As a whole I'm pretty happy with where the meta is. I do still have issues with Snipewriter being so overbearing in the backline slot, but it's not quite as bad as it used to be. In fact, Edit has seen more use at times due to being more active than Pencil. Overall the meta is fine.
Something I would really like to see is the return of Inkjet meta to some extend. Not only is the special fun to use, but also fun to fight againts. In order to do that, we'll need to look at what killed Inkjet meta in the first place.
The main culprits are Trizooka and the rise of the Snipewriter/Cooler.
For starters I would revert Zooka back to it's 3.0.0 incarnation. Reverting all buffs and nerfs and only keeping the damage buff againts Crab Tank. This is basically the same as launch Zooka, which to me was fine. It wasn't outright bad, but it wasn't great either. It was just an ok special, and that's all it needs to be. Maybe keep the startup nerf if that's still overbearing.
Snipewriter I'm inclined to just keep as is. Maybe give it a range nerf, though I don't think it's that necessary. I do still want backlines to be the primary Inkjet counter and Pencil does it just fine without being as dominant againts the special like it's one-shot siblings.
In an ideal world teams would have to pick between an backline that can spam Coolers (Pencil), a backline that can counter Pencil/Inkjet (one-shot Chargers) and a backline that can spam Inkjets (Ballpoint). To make this a real choice, I'd say Cooler would need a nerf. I'm quite fond of nerfing the Special Saver effect myself, though I'm not sure if it should just be nerfed or removed completely. Either way, Cooler needs to be weaker while still being worthwhile. This would weaken Pencil as an option, letting other backlines shine more. All without destroying Edit's chances at being viable.
Interesting thing about bringing Inkjet meta back is the fact that we do have a new Inkjet option in Decav. I could totally see Pencil/Decav becoming the main Inkjet meta pair even with nerfs to Pencil and Cooler. I'm kinda torn on if this is a good thing or not. On one hand having more options is great, on the other hand how well does Decav farm Inkjets? I'm not familiar enough with the weapon to know for sure, but as far as I can tell it shouldn't be a problem. At least not enough of a problem where a simple +10 to it's points for special wouldn't fix it.
Either way, I think Decav becoming the new meta weapon would be quite nice for Ballpoint since it can deal with Decav quite nicely. Which would increase the potential diversity in backlines.
Of course we gotta do something to Inkjet as well. More specifically, the weapons with Inkjet. The special itself was fortunately not hit with many major nerfs. At least not any nerfs that I don't think were deserved. Mainly I want to put the Ballpoint Splatling's pfs back to 200p. As a sidenote: I find Ballpoint's buff/nerf history so funny. If you haven't seen it yet go check it out.
Let's also buff Rapid Blaster Deco's pfs from 210p to 190p. The weapon doesn't exactly paint well, so I'm baffled as to why it's special output was nerfed. This would help it keep up with Ballpoint and other Inkjet weapons, making it a solid option. Being an AOE weapon would also help enable different team comps which is always fun.
Also for funsies, let's revert Annaki Nova's pfs nerf. Make it go back to being 200p. It's not gonna fix the weapon or make it all that viable, but hey why not. Give the weapon a silly little niche. Let it have some fun being an Inkjet spammer.
And as a final thing, I want to quickly address the Big Bubbler. Inkjet's damage againts the special was pretty heavily nerfed, but I think that's fine. Honestly bringing Inkjet back could potentially give us a sort-of special triangle where Inkjet beats Strikes, Strikes beats Bubbler and Bubbler beats Inkjet. It kinda sucks that you need a special to deal with Bubbler though, so maybe we could revert some of the buffs it has gotten. Make it go back to having a radius of 6 units instead of 7.5 and increase the damage dealt to it's weakpoints by 10%.
Alternatively: give Pencil crazy object damage againts Big Bubbler specifically. That'd be funny.