How nice of a kit did your main(s) get?


Senior Squid
Jan 31, 2024
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All of the Splatana kits have been a hit for me at least! Hammer and Toxic Mist kinda suck right now but still have their use cases and can be made better with some buffs lord willing


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
I main tetras and splatties

tetras you basically choose if you’d rather have a functioning special vs a bomb, which is not great. I do think both specials have alot of synergy with the main weapon, but zip isn’t stronger enough to make up for the lack of poking power that sprinkler gives it, and reefslider fits the playstyle Really well, it just doesn’t work very well.

Moving onto the splatties where the v splatties have a really strong kit that doesn’t synergize, but the strength of its individual parts still lets it work well in comp with both crab tank being a strong special and suction also being a strong bomb. Unlike the emperries which are very fun with synergy between the kit and how the weapon wants to play, but it is overall much weaker than the v splatties. Due to the fact that curling bomb gets out classed by fizzy and triple splashdown while not being as bad as reefslider, still struggles with retake and getting cancelled out of the special


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
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ok so i fluctuate between a lot of weapons, however there are three weapons that i can consider my main: splatana wiper, ballpoint splatling, and painbrush.

i started playing wiper when i first got splatoon 3 and i was having fun, and even more fun after it got it's paint buff. torpedo is pretty nice, helps you locate enemies and also even combo hits -- then you got ultra stamp, it can be a really fun special to use but it can also be really easily countered by a A LOT of things, so you gotta use it at the best opportunity so you just don't go in and die when trying to use it.

and then you got the deco kit... i don't really like it in all honesty, beakons are cool but you have to fully rely on your main weapon to fight (which can be difficult) and then you've got tenta missiles for the special... so okay, it can help with pushes but it doesn't really help in a middle of a fight, i get that it's meant to fill a different role than the regular kit but it isn't really my cup of tea.

and then you've got ballpoint! i started playing it on the last month of chill season and it was super fun, then the ink jet buff happened and it became even more fun! fizzy bomb is a nice sub for it since you can use it to help you get your special or get a cheeky kill (like spamming it on the stack in barnacle & dime from your spawn or throwing one in mid when the enemy team is entering the area) and then you have ink jet!!! it can help you retake an area or help you get out of a sticky situation where an enemy is trying to rush you down.

but then you got the nouveau kit, they kind of fumbled the bag when trying to give it a more supportive kit. ink mines are nice, i like them since they give you a heads up if somebody is trying to flank you and you can also place them down on the objective (like the tower or splat zone), but then there's ink vac... eh, i feel like they could've given it a better special. ink vac only really helps with pushes which is good, but it doesn't really help you defend yourself and ink vac can be easily shut down, i might be using the special wrong but in the times that i've used it, it didn't really help me. the only mode that i've found the kit fun to use is tri-color!...but only if you're on the attacking team.

and finally, painbrush! i began playing it in sizzle season, at first i didn't think i would like it because i usually didn't like slow weapons, but once i picked it up, i had a lot of fun with! curling bomb is pretty decent, good for helping you get in but i usually have trouble finding other uses for it, and you've got wavebreaker!!! it's really good, you can use it to locate opponents plus push with it! and also in some situations use it as a meat shield!

and then you got it's nouveau kit, which is really good!!! point sensor basically acts as a mini wavebreaker for it, helping locate opponents but not really damaging it. i didn't think that i would like tenta missiles on it but yet again i was surprised! painbrush can get tenta missiles quickly, and it helps A LOT with pushes or taking back an area. i'm using it a lot more than the vanilla kit because of how fun it is!


