so, anyone can independently stream the qualifying rounds of the tournament, but top-cut will take place in one 4-hour block, with commentary from our affiliates. everything's so uncertain, but we're trying to lock in a date for the top-cut event. with the lack of spectator mode, we have some issues, like how we can't get feed to commentate off of teams that can't stream, given the event that they make it to top-cut. there's also the issue of if a team can't make it to the top-cut event, but we're slowly-but-surely working out the kinks.I'm still confused how streaming and commentating will work. Are all matches going to be streamed on the players' own channel, or through one single channel? Matches are happening over the course of a few days, not in one afternoon. How are they planning on commentating that? Are they just going to commentate over the vods or stream single matches whenever they are played? I know you've said you aren't talking more about this, but this is something I'm really interested in and I'm confused how you will do it
I just wanted to mention that two of Squid Squad's teams would face each other in the second round if they both won. Can this be changed? Thanks.ATTENTION
The more-or-less FINAL Ink or Sink: Testifre ruleset can be found in the description of the Challonge bracket page, linked here:
pretty sure bracket has yet to be randomized. :)I just wanted to mention that two of Squid Squad's teams would face each other in the second round if they both won. Can this be changed? Thanks.
Oh sorry, I thought it said bracket, not rulesetpretty sure bracket has yet to be randomized. :)
Not part of the team but I would imagine a match would be streamed by an individual player, then be re streamed by the main channel with commentary. The Mario Kart World Cup did this to success last month and I think this can apply well to splatoon. Odds are at least one player from either team in a match can streamI'm still confused how streaming and commentating will work. Are all matches going to be streamed on the players' own channel, or through one single channel? Matches are happening over the course of a few days, not in one afternoon. How are they planning on commentating that? Are they just going to commentate over the vods or stream single matches whenever they are played? I know you've said you aren't talking more about this, but this is something I'm really interested in and I'm confused how you will do it
How can I join in? If I can join do I have have to make my own team or can I join someone who doesnt have enough players.Ladies and Gentlesquids, Welcome to the first ever Splatoon Tournament on Squidboards known as the Ink or Sink: Testfire! We would personally like to thank this community for pushing the boundaries on this wonderful game. @Protom, @Power, @RocketClauncher, @Math and myself want to give back to the community what we have gained from this magnificent game, and we decided that the best way was by creating the Ink or Sink: Testfire!
Date: 6:00 PM EST August 7th, 2015
Team Spreadsheet:
Question and Answer Thread:
Tournament Poll:
- We're currently at 54 out of 64 teams! Make sure you sign up before all spots are taken
Ruleset: Best of Five, Double Elimination
- Teams must have 4-8 Players, and players may not be on more than one team
- Each set in rounds prior to Finals will be played as best of five. Each round of the tournament will feature a different mode in this order: Turf War, Splat Zones, Tower Control
- Maps will be chosen for the first match in a set in a 1-2-1 style banning. (Similar to Smash)
- For the first match you must choose from the Starting Maps:
- Urchin Underpass
- Saltspray Rig
- Walleye Warehouse
- Blackbelly Skatepark
- Arowana Mall
- For following matches any map may be used, but the winning team of the previous match may ban 3 maps from being played that match. Maps added to the list are:
- Port Mackerel
- Kelp Dome
- Bluefin Depot
- Moray Towers
- Camp Triggerfish
- Dave's Stupid Rule is put into effect, which means that Maps cannot be picked again in the same set if you have previously won on that map
- The Order of steps in between matches are as follows.
- Ban Stages
- Weapon/Gear Selection
- Stage Choice
- Team member swapping will be allowed between rounds.
- Pictures must be taken by both teams of all matches played in a set, otherwise the set for both teams will not count. The trust rule will be put into effect, so for example if your team rage quits and refuses to send in pictures the other team will still be able to advance. is a good host for using pictures.
- Each team member is recommended to have their tag on at all times when playing in the tournament.
- If disconnections occur to more than one player, the match will be replayed, if it occurs again, whatever team was leading will win immediately. Consider changing hosts if it continues to happen.
Grand Finals: Best of Seven, Mode Striking
- All Finals (Winners, Losers, Grand) will be best of seven.
- Mode will be chosen by both teams striking a mode they don’t want to play.
- The remaining mode will be played for that match
- This banning system will be used for all matches of the finals, with the losing team being the first to pick which mode they will ban.
- If Winners Finals team loses in Grand Finals, Grand Finals will be played again.
- Map Banning will remain the same as previous rounds.
Team Application:
Team Name:
Team Leader:
Skype of team leader:
Team Members IGN and NNID’s (3-7):
Team Tag (2-4 Characters):
Can anyone stream on your team (Yes/No):
Can you host a room (Yes/No):
Main timezone of team:
Team Name: Chargin Chucks
Team Leader IGN/NNID: RoyLee/ InfernoUprising
Skype of team leader: live:rpreator0520
Team Members IGN’s/NNID’s (3-7): Rocket/rockett Rayman/Legends Math/Class
Team Tag (2-4 Characters): CC
Can anyone stream on your team (Yes/No) if so, twitch? : No
Can you host a room (Yes/No): Yes
Main timezone of team: CST
Note: We want this to be a successful tournament and we want to see competitive splatoon become big, so this is a test tournament for all future TO’s of Splatoon. We want to learn about what other types of rulesets can be used for the future tournaments of this game. We hope that all will go well and please remember, You will either ink, or sink.
We will also answer any questions that you may have about it and if and info is found to be missing, we will update the OP as soon as possible.
