Honestly when screen was datamined, I was hoping it would have been like the fog from salmon runThe most plausible suggestion I've heard would be to apply the fog effect from Salmon Run. That's something we know doesn't cause sensory issues. For audio, I think you could actually justify just muting the game entirely. That's a buff, but it's a necessary one, anything else will just have players get used to it and not be impacted. It's not like Screen is actually strong in its current state, if it's going to be reworked it needs teeth.
However, I'm of the opinion that a purely visual special was bad game design from the start and the best thing to do would be to throw it out and replace it with something entirely different. I just don't think you can balance this sort of thing because it's always going to affect some players moreso than others. But I know Nintendo's never gonna do that, we're stuck with this.
I would make it do more damage and get rid of the sound effectSo if you don't know, the Splattercolor Screen special has become an accessibility issue for Splatoon. The visual effects it has can be painful to certain folk and harms their ability to play the game.
I'm sure Nintendo will push out some sort of fix for the special eventually, so before that happens I thought I'd make a thread where we can predict some of the changes they would make or maybe just share some changes you would like to see!
Personally, I think they'll get rid of the grayscale filter and will instead make all ink one solid color.
Adding onto this, please please PLEASE let your team see through this thingSubduction. Make everything sound hazy instead of loud and sizzling, and make the ink colors look the same.
If they keep the sound fxs then throw in some special sounds, and sounds from hero mode and salmon run just for fun.
Let me explain myself a little the color blindness and noise is annoying but sometimes you can just go through in to get someone behind it and the only way of fixing that is making it super broken and also in a game like splatoon the colours and the sounds is what makes the game so fun and unique and taking that away just makes it look boringI'd simply remove it, It Has horrible design.