How do you deal with a weapon crisis?


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
Dr. Light's Laboratory
I am in a pretty rough weapon crisis right now
For anybody that has gone through this how do you get through it (cause not knowing what weapon you want to play is rough man)


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
Ohio, USA
Switch Friend Code
For me I was grinding sheldon licenses by getting one star on ever weapon which is how I discovered Range Blaster


Formerly 'Grekly'
Mar 26, 2024
I been through the same thing multiple times and all the times I been through it there was different solutions that worked for me.

There is a chance that you are just burnt out from your mains what I mean by this is that this feeling could just be you being bored of your main. That's OK even the most dedicated one tricks get bored of playing there mains and, need something to break up the monotony. I recommend taking a break from playing it for, a bit and playing different weapons or, different games entirely.

In case you are not burnt out from your main and, instead just dropping the weapon I recommend finding something that you originally liked about your main and find a weapon that fit a similar role. For, example let say a painbrush player got bored of their weapon and, want something that has the same ledge poking capabilities than they would find satisfaction with slosher or blaster.

This is what worked for me at least this is not exactly the same for everyone.


Inkling Cadet
Oct 23, 2023
Cerritos, CA
Switch Friend Code
A lot of what I play are from Salmon Run, who knew being forced to play unfamiliar weapons actually was a good thing? Or maybe you can do a silly random weapon PB with friends/team just to see what you like.


Trans Bird Trans Bird 🏳‍⚧️
Jan 30, 2024
Midwest USA
Switch Friend Code
Depends a lot - right now me and my team are in the "we don't fully know what weapons we want to play yet" phase of team comp building.

My co-captain has been default backline but what they really want to do is play weapons with kraken specifically - it just happens that most weapons with kraken are backlines(heavy deco and .96) and I've been struggling in scrims and sets to get crucial picks my team needs to get pushes going as frontline slayer, so I'm picking up more midline weapons that don't have as much of a mechanical focus on aiming fast and precise, just precise(mainly naut + cblaster) while my co-captain swaps to Splash and plays frontline, along with my other 2 teammates(one who is a shot one trick but has been flexing to machine, while the other is mostly buckets only atm)

The goal is to find what works and what also is comfortable to you - an easy trap to fall into is to pick up a weapon just because its good(cooler spammers like nzap and pencil for example) and flex between so many different weapons that fall into a specific niche that you don't learn the mechanical nitty grittys, just that specific weapon, and it makes it harder for you to win in the long run.


Inkling Commander
Jan 29, 2024
Is there a problem with being in a weapon crisis? I for one enjoyed myself when I was in one in the middle of last year. The Shooters I had to play for serious matches never got super boring because they were surrounded by so many other things I was messing around with in Open. One time I felt like playing the REEF-LUX, later I felt like playing Rapid Pro Deco, and after that I figured I'd bring my Explosher back out just for kicks.

If you do want out of it though...try to spend like at least one day, possibly more, grinding out one weapon and then move onto another. And try DIFFERENT weapons. Don't go from Splattershot to Splash-o-Matic expecting it to be great if you found the other terrible. See if there's one that has a playstyle you think seems more fun to master than the others on paper even if you aren't winning often. Even if you aren't successful on the first day there are plenty of weapons that just aren't as easy as others.


Full Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Detroit, MI
If I get bored, I play random weapon bingo.
I also try new things without getting too uncomfortable. I sometimes work along a different axis than my “main main” by considering things like my fave subs (sprinkler, mist, and burst), and branching out into other weapons with those subs. That gives me a change of pace without feeling completely like a miserable newb.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
I've been through these more times than I can count, and my strategy has become fairly streamlined.

I pick a main, sub, or special weapon that I want to play, then pick one of its kits. When I eventually feel like a weapon is underperforming in a certain area or a certain matchup, I switch to something similar that covers the weakness better. For example, I'm playing Charger but struggling against midline weapons, so I switch to Goo Tuber. If I get really frustrated with a matchup, I'll hard counterpick it. If it gets to the point where I feel like playing .52 Gal, I close the game and come back later.

Most of my mains are pseudo-backline weapons with decent matchups against almost everything. I eventually get back around to one of my mains every time I go through this cycle, be it Wellstring, Rapid Pro, Bamboo, or Douser Dualies.

I can't speak to how well this strategy would work for someone else, but it makes things very easy for me. I recently got burned out of playing nothing but Bamboo and Wellstring, so I picked up Annaki Nova as an experimental Ink Mine option. I recovered within a day.

I do sincerely hope this helps, but I understand if it doesn't.
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 30, 2024
eastern time
Switch Friend Code
I believe I've posted this somewhere else but here's what has worked for me.

Take whatever weapons you liked playing in the past or have played the most, and figure out what exactly it is that you like about them. Play that weapon again if it helps. Once you think you've figured that out, think about what you don't like about the weapon. What are your biggest problems with it? Now brainstorm what other weapons do the thing you like without doing the thing you don't like. And try those for a while and repeat until there's nothing you don't like (or until the good stuff is so good that you're willing to put up with the stuff you don't like)


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
Tried out Jet Squelcher today considering how well it falls in line with my other mains. It's actually quite fun and simple, and making gear for it was remarkably easy. I'll probably play it as a comfort pick.
It's honestly a bit disappointing how weak its vanilla kit's parts are because the synergy is perfect. I can only pray for buffs.


Full Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I love Machine, so no matter what other weapons I try, I know I'm good with Machine, and that I love that weapon, but there are times where I want to do well with a weapon and Machine is not doing it for me, so I try weapons that are considered good, and try to put time into them, sometimes it's weapons I just like or always wanted to get into like Octobrush or Foil Flingza.

Since I've done this for a long while, I already have practice in weapons that are a bit harder to get into like Stamper, Slosher or Splat Dualies, and when I feel like they don't work because I'm having a hard time playing them well, I can just try another weapon I feel it's easier on me like range blaster, or a shooter like 96 deco or 52.

At the end of this, I can give myself an idea of what weapons I do well with, and what my peak might look like with them if I play with enough consistency, still on the process of choosing another weapon to heavily dedicate to, but I think trying out weapons for extended periods of time is fun, and you might find a real good weapon there :]

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