I want to create a squad with people that are 0-17 because i want to create a squad with people that i feel comfortable with. We will not talk but will chat between battles. And i can't participate in tournaments where you get physical prizes because of my parents. I also made a comment on a video, this was the comment: Anyone want to join my squad? In this squad we will not communicate (sounds forced but it isn't meant to be) with eachother because i find it very uncomfortable talking with people that i haven't seen before irl. My ID for Splatoon is YosFanNerGam (i can't friend request on that account so we have to put in eachother's codes). FYI i have a second account for non-Splatoon stuff called "YShFNNRdGMR" (i can friend request on that account). I will wait till the 21th of November.