So I guess I’m making my judgments from… the PTSD that the last season’s map gave me. I love backline and Marlin gives me a hernia. Almost to the point that I would avoid it if it’s in rotation. Absolutely no spots for backline and the propeller gimmick is extremely annoying. Not only that, but even if you have the propeller raised, someone can still ink the wall and get to you. Alfonsino at least gives you a chance to shoot down the player who wants to jump to your backline position. I’m not sure if “Marlin=Bad” is a controversial/hot take, but from my experience, this is how I see it.
So after this debacle, I think Lemuria is alright. I don’t see how useful the moving platforms are yet, but I’m willing to experiment and don’t think they’re a bad gimmick in theory. The under bridge area reminds me a lot of “The Reef” which I know people pointed out, but it feels… nice. I almost want to say cozy. It feels like you can make a fire there. I still need further research on the map, but at least I don’t feel the doom that I experienced when playing marlin for the first few games.