sorry if my language was vague, cus thats not exactly what i was getting at /gen. what i more meant was people are using cooler as a crutch, not that it inherently is one. but still because of that, its harder for people to understand where they need to improve at because of how cooler works. as a midlevel player, its something i see a lot of people stuck with, because they constantly play with cooler and only in pickups, and dont really see how some of their faults are affecting their games because of cooler's effect on teamplay. theres a bigger discussion to be had about effectively playing to improve over playing to purely win, but a lot of what i see in midlevel would be fixed if people played less to win with cooler constantly and more to improve their awareness, teamplay, or coordination. we can agree to disagree on this, because like i said, this is mostly based on my observations of midlevel players lacking everything but mechanics, as a midlevel player who is the inverse of that.
i never claimed those top teams wouldnt beat me, and im more talking about improvement here (this point just feels out of left field to me in general?). my point is there are tools (ie map awareness, teammate awareness, playstyle synergy, fight coordination, etc) that you use in this game regardless of specific strategy, regardless of having cooler or not, that you will have to get as good at as you possibly can to be at the top, and cooler often obscures those tools to many players. said players put less focus on those tools, and think cooler will fill in for their shortcomings in those tools, when in reality what wins most often is cooler in tandem with said tools. therefore, if these players want to improve more, they should use cooler less to make them less reliant on how they use it as a crutch. again, this is mostly based off my observations of other midlevel players, as a midlevel player, but it seems to be a thought process people bring from low level and dont think twice about.