How nice of a kit did your main(s) get?


Inkster Jr.
Jan 29, 2019
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A very short and basic summary of my opinions

Ttek: kit is honestly pretty damn good situationally
Shot: kit's alright, just would rather have a splat bomb rather than suction
Zap 85: again, would rather have the splat bomb, new patch helped a little
Splash: kit is perfect tbh, Neo builds on it


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi
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reeflux: well... (i'd be lying if i said i didn't enjoy dflux a ton but... that reveal sure was something)
h-3: i'm fine with both kits here, i just want something new for once. if it's getting a 3rd kit we all know it's gonna get the exact same things as in the past (suction bomb, meaning none of the subs it's ever gotten will aid its mobility. i want sprinkler inkjet on h-3)
ballpoint: i prefer the vanilla (the nouveau isn't bad by any means, just... not what i wanted. beakon ultra stamp 🙏)
dapples: i prefer the vanilla (vdapples is such a unique weapon imo. it's like you're playing from the perspective of a lethal bomb)
inkbrush: i prefer the vanilla (what is it with the nouveau brand and constantly doing something weird or bad with 2nd kits)
I raise you Tri-Slosher Nouveau, my accidental Splatoon 3 main. (Disclaimer: I don't play competitive and I don't know if I ever will.) Fizzy Bombs are fine in theory, but I don't have the patience to shake and throw them when I could be using that time and ink to farm Tacticooler. If I remember to place it, that is. Most of the time, I Leeroy Jenkins right into the sights of a Charger. Hokuto is my name and hyper offense is my game. Tri-Slosher Nouveau is a weird freakin' kit and I'm a weird freak. Case in point, I've been running Ninja Squid lately, which is just a speed nerf with Tacticooler in my system.

Not relevant to Nouveau doing weird stuff with their kits: In theory, I main Splat Dualies. I really liked them in 2 and I still like them now. I just happen to have gear for the bucket I'd rather level first. I don't use the bombs most of the time because going pew pew pew is so much faster. Crab Tank is OP, give me more. But N-ZAP '89? How they massacred my main. We went from Tenta Missile spam to whatever the heck Super Chumps are supposed to do, and they didn't even get rid of Autobomb. I have '85 in 3 now, which means more Tacticooler farming for me. Again, I have no respect for whatever the sub weapon is. (I think I should learn to use my subs once in a while, like a reasonable inkfish being.)


Jan 31, 2024
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first i got fizzy and inkjet, at the time it was the first time i played bp and I didn't know how to use either of those but now i'm so happy it got those. As for mine and inkvac, the kit is definetly not as good and super situational in comp but it's still super fun, I sniped an inkjet with the vac shot once lmao


Semi-Pro Squid
Jan 30, 2024
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Fizzy Bombs are fine in theory, but I don't have the patience to shake and throw them when I could be using that time and ink to farm Tacticooler.
Fizzy Bombs are actually vital to Tri-Slosher's farming! Recently, Tri with Sub Saver has gotten popular because Fizzy Bombs just do SO well for farming, especially because you gotta consider how far they go out. Tri-Slosher really needs the help and really does not paint that well, especially as they continually push back its ability to farm... Basically, that time spent shaking Fizzy Bombs is VERY well spent.


Jan 30, 2024
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i mostly played heavy splatling for the first year or so the game was out, and i adore the vanilla kit. a splatling firing at you while a wave breaker is going off makes for pretty good area denial and reeeally stresses people out if you do it while they're in a fight :)

i'm not really as fond of the heavy deco kit. i love point sensor very much but heavy is a really good main weapon and i'm not into having a special that takes that away from you for several seconds. other people seem to like it though so i'm sure there's something there i'm not seeing. maybe it's just not my jam?

i barely play like i used to now but when i do it's usually with the nautilus, which like. the kit's not really bad at all, it's definitely not an active hindrance like some kits are, i just think giving it something a little more aggressive will suit it even better.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 31, 2024
Anywhere, Everywhere
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I main Tri-slosher so... unfathomably well. Fizzy/Cooler is literally my dream kit on any weapon I enjoy. That said I main Tri-slosher Nouveau FOR the kit so. Lol. Tri-slosher I only really had a side weapon to play during Splatfests when I got bored, ntri made it my main

