How many people here are in teams?


Pro Squid
May 11, 2015
Toronto, ON
As the title says, how many people who frequently visit these boards are on a competitive (or casual) Splatoon team?

If not, would you like to join one? (This isn't an offer to join mine or something like that lol)

If you don't want to join one, what is the reason behind it?

Thanks in advance for responding!


Splatoon subreddit & discord Mod
Community Ambassador
Jul 9, 2016
Switch Friend Code
If your intention isn't merely to lowkey advertise your squad, I am in Team Quasar, a modestly competitive squad in C division for LUTI.


Pro Squid
May 11, 2015
Toronto, ON
If your intention isn't merely to lowkey advertise your squad, I am in Team Quasar, a modestly competitive squad in C division for LUTI.
lol nah, trust me, that is not my intention at all. Just curious to see how many people who use the boards partake in teams and such.


Semi-Pro Squid
Feb 3, 2017
Personally I've been looking, but there's not much out there for an unproven A- player that's done ranked for all of 2-3 weeks. I'm in a casual play group but we don't really team up and play competitive style matches. The reason I'd like to join one though is to try to learn to coordinate with and read other players. While it can be a rewarding experience to play with a Discord group or something, I also think it can help me glean some info on my team's strategies in solo ranked too, up to a point.
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Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I'm apparently a lone wolf. I mean, I enjoy playing with friends and other people, prefer it actually, but every time I've joined a group it died, exploded, or turned me off.


Inkling Cadet
Community Ambassador
Nov 30, 2016
I'm on a semi-competitive squad and enjoy it. It's nice having people to chat with or make strategies with during games, as well as having reliable people that can squad with you whenever. Not only that but tournaments are a blast, we've only ever been in one so far but when we won our first set we were ecstatic, not just because we won but because we did it as a team and as a group of good friends.
I'm apparently a lone wolf. I mean, I enjoy playing with friends and other people, prefer it actually, but every time I've joined a group it died, exploded, or turned me off.
Yeah this happens too often. Sometimes teams just don't work out and that's life, so I can understand why people go as free agents and such.

However I would say there's a good amount that are in a group or squad, and hopefully this thread will be a testament to that ;p


Pro Squid
Feb 11, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I'm a free squid. XD haven't touched a team and don the plan to til I can become a reliable enough player. Upon thinking of some of my moves in ranked battles I tend to be a real loose cannon, it gets me a brilliant K/D rate when everything goes well, but it can get me in situations difficult to escape from too. When I sit back and defend I win a fair amount in solo queue but my contributions aren't all that much. I'm still finding a good middle ground. When I do, that's when I may see if anyone's interested in squadding.


Full Squid
Feb 19, 2017
I've had interest in joining a team for a while, but I'd like to have the ability to consistently stay in S+ first. Since pretty much every competitive team I see is full of S+ 99 squids, I feel like I'd be a hinderance or a let down to them otherwise. I'm also fearful of the team just dying, becoming inactive, etc.


Pro Squid
Dec 3, 2015
Cleveland, OH
Was once trying out for a team that didn't really jibe with my I helped to found my own team, instead! We're the Watch Me Whiprays, and we've been around for a bit over a year now...only 7 members currently, but we're super fun, casual, and friendly with each other. I've loved every moment with my team! :D


Depressed Squid
Sep 21, 2016
Crying alone
I've been considering joining a squad but I was talking to a few of my ultra competitive S+99 friends and it's terrifyingly serious. I was turned off to competitive gaming when I started getting into competitive Pokémon but realized how amazingly time consuming and intensive it all is. Also, I'm a sore loser. Any form of intensive competition is something I want to avoid. As cool as it would be to be an amazingly skilled player on a renowned squad, it's just not for me.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Frankly, I'll probably never be on a competitive team just because I don't have time for that. There are teenagers and "pros" who play their game of choice 16 hours a day. Having family, a job, friends, and a bunch of other hobbies means I just can't compete in that regard.


Pro Squid
May 11, 2015
Toronto, ON
I forgot to ask another question, have you been exposed to Discord and various Splatoon servers on it?

