Ink Saver Sub Usefulness?


Inkling Commander
Nov 29, 2016
Sorry if there's already a thread or twenty about this (if so, feel free to just direct me there), but over a year ago I was told that ink saver sub was nearly useless, and that ink recovery up was better in most cases. However, I also heard that at some point Ink Saver Sub got a buff of some kind?

So in your opinion, is Ink Saver Sub especially useful? And in what situations/with what subweapons do you think it benefits the user most?


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
I feel like weapons benefit less from ISS when they cost less ink (I've heard a rumor that weapons with a higher ink cost get reduced more by this ability, which is only sort of true, because the subs reduce it by a certain percentage. Since some subs use up larger quantities of ink, a greater amount of ink gets reduced, but it doesn't actually take off an even larger percentage than it would with a weapon that consumes less ink, which is what that statement originally led me to believe). The number of times you can use them can increase, but you don't ever need to use any of the small ink consumption subs consecutively except for maybe with burst bombs, making ISS somewhat useful with it in some situations, although they aren't that deadly, and you shouldn't rely on them to get you kills, especially after the update in which their ink cost increased to 40%. The worst subs to use ISS with are probably disruptors and point sensors, because they consume a smaller amount of ink, and ink mines, sprinklers, and beacons, since you generally don't need much ink immediately after placing one, and the ink mines also don't consume much ink, making them the worst subs to use ISS with (They're really bad, so that shouldn't disappoint anyone). It can be useful with other bombs and splash walls because you have more time to use your main weapon after firing, and those weapons are frequently used against enemies, so after using the sub, you're much more likely to actually need the extra ink.

I think there are much better subs you could be using. I'd say you absolutely shouldn't use this except with Suction Bombs, Splat Bombs, and Splash Walls, and even then I'd strongly advise against it. ISM(ain) saves ink in more situations since your main weapon is used a lot more than your sub, and when you do need to use a sub weapon either just before or after using your main weapon, you'll save some ink no matter which type of Ink Saver you're using.


Pro Squid
Sep 16, 2015
Ink saver sub was indeed quite bad before the buff. Now, I would say it's ok in two situations:

1- You have a special strategy and ISS is needed for it
2- It's more efficient to have ISS over the other ink bonuses

1 is for example when you want to throw two splat or suction bombs in a row. For this you have no choice but to put a whole lot of ISS. I wouldn't recommend this as it's taking too much of your gear, and I feel it's more useful and more cheap to spam grenades with ink recovery, but well the possibility still exists if you like it or aim for a specific thing.

2 would be about ink-eating strategies. For instance if you want to use a lot your sub, maybe it's better to have 2 mains of ink recovery and 1 of ISS than 3 of ink recovery. I don't know, I didn't try, but I guess at some point it's better to mix ISS with IR, so...

Anyway. My personal opinion:

- Consider it mostly with burst bombs (a little under two mains to be able to throw 3 in a row, even though I advice you not to do it without recovering some ink in-between).

- If you have the choices between ink saver main, ink saver sub and ink recovery, the last one is probably the best because it's good for both your weapon and sub. Then it would be main because you normally use more your weapon than your sub.

- Don't forget other bonuses have influence on your ink. Come-back is quite good for instance. You can think about special saver or special charge up too, as using your special will give you ink (especially useful with echo and bubble, which are instant fills).

- And as a last advice: remember having more ink might make you shoot more, which can be a bad habit. If you have few ink, you'll use it more wisely (you'll swim/hide more which is basically better to slow your pace and assess the situation, you'll be forced to aim better,...).

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
T'was talk on Inkademy discord about using a couple subs of :ability_inksaversub: on Zimi to get a bit more charge from your main, in the event you have to throw two disruptors without recharging in between.

Also, though these are considered gimmicks, you can get three point sensors with enough :ability_inksaversub: or two splat bombs from one full tank of ink.


Inkling Commander
Oct 3, 2016
ur mom
I personally love the perk, it's extremely useful on weapons that like to burst cancel like
, :wst_roller_compact00:, and

It's also useful on some wall weapons like: :wst_shot_heavy01: :wst_shot_gravity00:

After that, it's not all that useful. Typically you want to set up beacons in a "safe" place, not somewhere where you immediately need your ink. The same goes for sprinklers, plus you shouldn't have to use these sub weapons too often. Point sensors don't really need this as they don't consume too much ink in the first place, same for disruptors. Splat Bombs and Suction Bombs could find some success, but I find if I want to throw two at a time, I'd have to waste a lot of gear slots just for that. Seekers, pretty much the same thing, but I don't think too many people would have a reason to just spam them. Finally, for ink mines, they don't consume much, also the ink mine previously placed before will disappear if you tried to spam them, finally you should probably never use ink mines in the first place.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I'm always going to advocate ink recovery over ink saver sub. That said, there's good points to be had in this thread, it's situational but not without it's uses.

Edit: Hark! I have become one of the necromancers that I constantly point out!


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
If you have burst bombs, use it. You will need it no matter if you want three bombs (which is usually what you want/need) or not. If you have suction bombs, use it. I have 2 subs just because suction bombs take up so much ink. Walls? A bit more debatable, but still good. I don't have one for my Cherry because it doesn't take enough ink away for me to need to refill after a couple shots. I have run speed, sim speed, strength up, and special saver for it because the ink saver sub wasn't working as well for me as much as the swim speed has. For the .52 gal, probably since it's a good weapon and you don't need much on it. .96 gal deco? Probably, but strength up and swim speed com first in my opinion. Roller? Why not? I have a main. Sniper's a bit more debatable. I would still recommend recovery up before ink saver sub for the Bento, but it's your decision. Point sensors or disruptors are weird, especially since you can throw 2 already, but again, why not?


Nov 27, 2016
Dynamo Roller can be really useful because of the sprinkler. 3 to 5 of these:ability_inksaversub:, will do well. Ink recovery:ability_inkrecovery: also works with this also. Coro Coro work with this situtation also with quick respawn I usually would consider :head_hat001::clothes_shirt008:shoes_first


Full Squid
Dec 1, 2016
So in your opinion, is Ink Saver Sub especially useful?
No. Not at all.

Ink sub's problem isn't that it's not a useful stat, it simply gets outclassed by so many other, vastly better stats. Ink sub is definitely a "niche" stat, it can only be considered better than Ink recovery in very few situations.

Burst Bombs are ISS's best friend. Bomb subs always get more use out of ISS. I can't really see any good reason to run ISS with seekers, disruptors, or point sensors. Beakons, ink mines, and sprinklers should NEVER be used with ISS, for obvious reasons.

When it comes to competitive games in general, niche characters, weapons, or loadouts are used because they really shine through in that one. specific. moment.

Ink sub doesn't. Even when used in the most optimal condition, running a "universally" useful set like Swim, Damage, or Defense up is always going to be more appealing, which is why you see so many of those in the higher ranks.

All in all, I still find this to be an interesting discussion to be had, at the very least.

(It's okay :ability_inksaversub:, we still love you.) .--.


Senior Squid
Jul 2, 2016
I like it, E Litre 3k is most effected by it if you stack two mains or six subs, Will give you 3 Burst Bombs which is good for defending is someone tries to sneak up on you

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