This has plagued me for the longest time. Nintendo actually has a comment about rank skipping in the game instructions but it only says something like “if you have a really great performance” which is ambiguous.
I especially want to know whether splats matter or doesn’t.
I have seen a player skip by 10 ranks in S+ from S+40-50 with THREE cracks. That means he lost at least 3 matches (could have been more I don’t remember). But the player averaged nearly 20 kills every match. That lends credence to the idea that splats matter. Though I know, logically, they shouldn’t have made it matter considering some matches are won instantly. But we can’t jump to the conclusion that Nintendo played it 100% logical here.
I have also gotten NO cracks before and only moved up by 1 in S+. My kill count was not that high IIRC, maybe an average of 10 a match or less. Was that part of the reason I didn’t skip?
One top player I know named qM Zeroto skips ranks in S+ very frequently, and he also averages around 20 splats a match.
On the other hand, I skipped in S+ by 2 (not a lot but still a skip) and I remember near all the matches ending in instant KO (rainmaker) meaning I couldn’t have netted that many kills.
My younger sister skipped from C- to B- yet IIRC she lost quite a lot of games.
It’s really hard to say and we just need more solid evidence to determine conclusions.
To achieve near conclusive results regarding splats, I believe the following method is necessary:
Play and see if you can skip ranks with LOW kill counts yet with quick KOs and winning nearly every match or all matches (not that easy to do in low ranks but it’s necessary haha).
If you can’t skip ranks (at least not to the highest possible) despite winning every game with this method then splats MUST matter.
So far the potential factors (not all have been proven 100%) listed are:
- # of losses
- KO count/ratio
- Splats
- Power
It is possible that these are allotted a percentage each but the formula would be very hard to determine with just empirical results.
I suggest we gather results from a large pool with no lying or “I feel I got X kills or X losses”, i.e. with picture proof, and then we can draw conclusions from there.
Side comment on Power: The thing with POWER is that if you get bad RNG with enemies, i.e. if their power is lower than yours all the time, are you saying the game won’t allow you to skip? That would seem very unfair.
To OP: I appreciate the work you’ve put in so far. The factors you list are persuasive and I hope in time we’ll see that they are conclusive as well.