So my squad would like to join but we arent 100% because we don't know if we will have at least 4 people at that time so if there is an adjustment to the time then maybe it will be possible. Entering our info anyway just in case we have enough player for the tournament
Team Name: Hijinks
Team Leader: Brandon
Skype of team leader: yoshifan123
Team Members IGN and NNID’s (3-6): (IGN, NNID;) Charles, WowItsCharles; Mango, orb.origin; λBrandon; HURRRRRRRRR, Twonk, twinklebutter59; Dusk, sk8778
Team Tag (2-4 Characters): [Hι]
Can anyone stream on your team (Yes/No): Yes
Can you host a room (Yes/No): Yes
Main timezone of team: EST