Douser Dualies talk


Inkster Jr.
Feb 1, 2024
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This is mostly about how viable dousers are right now, how viable they could be based on its second kit, and what it most likely will get for its second kit. I'm not too sure about dousers myself still so I want other opinions, but I don't think they're that good. I think dousers right now are a solid B tier, they have good range but cant use it to kite enemies since they lose some range on a dodge roll, and they end up being a really passive dualie. As far as I know about dousers it just pokes from a distance, and when they get pushed they dodge roll to defend itself. I don't think the current kit is that good on it, but it's not killing the weapon. When it comes down to it, the main thing I can say is what its most likely to get for a second kit. Obviously dousers don't have any kits it could reference since it just came out in 3, but we can look at which subs and special haven't been on that many kits, and what other dualies have. There are 2 dualies with reefslider already, and theres already enough reefslider weapons, so we can almost definitely rule it out. Theres already 2 dualies with beakon, so we are probably not getting it. There is no dualie with burst bomb, fizzy bomb, toxic mist, and line marker. Each one of those subs are on 6 weapons, excluding line marker which is on 7, so we can not assume it would be any of the specifically, but it will likely be one of the four subs. For specials, there is no dualie with big bubbler, missiles, ink storm, ink vac, ink jet, ultra stamp, tri strike, kraken, and screen. Screen and kraken only are on 4 weapons, so both of those specials will probably be on one or two kits next season, which could be on dousers, but I think that if it gets one of the two, it will likely be kraken over screen judging by what weapons they have given screen in the past (screen replaced the special of kits with GOOD specials in s2, ex sunder had armor, foil flingza had missiles, 52. deco had stingray [foil squeez had bubbler blower, but also had a bomb combo]), they will prob give screen to something like range or bamboo. Kraken was mostly given as reference kits, but the weapons left in sizzle season 2024 have not had kraken before, making dousers have just as good a chance as the rest to get it. Missiles is on 5 weapons, but the devs seem to have been avoiding giving missiles to weapons, and I think they would actually give it to dousers since 3 of the new main weapons in s3 (reeflux, wiper, and painbrush) have gotten it, it seems likely that they will give it to another s3 weapon. Ink jet is also on 5 weapons, and enperry had it in s2, so it could happen, but I think its most likely to get missiles. Bubbler, ink storm, ink vac, ultra stamp, and tri strike all are on 7 weapons, making it not that likely to get, but possible. I think it is most likely to get missiles, and I'm unsure of the sub but its prob burst bomb, fizzy bomb, toxic mist, or line marker.


Inkling Commander
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
I feel like the most likely special it could get is Missiles. vDualie had it in S2, we know it's not going to be on the new stringer or the new splatana because REEF-LUX and Wiper Deco exist, and Kraken is going on the Custom Range Blaster, if anything. The sub is a bit more open-ended, though I think it could reasonably get Burst Bomb, Fizzy Bomb, or Toxic Mist.

I've been playing Dousers a bit in solo anarchy battles (S and S+) and they're very interesting. They play a lot like a backline, and they're actually a pretty decent main weapon. They would need a kit with a bomb or meta special to see any form of competitive use, I'm sure, but they're definitely B tier at least. They seem to specialize in defense, especially the current kit, being able to punish enemies who over-extend with its rolls and Ink Mines, as well as just hold space against frontlines with suppressive fire.

I really like the weapon, and plan on using them a lot.

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