My main prior to ntri was Dapple Dualies, so I got Dapple Dualies Nouveau which like... I really love Torpedo on it, but man. Reefslider. I still mained Dapples Nouveau for a very long time (It was my only 5 star weapon until just this week, vdapples I only ever 4 starred), but genuinely just... not... a great kit. Also now that I've 5 starred it I'm never touching it again lol. Dapples isn't a great weapon as is but mannnn can we get a more fun kit to play at least. I'm not sure what I'd actually want as a 3rd Dapples kit (Or a replacement Nouveau kit), but basically anything other than Reefslider would've been better


Senior Squid
Jan 30, 2024
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Whatever weapons you main, how good was they kit they got? I wanna hear details on why if you’ve got the time, stuff like why the sub or special do or don’t work.
As for me, I main Octobrush, and I think both kits have some really good stuff and some misses. On the vanilla kit, zip has really nice synergy with the main weapon, though it’s definitely lacking in range at times. Suction, however, is definitely a miss, due to how slow it is. In my experience, octobrush plays very aggressively, and it would’ve loved a sub that both enabled that & gave it a bit of a ranged option, something like burst or torpedo.
Octobrush Nouveau has a better kit overall. Beakons definitely synergize better with it than suction, letting it play a more supportive role, while also having occasional niche utility as enemy detection for places where you’re able shark. Rain is definitely more supportive, and while it’s not the kind of special that actively threatens enemies, it still synergizes well with the combo of Octobrush & Beakon.
Tri and Range main here, Vtri could've been better but i think the kit is okay, Range is meh its alright (CRB save me) and nTri is godly


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
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Whatever weapons you main, how good was they kit they got? I wanna hear details on why if you’ve got the time, stuff like why the sub or special do or don’t work.
As for me, I main Octobrush, and I think both kits have some really good stuff and some misses. On the vanilla kit, zip has really nice synergy with the main weapon, though it’s definitely lacking in range at times. Suction, however, is definitely a miss, due to how slow it is. In my experience, octobrush plays very aggressively, and it would’ve loved a sub that both enabled that & gave it a bit of a ranged option, something like burst or torpedo.
Octobrush Nouveau has a better kit overall. Beakons definitely synergize better with it than suction, letting it play a more supportive role, while also having occasional niche utility as enemy detection for places where you’re able shark. Rain is definitely more supportive, and while it’s not the kind of special that actively threatens enemies, it still synergizes well with the combo of Octobrush & Beakon.
i played 96 and JetSquelcher in s2
both s3 vanilla kits had me drop the weapons and now im a short range shopter player lmaoo
i should try 96 deco again tho


Jan 30, 2024
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from what i've seen, ppl consider inkbrush to be the best weapon to have wail when it comes to utility, and i personally think the kit works rlly well with my playstyle. as for noveau, the fact that multiple top level players are using it and getting good results out of it shows it's not rly as bad as ppl assume it to be (also its super fun to play with whether it's a "useful" kit or not LMAO)


Semi-Pro Squid
Jan 30, 2024
i have 3 mains rn:
luna neo got fizzy which is really nice but stamp which is not as nice
rapid deco got an amazing kit with a great sub that synergizes well and my favorite special INKJET
vshot got a good kit and its a really good wepon


Inkster Jr.
Jun 12, 2023
Nobody in this thread has mentioned Bamboozler yet so sure, I'll give my two cents:

Autobomb is probably among the better sub weapons it could've gotten imo, it's cheap and provides utility the main weapon appreciates (location + threatening people sharking under ledges). A lot of bamboo players would've preferred a sub that can combo with the bamboozler's 85 damage or paint its feet quickly (torpedo, fizzy, burst bomb) but unless a second kit gets one of those I'm perfectly content with the chicken.

And Killer Wail is great! A more impactful special would likely have more meta relevance but it is exceedingly easy to combo with the lasers. Very nice.

The theme of both sub and special revealing enemies doesn't resonate with me, and it's not perfect, but it works well enough that I can't complain. To be honest, I can see myself continuing to play it even if Bamboo gets a better second kit.

