Just watched the past broadcast of our match against IM on
@flc 's Twitch.
Gotta admit lag was an issue for both Kizume and me for your team.
As the host of the room, I didn't felt it a lot on my part though (except when you sniped me and I though I escaped behind a wall quickly enough). Physical distance and my bandwitch that is not the best are probably the cause. I often host private rooms when I play with my team, we don't have much trouble lag-wise, I though it was going to be alright. I think I'll let someone with optic fiber host the private rooms for us for the rest of the tournament.
As for Kizume, I think it might be someone using more or less of his bandwidth at the same time. Gotta make sure it doesn't happen again.
I hope we'll get a rematch some time later. Our aiming as snipers Boolerex and I was way too off lmao, Goomba and Kizume completely carried the games for us.
As for the end of game 5, I spammed my splash bombs with bomb rush on the zone until victory. Kreygasm
But for some reason, probably lag coupled with framerate drops, it seems it was not displayed properly from your point of view.