For the most part, the majority of the competitive community are active on Discord, so seeing it could be insightful.

Two I would recommend are:
You can see other players discussing things about the game (and about Splatoon 2). You can ask question

LFG (Looking For Games) Server:
Personally I've been looking, but there's not much out there for an unproven A- player that's done ranked for all of 2-3 weeks. I'm in a casual play group but we don't really team up and play competitive style matches. The reason I'd like to join one though is to try to learn to coordinate with and read other players. While it can be a rewarding experience to play with a Discord group or something, I also think it can help me glean some info on my team's strategies in solo ranked too, up to a point.
Don't worry, there's no rush, you can do so when you're ready. I'm sure there are those who would be willing to accept you on their team now as well.
I'm apparently a lone wolf. I mean, I enjoy playing with friends and other people, prefer it actually, but every time I've joined a group it died, exploded, or turned me off.
Yea, new teams and such can be unstable environment. It's kind of like applying for a job lol.

It can be discouraging, but don't give up. You can start by just finding people to squad with regularly. Could use the SquidBoards Shoutbox, or use the LFG Discord server I linked to above to find people to squad with.
I'm on a semi-competitive squad and enjoy it. It's nice having people to chat with or make strategies with during games, as well as having reliable people that can squad with you whenever. Not only that but tournaments are a blast, we've only ever been in one so far but when we won our first set we were ecstatic, not just because we won but because we did it as a team and as a group of good friends.
Glad you're having a good time! It is a thrilling experience, especially when shared with others.
I'm a free squid. XD haven't touched a team and don the plan to til I can become a reliable enough player. Upon thinking of some of my moves in ranked battles I tend to be a real loose cannon, it gets me a brilliant K/D rate when everything goes well, but it can get me in situations difficult to escape from too. When I sit back and defend I win a fair amount in solo queue but my contributions aren't all that much. I'm still finding a good middle ground. When I do, that's when I may see if anyone's interested in squadding.
I think that's a nice goal to go for before squadding with others. Hope you can find that middle ground and squad with others soon.
I've had interest in joining a team for a while, but I'd like to have the ability to consistently stay in S+ first. Since pretty much every competitive team I see is full of S+ 99 squids, I feel like I'd be a hinderance or a let down to them otherwise. I'm also fearful of the team just dying, becoming inactive, etc.
Not every team has S+99 players only. There are many teams with C- ranked players, although not as well known as some of those teams you see with S+99 players, but they still are a team and hopefully are having a fun time. Your rank shouldn't dictate whether you join a team or not (though it does play a role in what team you can join).

Yea, the fear of a team dying and stuff is natural, and can be upsetting if you get attached to the players/team, but it's not over even if that happens!
Was once trying out for a team that didn't really jibe with my I helped to found my own team, instead! We're the Watch Me Whiprays, and we've been around for a bit over a year now...only 7 members currently, but we're super fun, casual, and friendly with each other. I've loved every moment with my team! :D
Nice! Glad you're having a great time with your team.
I've been considering joining a squad but I was talking to a few of my ultra competitive S+99 friends and it's terrifyingly serious. I was turned off to competitive gaming when I started getting into competitive Pokémon but realized how amazingly time consuming and intensive it all is. Also, I'm a sore loser. Any form of intensive competition is something I want to avoid. As cool as it would be to be an amazingly skilled player on a renowned squad, it's just not for me.
Yea, if competitive gaming isn't for you, then it's fine, but you can join a team that isn't all about competitive Splatoon. Just playing together for fun and enjoying the game is nice.
Frankly, I'll probably never be on a competitive team just because I don't have time for that. There are teenagers and "pros" who play their game of choice 16 hours a day. Having family, a job, friends, and a bunch of other hobbies means I just can't compete in that regard.
I don't think anyone plays for that long (hopefully not, that sounds pretty unhealthy), but you are right in that some people play for many hours per day. I guess if you are aiming for the very top, having a busy life can make it difficult to reach that goal.

Sorry that I come across as trying to make you join teams and such, it's just a fun experience, competitive or casual. But you do not have to listen to me on that regard, it's okay if you feel otherwise.

