How to aggressively open in games

How to aggressively open in games


Inkling Commander
Jan 29, 2024
DzNutsKong submitted a new resource:

How to aggressively open in games - Shorter guide for QR or aggro weapons


I was playing with some people on here not long ago and had a pretty big realization for a small guide I could post here. Learning the Decavitator has forced me into learning how to play much more quickly than I used to with the more supportive weapons I had tried previously. Something that I would soon learn is that starting a game out on the right foot can be a huge deal. Playing from a disadvantaged spot in this game is very tricky so getting good at forcing that early can...
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Full Squid
Jun 4, 2024
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It’s really interesting reading this from the perspective of a Hydra, because I have picked up over time to do literally the exact opposite of these. Mostly because I am trying to counter play the aggro weapons (lol at your Brinewater commentary, like countering that ramp on opening isn’t my #1 priority; or like Inkblot, where my opening position also takes control of that ramp), but also because taking those counter positions with mega long range helps create a pincher effect for my own aggro teammates.

I’m actually having to unlearn some of this counter play and play it a little more conservatively – I can get myself into games where I’m getting outplayed on technical skill. Can’t counter play when you’re dead.


Jan 30, 2024
I've been summoned, it's sendou ink map planning time

I very strongly second this. The biggest mistake I see in other solo players is being too passive with their positioning, and if you've got a weak opening, you're likely to just, fold, the instant the enemy splats you. I don't want to spend too long on this so just know that as a frontline, I'd rather you die in an aggro position than live in a passive one.

Which position you take is very dynamic but it's pretty set at the beginning of a match, so it's not that difficult to stick to your plans once they're set.

I agree with most of the guide, but I do have some disagreements and adjustments with Deez's plans, so I'll give my opinions

Agg Scorch.png

Exhibit A: Scroch Gorge.
Not much to add, except that I really like opening on left side as a safer weapon, that way it's painted, and there's a good retreat option. Make sure to play around cover for aggro positionings, don't stay in the open for too long!

Agg Haggle.png

Exhibit B: Hagglefish
I don't really like the right flank to be honest. It's decent as a counter flank but having to make two jumps with one on a grate only to end up with no paint or cover on the enemy side is just a big ask. The only weapons I can see taking it are squeezer or stamper, since they can hold a lot of space from the ramp without jumping on the grates, but even then the enemy team can just go on their right side and that flank just didn't accomplish much on its own.
So I think the left one's much better for being faster, being able to back up and having more paint/cover.
Keep in mind people will look for it very often, so don't be afraid to back up! Just hold your ground and threaten to go all the way.

Agg Under.png

Exhibit C: Undertow
Depends on your weapon. Do you thrive on open terrain? Can you keep yourself alive with minimal cover? Go right side.
Can you ledge camp? ie are you a roller or splatana stamper? Then go left side IMMEDIATELY. You need to be fast with the left flank since people will keep you out of there fast.

By the way, storytime on undertow zones. I was fighting Silver, who I firmly believe is the best stamper on tentatek division, while I was playing recycled 2, and I KNEW spawning in that he was going to ledge camp the right side, so I dropped further to the right and immediately got two directs, before gaining insane momentum right on opening!
And then someone DCed... within 30 seconds on the game. I was livid

So then Silever stopped going straight for ledge everytime after, knowing I'd look for him. Dammit

Exhibit D: technical error time, guess I'm making more posts with the rest


Jan 30, 2024
Exhibit D: for real this time, except squidboards apparently hates my Mahi plan what the hell??
So for Mahi I do really like opening on right side but it's very risky, it highly depends on the weapon. Stampers, 52s, Tents, and honestly most backlines should try it, it's very strong.

Agg Manta.png

Exhibit E: Manta
There's a few routes I like on manta, I think the jump is very strong on opening since it's kind of hard to watch, just make sure not to go immediately on the enemy bunker since that's very predictable.
I also like going on the grates as a long range weapon to challenge the enemy bunker, dualies are decent at it too.
Going for the bunker's wall can work but it's very situational since that's easy to watch for the enemies, I probably shouldn't have included it here.

Now, the red zone is essentially no man's land. No cover, no way for your team to trade you out, very vulnerable and loud. The enemies will get there faster than you too at a certain level. I don't see how this works on any weapon other than maybe tent (I'm taking notes)

Agg Wahoo.png

Exhibit F: Wahoo
I don't like the flank on the right side drop that goes allll the way behind the enemies, just by virtue of how long it is. You'll have no team support, it'll take forever, and unless you get an insane kill streak, you won't be able to hold the area by yourself. It can work but it's too commital, while still being very risky.

Yellow path is for short range weapons, I like it a lot. Purple one is for longer range ones that can cross fire the enemy side. AKA squeezer. Thank god it got nerfed

Exhibit G: apparently my Mako plan is inappropriate too.:mad:
For Mako, I think it's important for the core of the team to hold the left stack on opening, while the aggro weapons should target the right stack by using the front and right side wall, since they're pretty hard to watch. You can go behind and stuff but make sure to take that area, then you can take out the rest of the team. This is a pretty common angle, so make sure to mix up your opponents!
Oh, and bombs. Bomb the right stack

Agg Bluefin.png

Exhibit H: Bluefin
I really like the left side drop. Just by being there, you can prevent the enemies from going through the zone, so they have to deal with you. If you can get a kill or take more space, that's great too, but make sure to stay alive if you can.
I also like the purple jump. If no enemies are on their ramp, you can get some free high ground. It's situational but pretty devastating

Agg Marlin.png

Final Exhibit: Marlin
I really like the yellow drop, it leads to a good area to hold and it's very likely enemies will be standing there, so it's a great angle to take. Really underrated on retake too!
The purple route is similar but it's much more visible, so you might get watched from the enemy snipe, be careful

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