Semi-Pro Squid
Jan 30, 2024
eating peanut butter
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Whatever weapons you main, how good was they kit they got? I wanna hear details on why if you’ve got the time, stuff like why the sub or special do or don’t work.
As for me, I main Octobrush, and I think both kits have some really good stuff and some misses. On the vanilla kit, zip has really nice synergy with the main weapon, though it’s definitely lacking in range at times. Suction, however, is definitely a miss, due to how slow it is. In my experience, octobrush plays very aggressively, and it would’ve loved a sub that both enabled that & gave it a bit of a ranged option, something like burst or torpedo.
Octobrush Nouveau has a better kit overall. Beakons definitely synergize better with it than suction, letting it play a more supportive role, while also having occasional niche utility as enemy detection for places where you’re able shark. Rain is definitely more supportive, and while it’s not the kind of special that actively threatens enemies, it still synergizes well with the combo of Octobrush & Beakon.
Vanilla stamper is the prefect example of a prefect kit, burst bomb helps combo with stamper, help poke people that's outside its line of sight and help with emergency paint. Zipcaster also has the best synergy with stamper than any other weapon, you could zip close to someone for your melee ohko or kill with the zip, distract people, or zone them out with your range while zipping around to be an annoying target to hit
Stamper nouveau kit has good synergy as well, even if it's not as strong as vanilla, mist can slow people down to help you or a teammate get a pick, crab can combo with stamper quite well, it complements stampers zoning ability by controlling even more space than what the main weapon could do


Full Squid
Jan 31, 2024
North Bay, Ontario
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I'll admit that Krak-On's kit is objectively imperfect, the lack of a bomb can make it very difficult to approach at times. But Kraken really seals the deal here for me. When things do work, you can just see the sparks fly.


Feb 1, 2024
New York City
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Splash-o-matic is my dream kit and it was in the base game. How lucky is that?


Inkster Jr.
Jan 31, 2024
Invading Denmark (as we speak)
I use to want suction replaced with splat bomb for vshot, tho I've came to realize suction is pretty great. It controls the area for longer and has a bigger radius, and I often find myself using it to create a small area of friendly ink I can swim in and get to the enemy side :>

I refuse to imagine a vshot with something other than zooka


Full Squid
Jan 30, 2024
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Stamper, so I got real lucky I think, neo could've had a better sub but crab tank is amazing so idc that much


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
ɢʙᴀ Cheese Land
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reeflux: well... (i'd be lying if i said i didn't enjoy dflux a ton but... that reveal sure was something)
h-3: i'm fine with both kits here, i just want something new for once. if it's getting a 3rd kit we all know it's gonna get the exact same things as in the past (suction bomb, meaning none of the subs it's ever gotten will aid its mobility. i want sprinkler inkjet on h-3)
ballpoint: i prefer the vanilla (the nouveau isn't bad by any means, just... not what i wanted. beakon ultra stamp 🙏)
dapples: i prefer the vanilla (vdapples is such a unique weapon imo. it's like you're playing from the perspective of a lethal bomb)
inkbrush: i prefer the vanilla (what is it with the nouveau brand and constantly doing something weird or bad with 2nd kits)


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
my two Main main weapons are gloogas and tetras, i've flexed around with a ton of other things but those are the two i'm happiest with my skill at

everyone really likes the current kit on gloogas but it honestly doesn't feel that great to me... splash wall feels awkward to use (most of the time my dodge roll ends up putting me precisely in front of it, perfect for someone to blow me up instantly with a bomb thrown at it), and booyah bomb, while objectively very good for it, has always been a bit of a boring special to use for me. hopefully the 2nd kit will be good, i have high hopes for it at least

i've never liked tetras' vanilla kit, not only because reefslider is. reefslider. but also autobomb is a rather slow subweapon which i feel clashes with the main weapon's super aggressive speed. you can get good value out of it but it's just not very interesting to me
light tetras though are really fun to me! maybe it's strange especially after i've complained about so many things that are actually Good, but i don't mind the sprinkler on it at all. the extra paint is nice and i don't really think tetras Needs a bomb anyway, plus it's a fast option for painting walls if you need it since the main weapon paints pretty poorly imo. and zipcaster feels amazing on it, you have so so many options when using it and it's really fun to use zipcaster in a more skirmish-y way to distract people, like tetras likes to do. light tetras can definitely feel weak sometimes overall but it's the kit i have the most consistent fun with any time i play it


Feb 2, 2024
Hero Shot Replica, I've been vibin since the game launched, shoutouts to Splatoon 2 Splashdown.