Although, you don't necessarily have to join a team to partake in the competitive community, you can discuss the competitive scene, watch tournaments/teams on Twitch and etc.

Thank you all for responding, I really appreciate it.


Full Squid
Sep 3, 2016
I'm part of Splat Dynamics (SDyn) and we use our discord channel. Recruitments are held monthly on the Splatoon Amino.
I part of 2 other channels: A Splatoon2 discussion server and 'SplatHub'


Inkling Cadet
Community Ambassador
Nov 30, 2016
I've thought about starting or finding a competitive Splatoon server thread. It seems to me that everything is on Discord Twitch and Twitter, and if you don't have those then you're at somewhat of a disadvantage in finding resources and making connections to the community. So yeah, I have a Discord with multiple Splatoon related servers. And yes my team uses one.


Pro Squid
May 11, 2015
Toronto, ON
I'm part of Splat Dynamics (SDyn) and we use our discord channel. Recruitments are held monthly on the Splatoon Amino.
I part of 2 other channels: A Splatoon2 discussion server and 'SplatHub'
Oh, I remember Splatoon Amino. It's cool that people are meeting each other through there.
I've thought about starting or finding a competitive Splatoon server thread. It seems to me that everything is on Discord Twitch and Twitter, and if you don't have those then you're at somewhat of a disadvantage in finding resources and making connections to the community. So yeah, I have a Discord with multiple Splatoon related servers. And yes my team uses one.
Yea, you're right about that. It's hard to find any of these places if you start with nothing. I think that sort of thread will be useful, so that's a good idea.


Inkling Cadet
Sep 9, 2015
Sao Paulo
I play with friends on squad, we have no clan or group, just friendship that trespasses Splatoon and games.


Inkling Commander
Sep 28, 2015
Eh~ I don't frequent Squidboards much anymore after a bad experience here but I'm starting to check in with it a slight bit more. I've played for a couple teams since joining competitive play quite a while ago but currently, I'm captain for and play for Inkarceration. c:

Competitive play can be a bit scary at first but it can be worth it to enter. I can understand why people in this thread can be scared of it because some in our community can be less than kind to newcomers, but there's teams out there who will give them a chance and help them improve. c: We have two players who had never played competitively before and while they're currently not first choice for tournaments, they agreed to do that and they've been improving with the team a lot. You just have to find the right team who will help you start.


Senior Squid
Jun 12, 2015
Hello! I'm interested in joining a team, and I'm looking for a team now, but my life circumstances make it difficult for me to play consistently (or at least every week night). I was on two other teams before, but the Calamari Cuties team is currently not active in Splatoon.


Splatoon subreddit & discord Mod
Community Ambassador
Jul 9, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I've had interest in joining a team for a while, but I'd like to have the ability to consistently stay in S+ first. Since pretty much every competitive team I see is full of S+ 99 squids, I feel like I'd be a hinderance or a let down to them otherwise. I'm also fearful of the team just dying, becoming inactive, etc.
Hitzel isn't S+99. Never has been. He's on Strange Approach, a top A division Western team. You don't need to be S+99 to be on a team, and having one may actually be the resource that gets you there to begin with.

Edit: In general I want to say that a lot of the top teams like Creme Fresh, Strange Approach, Chimera, are friends first and squad mates second. There are definitely people who are geting together for the sole purpose of just being the best but at the same time people who just enjoy playing together make up a lot of the top teams right now as well.

If any time, now, before the competitive scenes evolves further, is probably the best time.
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Full Squid
Feb 19, 2017
Hitzel isn't S+99. Never has been. He's on Strange Approach, a top A division weastern team. You don't need to be S+99 to be on a team, and having one may actually be the resource that gets you there to begin with.

Edit: In general I want to say that a lot of the top teams like Creme Fresh, Strange Approach, Chimera, are friends first and squad mates second. There are dfeinitely people who are geting together for the sole purpose of just being the best but at the same time people who just enjoy playing together make up a lot of the top teams right now as well.

If any time, now, before the competitive scenes evolvse further, is probably the best time.
Thanks for your words. (as well as making me feel a bit haughty lol) It's reassuring knowing that info.

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