(i also play splattershot and pencil but what do you want me to say. amazing kits. even if blue pencil is kinda boring)


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
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i got so mad at bucket having a support kit and a "what if you had 0 ways to do anything to people outside your range lol" kit that i dropped it and played machine and sword so i could experience the joys of having good kits again


Jan 31, 2024
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I like flingza but mine missiles is bland (please fresh 24 save me) and i didnt play that much of rapid til s3. I did main splash in s2 and while I liked its base kit at launch, started to dislike it as it became way more common and crab became less fun to me. Neo was just a mistake though no way they decided ttek 2 was better than zipcaster ☠


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
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Inkbrush I'm not so much a fan of the nouveaux, but the vanilla kit is awesome. I hope if inkbrush gets a third kit it gets torp

Explosher has an okay kit, I love point sensor, being able to see people behind walls is perfect, and inkstorm is fine especially with the regen thingy it got but I think the kit could definitely improve


Full Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Man I main splatter shot noveu and I think it’s perfect, point sensor to know where to hit and the killer whale for long to medium range


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
The Chicken pen
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Hydra main here and I'm quite frankly having the time of my life. Auto/Booyah is a near perfect kit and both parts of it are really strong.
It's like the devs looked at s2 Hydra and thought "Hey, Booyah Bomb does pretty much the same thing as Splashdown except it synergises with the main better instead of just being an awful panic button."
The only way current kit could be better is if it had mines instead of autobomb. But like, autobomb is the goat. It has saved me more times than I can count by alerting me of threats and even killing them sometimes. It's also pretty good at poking the opponent backline and people hiding under my snipe. And it's dirt cheap, which Hydra always appreciates.
Autobomb, my beloved, my sweet little chicken.


Jan 30, 2024
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I've played vanilla ballpoint since launch (I had to slog through the period where inkjet was terrible :/) and have come to really enjoy the kit after playing around fizzy more and improving with jet. I really enjoy the option to poke under ledges with bombs and to have play-making potential with a well aimed inkjet shot. I feel like backlines are frequently at the mercy of what the other players are doing to position well, which is why I'm more underwhelmed with the nouveau kit. Not getting beakon was a massive disappointment to say the least, but the kit has grown on me a little. The thing mostly holding it back is being terrible on defense as it has no tools to push back in easily, and vac doesn't have as strong an impact unless in rainmaker.

I didn't pick up pencil 5H until the last 4 months, but I'm really enjoying how well it synergizes with cooler. The movement and ability to position more aggressively once cooler is up is a really fun playstyle that allows for swapping between support and aggression. Sprinker is fine on it, good for a little mobility and paint but nothing more. I absolutely hate the 5B kit, mostly because of how little charge you have to work with after using a wall. Storm is just okay on it, even if it is probably one of the strongest options for it right now.

vRapid has a meh kit, so I didn't touch the weapon until the deco kit released. I was initially disappointed it got jet instead of crab, but after the jet buffs it feels so fun to play. The ability to skirmish and poke with torpedos are always nice, and the rolled torp combo is still fun even if you can't do it as well as in Splatoon 2. Jet is especially nice on it, as it gives you both a panic button and an offensive push tool. It isn't the best at defending itself after recalling, but a rolled torp can sometimes get a trade if you've already chipped someone camping your landing. 210p does hurt a lot unfortunately, but a little special charge and trying to avoid dying does net me around 4-6 jets per game.

Also been playing range off and on since launch. Suction is expensive and I'd rather have fizzy, but the syergy with wave is really nice despite being on the weaker side right now. Definitely leans a little more supportive with the current kit, and I'd like to see either CRB return or fizzy/kraken for more aggression.


Semi-Pro Squid
May 3, 2023
The Steamworks
she/her and they/them
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S2 : Wall/bomb rush and suction/missiles. S3 : mines/missiles
I'm not doing too well. Hopefully Foil will break the curse 🙏


May 3, 2023
Flounder Heights
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I was roughing it with Splat Brella for the longest before the Sorella kit dropped and there was literally no reason to play vanilla. Inkjet is MY special and I love supporting fights my mates are losing and stopping some pushes.

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