Favorite Candy Flavor(s)?


Inkster Jr.
Apr 29, 2024
So I was just eating an airhead and wanted ask: what is everyone's favorite flavor of candy? It can be any type of candy and any flavor (yes, even barf flavored jelly beans.) My favorites are blue raspberry for pretty much any candy and milk chocolate for, well, chocolates.


Inkling Commander
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
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hard question because i have an insatiable sweet tooth that has not gone away in adulthood lol. i remember struggling hard with the chocolate fest because i was like BUT THEY'RE ALL GOOD!!

it's hard to pick a flavor that could apply to a variety of candies but i guess if i had to pick a favorite candy it'd be maple candy. i had maple cotton candy at a fair too once, so if more candies came in maple i'd probably eat those up (literally). when i was a kid i'd gotten the impression that maple candy was a rare delicacy though, only available at small kitschy shops far from home (i'd eventually realize that the store we'd been going to is a pretty short drive from home, i just had no sense of time), and i think that still colors how i feel about it... but also it's so good either way
but tbh my tastes in candy rely a lot more on what the candy is than the flavor. like, i can't really think of a flavor of rock candy or cotton candy i wouldn't want, because i love all the stuff my parents used to insist was Just Sugar (as if that'd dissuade the kid who occasionally got caught eating straight sugar)

favorite chocolate though depends a LOT on my mood. the biggest thing that's changed about my tastes in sweets between when i was a kid and now is that now i like dark chocolate as well as milk and white. big fan of (any) chocolate and peanut butter though


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
So I just learned that apparently "nounours en guimauve" are only a french thing so you guys will just have to salivate over my french ramblings idc

Nounours en guimauve.jpg

It's basically marshmallow surrounded by milk chocolate and it's the greatest thing to have ever been invented since mankind discovered fire. Don't. judge. me.

And for chocolate I'm more of a posturing dark chocolate fan. I like my sweets having a bit of bite to them (though I definitely indulge sometimes as you can see lol)

Deleted member

I love strawberry flavored stuff, but only really the kind they use in Japan. It tastes different to me somehow. It's a nice, subtle taste. I love it. Also, I'm a huge fan of Reese's myself.

it's hard to pick a flavor that could apply to a variety of candies but i guess if i had to pick a favorite candy it'd be maple candy. i had maple cotton candy at a fair too once, so if more candies came in maple i'd probably eat those up (literally). when i was a kid i'd gotten the impression that maple candy was a rare delicacy though, only available at small kitschy shops far from home (i'd eventually realize that the store we'd been going to is a pretty short drive from home, i just had no sense of time), and i think that still colors how i feel about it... but also it's so good either way
I love the maple cotton candy they sold at Topsfield Fair. It's too good! Maple syrup is a dream. X)


Pro Squid
Jan 31, 2024
Anywhere, Everywhere
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Quite a fan of sour... candy that tries to be insufferably sour where the goal is just "how much of this can you tolerate" (AKA specifically Warheads) I'm not huge on, but anything that's sour I will uh... eat far too much of. Common occurrence of mine is eating an entire pack of Sour Patch Kids in a single sitting and then not being able to taste for two days straight because I burned my taste buds off.

Also quite a fan of cotton candy (Just got some today even, I was shocked to find out my tiny nowhere rural town had a carnival, and then not at all shocked to find it was absolutely itty bitty and had barely anything. Still got some cotton candy though! Plus in all honesty it was a pretty charming experience regardless, I knew it'd be tiny but I still wanted to at least go check it out)... cotton candy sucks to actually eat since I hate how sticky it gets even when you try your best to avoid getting it sticky, but anything that's cotton candy flavored I'm basically guaranteed to like.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 30, 2024
eastern time
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(yes, even barf flavored jelly beans.)
ok but like these are actually good though
they taste nothing like barf and trust me I've tasted plenty of that (my own, just to be clear)

I remember once being pranked in like middle school where some kids walked up to me and were like "hey, you like the peach *and* the barf one, right? So it doesn't matter which one this is?" And they gave me a dead fish one and it tasted horrible.

but more generically, chocolate is awesome. Specifically dark chocolate, I love the bitter taste. But all chocolates are awesome. I will NOT have peanut butter with ANY chocolate, though, ew. I have no idea why so many people like that, it's genuinely terrible.


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Skittles would probably be my favorite if they weren’t packed with titanium dioxide. my favorite is really hard to choose, i have to say sour patch kids. my favorite chocolate is Kinder bueno, Toblerone is good too.


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Northeast US
peanut butter probably! or nuts in general.

my two favorite candies in the whole world:

unfortunately I feel like I only ever find them at gas stations and convenience stores. The latter is nearly impossible to find in stick-form these days but the mini-bars are more common and they're also good. I just enjoy chewing on sticks. they are more satisfying somehow, lol.

Also I'm not sure if it counts as candy but I really love candied/glazed nuts, especially pecans. There's this maple farm that shows up at the farmer's market here sometimes and they sell these maple-glazed pecans in the fall that I would probably sell some portion of my soul for. Unfortunately they're like $10 for a tiny bag so it's a twice-a-year kind of purchase, hah.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
Dr. Light's Laboratory
Not a big candy guy myself because if I eat it I can get sick very easily from it
But it terms of a treat I LOVE grapes if I let myself I will eat a whole giant bag of them

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