Senior Squid
Apr 29, 2016
v.jr pretty much got the perfect kit straight away, as someone who actually really likes big bubbler (and REALLY likes splat bomb) (least stereotypical v.jr main)
i've never been a huge fan of custom jr, i don't enjoy the playstyle the kit gives it. torpedo is fun and cheap, but doesn't really do a whole lot for the gun (other than Annoy Everybody Else) and wavebreaker? idk it just doesn't work with the main wep. it feels slapped on. i definitely see why some people prefer it, but i've never got into it.
v. inkbrush also has a perfect kit imo, splat bomb is always versatile and wail is just the perfect mid-run tank refill. i can definitely see what they were trying to do w inkbrush nouveau, esp w stamp, since the brush is a weapon that can move quickly after it's over. iffy on mines. 5/10 kit, it's whatever.
v. octobrush really only works because of zipcaster, it's a fun harmony they have, but i think it can really benefit from something that isn't suction. i think that's really my only complaint abt it.
i really like the octo nouveau kit, but it seems like it mostly works for stuff like turf and zones to me. i honestly haven't played that kit a whole lot, so not much i can say atm


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Sloshing Machine was at the top of the meta for a long time when Splatoon 3 came out so I'd say it got a pretty amazing kit and the maps definitely made it stronger
and the Machine Neo kit is really fun and gives me more freedom for different gear abilities
I would still like a 3rd kit with crab though


Semi-Pro Squid
Jan 30, 2024
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I'm a Naut main and I love this kit (Point Sensor/Ink Storm). I feel so comfortable with it after all this time, and now the kit is buffed! It's gotten to the point where I'm almost afraid of what the second kit will be like, especially if it's got a 70% bomb, because Point Sensor is SO easy to manage ink with.

I'm reminded of my friends playing Stamper Nouveau and saying "honestly it feels kinda good without burst bombs eating your entire ink tank every two seconds".


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
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i play liter and rbpd. liter has a pretty good kit for it that just happens to be weak in this met. rbpds kit is honestly perfect to me. couldn’t ask for better


Jan 31, 2024
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v!chargers kit has one of my favourite specials and my favourite sub, so im pretty happy with it.


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
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I didn't really have a main prior to Splatoon 3 and I feel like by default I'd be pushed towards weapons with good kits, but...

I think the Splattershot's kits are both good. The weapon's versatile enough to the point where you really just need to give it a bomb for it to do stuff and both of its kits have that so they can play around the weaknesses and play to the strengths of both of their specials to some degree. Not a lot to say. This is a hard one to screw up given Nintendo probably would want their Splattershot kits to all have bombs just to maintain that they're simple to use.

Wiper's kits are probably the least good of the three weapons I've sunk the most time into but that's not saying a lot. Torpedo is awesome for it for obvious reasons. Rolling it combos really nicely with a bunch of its stuff and plays to its mobility very well. Ultra Stamp sucks but I can at the very least get the idea behind it. A well-balanced Ultra Stamp suits this weapon perfectly, helping it force its way into spots where it can annoy people the most, but Ultra Stamp kinda sucks right now so we don't get to see that. Wiper Deco was kind of similar before, Tenta Missiles were broken but Beakon makes it a bit unwieldy sinc it has no subweapon to help its fighting. Tenta Missiles are actually balanced now though so it's a lot harder to argue for a reason to use it. It has a niche but it feels so specific and requires a comp to bend over backwards to have it that it's not great.

Stamper's kits are both sick. I feel like people have talked about Burst Bomb, Zipcaster, and Crab Tank to death, so I'm just going to go on about Toxic Mist. It sucks right now, but this is a Wiper Ultra Stamp kind of case where it sucks right now but could be an awesome fit if it were better-balanced. The main weapon and special of Neo Stamper both control space like crazy and Toxic Mist also plays to that while letting the Stamper user go off and do other things. The fact that Stamper is so ink hungry might make it difficult to justify using often even still though. There's also the fact that even a well-balanced Toxic Mist still may not have a place when area denial is done so similarly by the other two aspects of the kit. I don't know what a well-balanced Toxic Mist could look like though, like there's a number of approaches the devs could take, so who knows.

Overall, pretty good. I liked all three of these weapons on launch to some degree. Was looking forward to all three of these weapons' second kits and wasn't really disappointed by any of them to say the least lmao

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