I've created
my own API for
a new project because I've requested an EU feed for ages, and I needed more flexibility but whatever. Names are in Japanese to not be bothered by symbols like - or ' so you can easily make a parsing function to get the correct names on your end.
It handles Splatfest and I uploaded an example file so you can code without waiting for one.
You can use it, but go easy on the requests or try to cache on your end and only request when you need because it's only a VPS and I don't know if it can handle a lot of traffic.
Here is the
Github if you want to host it yourself.
Also it fetches from SplatNet at 1min30, 2min30 and 3min30 (just in case) of the rotation hour, so your best bet is to fetch my json at 3min after rotation hour.
I tried to code a system to make a GET request, get the Etag header on Nintendo side, write the Etag in a file, make a request every 15 seconds to check if the Etag changed and then write the file, but since I never coded in Python I was not able to do it.