, 2016
I agree with everything in S tier except you forgot to include Custom E-Liter 3K Scope.


Senior Squid
May 12, 2015
Bamboozler is too high, people at high level can just dodge the second shot super easily.

Neo Splash should be on its own tier at S+. This weapon is seriously meta changing and no one, not even my team believes me.

Same with Aerospray RG as it counters E-liters. You place a mine on their perch and they die when they go back there!


Inkster Jr.
Sep 19, 2015
This has been said many times before, but the traditional ABC etc tier list doesn't really work for splatoon like it does for smash. The closest you can get to one is categories that are much more broad, but even then it really depends on the user (For example the bamboozler doesn't really see all that much tournament use, but if you saw @Albatross play it you'd think it was one of the best weapons in the game). Much as it would be nice to have one, they just have too many inherent problems to work in this game.


Jan 3, 2016
Bamboozler is too high, people at high level can just dodge the second shot super easily.

Neo Splash should be on its own tier at S+. This weapon is seriously meta changing and no one, not even my team believes me.

Same with Aerospray RG as it counters E-liters. You place a mine on their perch and they die when they go back there!
well if assuming you're not a troll nothing about the neo splash is meta changing and the likely chance of an someone being able to successfully and safely place an ink mine on a sniping area and for the sniper to die to such a thing is HIGHLY unlikely and you are probably trolling and i have probably wasted 5 min of my life replying to you

This has been said many times before, but the traditional ABC etc tier list doesn't really work for splatoon like it does for smash. The closest you can get to one is categories that are much more broad, but even then it really depends on the user (For example the bamboozler doesn't really see all that much tournament use, but if you saw @Albatross play it you'd think it was one of the best weapons in the game). Much as it would be nice to have one, they just have too many inherent problems to work in this game.
You bring up an excellent point this game is fairly balanced which makes it hard to make a tier list i just wanted to make one for the fun of discussing stuff which obviously has backfired.....extremely backfired.

I agree with everything in S tier except you forgot to include Custom E-Liter 3K Scope.
I decided not to include multiple iterations of the same weapon even tho both custom and regular are very good and choosing which one really comes down to preference i personally think the regular is better.

sorry,it's just that you put the tier list with no explanation on why you think that some weapons are better than others when you should have asked what other people think and organize the tier list based on what the community thinks about a weapon.

while DUDE is a really good player and knows what he's talking about i wouldn't completely agree with him because i have different experiences with a weapon and different opinions about said weapon.

well pl- wait no you're right on that one
well yea i understand now people arent just gonna nicely and respectfully start up a discussion so that i can explain my reasoning on why i did these placements since the world dont work like dat. And that is why i said that if DUDE did this it would be taken seriously i just wish people wont discard anything that isnt posted by a someone well known even tho i understand why they dont. and yea people are stupid sometimes
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Good TOs are Capitalists
May 20, 2015
Hey, Avoid quad posting. When making posts responding to multiple people keep it in one big post rather than making several different posts for it. Take this as your verbal warning. I've personally reworked your other posts into your first one and deleted them to clear up the spam while still preserving what you said. If you keep at it though I will have to take harsher actions.


Inkster Jr.
Oct 1, 2015
First, this game is extremely well balanced so unlike smash tier lists are not necessary. Second, since you did make a list you should have included every weapon in the game not just the worst and the best.

Totally not a salad

Inkster Jr.
Dec 13, 2015
in the ground
well yea i understand now people arent just gonna nicely and respectfully start up a discussion so that i can explain my reasoning on why i did these placements since the world dont work like dat. And that is why i said that if DUDE did this it would be taken seriously i just wish people wont discard anything that isnt posted by a someone well known even tho i understand why they dont. and yea people are stupid sometimes
to be honest,i would meme alittle on this thread if he whe're ever to make one and popularity has a affect on people,but you need to remember that famous people are just people that are very reconizabe.i guess that's why most people use the default profile pics ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

sorry,it's just my bad twitch habit


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Yea people only take it seriously if it is posted by like DUDE or something jeez people are idiots sometimes
That's not the case though. A quick search for tier lists should inform you that many (newer) topics like these have crashed quickly mostly because it already tells us what we know. Wallgals/Forge/long-range Chargers/Luna Neo/CJS/Dynamo for top tiers and Aero RG/Cjr./Inkbrush/Z'98/H3 at the bottom, and whatever falls inbetween. You ought to be cautious when posting things like these for the next time.

I'd like to actually see a tier list made by the community as a whole, where we all as a whole can argue and determine on which weapons are best/worst and on what maps/modes and the like. Wail works better on TC and on Camp/Port, while Kraken is least effective on SZ. Things like these matter when it comes to choosing weapons for your team to use for a specific map and specific mode. Having a team-tier list(basically looking at team compositions and how well the team would function with say, like .52/3k/krak-on/ttek) would be interesting too.

But right now tier lists right now are so overdone, especially one-man efforts. Believe me, it has nothing to do with you just being you, other tier lists by more famous forumgoers have been getting reactions like these aswell. There isn't much interest for tier lists right now.

I don't want to discourage people from making contributions to the forums, but there are better ways to do that than making another tier list.


Jan 8, 2016
"beacon krakon kit makes the sploosh"

Default is beakons with Killer Wail. Neo is point sensors with Kraken.

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