Hi! I've been playing mostly solo since launch, and I've hit a point where I really need to start playing with a group to keep improving. I'd love to be in the casual group and try out for the competitive team. I'm very flexible with weapon choice, role, and play schedule, though I mostly love playing support or sneaking around to flank the enemy.
Nickname: Hylirica
NNID: Hylirica
Skype: Hylirica
Timezone: US - EST
Current Rank: S 9
Highest Rank: S 35
Main Weapon: Zink Mini Splatling, Aero RG, Jr, and now Wasabi. I love switching up my weapon and play everything but the heavy chargers.
Strongest Mode: Splat Zones
Runner / Defense / Offense / Support I've enjoyed all of these roles depending on my weapon and the map. I've selected the roles I most often fill with my Zink Mini.