Hello, I guess...


Nov 13, 2015
Under the Sea
Well, might as well drop in here since I'm pretty lonesome right now.

Name's Cyn, coming from the deep south in the US. I guess the best thing I can talk about is that I'm currently a high school student currently aiming for a computer science degree. I come from a pretty deep Nintendo history with some Xbox and Sony influences on the side. For the past year, however, I was pretty deep into the MOBA side of gaming (Smite, League of Legends, DOTA 2, even a little bit of Awsomenaughts on the side) before hitting a bit of a burnout state and now on somewhat of a hiatus with them.

As I said, my history with all gaming concept and ideas in general has influenced me into a person who lives for a good balance in life, though that doesn't mean I can't live with bias. That being said, I have a bit of a short fuse and have been known to fly off the handle over simple arguments. Expect the worst if you ever want to play with me with a mic. However, I try not to get too tied up on these by the next game, and I will say that I'm quick to apologize.

I suppose that's everything that really needs to be said about me for now, you guys can fill in the blanks later.

TL;DR - Another socially awkward loser has joined your boards, ink all around.


Inkster Jr.
Sep 30, 2015
the Bakery
Welcome to the boards Cyn, glad to meet a fellow socially awkward loser like myself c': I hope you enjoy your stay here :)

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