- Joined
- Apr 23, 2015
- Messages
- 13
I removed TheAuraDisciple to add Nihabz. Also, what time is the tournament. I see 6pm at top of OP, 5pm in the edit updates and someone said 12pm was going to be added but it doesn't show up in the version updatesTeam Name: Glitch
Team Leader: Shinobi (LinkAnthony)
Skype of team leader: ac1dfr33
Team Members IGN and NNID’s (3-7): Icy (icyicyicy1), Mason (Swagy-p16), Nihabz (Nihabz)
Team Tag (2-4 Characters): G$
Can anyone stream on your team (Yes/No): Yes
Can you host a room (Yes/No): Yes
Main timezone of team: EST