Thank You!
RoyLee, Protom, Math, Rayman, Rocket, Hank
PS: If you get 1-4th place you get a cool banner made by @RocketClauncher himself!
-Alright everyone! We have concurred in the Tournament Committee skype chat and we have found that we are just going to start on this date. There will be no specific start time and no specific end time. however we will have a time that each round must be finished by. For example, The first round must be completed in 0-48 hours from the start time. You have the leader of the other team must find a time to do it. We will make a skype group with all of the leaders to go over who is doing what matchup and what the rules are in case of any confusion.
-Time was change to 5:00 EST on August 7th
-Tags are no longer required, but are however extremly recommended
-The Deadline for registering is now August 5th at 6:00 PM EST
-The max size of a group is now 8
-Q&A was added, and Teamspeak requirement was removed.
-Team Spreadsheet was added
Banner was added for 1st through 4th place
-Removed Rule 4 and replaced with Daves Stupid Rule
-Added Daves Stupid Rule
-Added Order of play between matches. The order is Banning Maps, Then Weapon/Gear Selection, Then Stage Picking.
-Added link to the poll and edited some wording.
- Changed the number of teams that can participate to 64
- We're currently at 54 out of 64
Note: This version of the Ink or Sink Official Ruleset is NOT the final version. Make sure to keep checking back for ruleset updates.
If they do keep the updates live then im pretty sure they would only let you do joining up with friends gor splatfest turf war, since no other mode would be accessed at that time and given that the whole event cuts the tournament off and goes til 9pm on the 8th i dont think there would be enough time to do the other modes let alone finish the tournament on the 9th.ATTENTION this is a generic message we're sending out to all team leaders concerning scheduling. If you read this message, please like this reply, so we don't have to contact you individually.
Dear Ink or Sink team leader
Despite the North American Splatfest taking place on August 7th, and the European Splatfest taking place on August 8th, we’re sticking to our original starting date of August 7th.
The reasoning for this is that we don’t think Nintendo will implement a new feature, and then disable it two days later, and we’re very hopeful in this fact.
The schedule is being revised as follows:
Between the times of August 7th, 6 PM EST and August 9th, 6 PM EST, the following rounds MUST be completed.
Winners Round 1
Winners Round 2
Winners Round 3
Winners Round 4
Losers Round 1
Losers Round 2
Losers Round 3
Losers Round 4
Losers Round 5
Losers Round 6
Losers Round 7
Losers Round 8
Losers Semis
Between the times of August 9th, 6 PM EST and August 9th, 10 PM EST, the following rounds MUST be completed in the order that follows.
1 - Losers Finals
2 - Winners Semis
3 - Winners Finals
4 - Grand Finals
5 - Grand Finals Round 2 (in the event that the team from the loser’s bracket wins Grand Finals)
We hope everyone can comply. We’re on a very tight schedule, and Splatfest was a bump in the road that we weren’t expecting. If everything goes according to plan, our schedule can be kept, and Ink or Sink can provide an entertaining top-cut event, complete with commentary, to the Splatoon and eSports community.
Thanks for sticking with us!
- Ink or Sink Development Committe
At this point, you would have to try to join a team with not a full 8 players. There will be no more teams joining, as now there are 64 teams in the tournament. To make your own team, you will have to wait until the next Ink or Sink, which I believe the TO's said would be about a month from now.How can I join in? If I can join do I have have to make my own team or can I join someone who doesnt have enough players.
Just gonna throw out there that losers finals can't happen before winner finals. Also there is no reason to have a 48 hour period to play until there are 5 teams left. That is just going to cause more confusion with some teams only being able to play all their matches on the 7th and some teams only being able to play on the 8th or 9th, and they are going to plan around that. If two of those teams meet its going to bring the whole bracket to a screeching halt. They might be able to find a time to play, but if that happens 4 times in the best case scenario the bracket will not finish in 48 hours. If anything it should just be scheduled for one day and played until top 5 or w/e you want the commentated part to be.ATTENTION this is a generic message we're sending out to all team leaders concerning scheduling. If you read this message, please like this reply, so we don't have to contact you individually.
Dear Ink or Sink team leader
Despite the North American Splatfest taking place on August 7th, and the European Splatfest taking place on August 8th, we’re sticking to our original starting date of August 7th.
The reasoning for this is that we don’t think Nintendo will implement a new feature, and then disable it two days later, and we’re very hopeful in this fact.
The schedule is being revised as follows:
Between the times of August 7th, 6 PM EST and August 9th, 6 PM EST, the following rounds MUST be completed.
Winners Round 1
Winners Round 2
Winners Round 3
Winners Round 4
Losers Round 1
Losers Round 2
Losers Round 3
Losers Round 4
Losers Round 5
Losers Round 6
Losers Round 7
Losers Round 8
Losers Semis
Between the times of August 9th, 6 PM EST and August 9th, 10 PM EST, the following rounds MUST be completed in the order that follows.
1 - Losers Finals
2 - Winners Semis
3 - Winners Finals
4 - Grand Finals
5 - Grand Finals Round 2 (in the event that the team from the loser’s bracket wins Grand Finals)
We hope everyone can comply. We’re on a very tight schedule, and Splatfest was a bump in the road that we weren’t expecting. If everything goes according to plan, our schedule can be kept, and Ink or Sink can provide an entertaining top-cut event, complete with commentary, to the Splatoon and eSports community.
Thanks for sticking with us!
- Ink or Sink Development Committe
It sure is!Is the bracket we're seeing now the final version?