Lemuria hub thoughts?


Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Maybe I just need to get used to it but I find it to be kind of congested? Its hard to explain but fighting in mid feels a lot more scrappy then on other stages, similar to finding people on low ground on Robo ROM-En, but also feels hard to push on at the same time, which is really weird.


Pro Squid
May 25, 2024
Not really feeling it that much myself. The terrain is interesting and I kinda like the moving platforms. But man, the backline positions are kinda ehhhh.
Haven't played all modes yet, mind you. But at least on RM I can't reach the Rainmaker at all from what I think is supposed to be the prime backline position. But if I move closer then I get rushed down. Never mind the fact that the RM gets popped before I even get there. I imagine TC is similar since the Tower spawns in the same spot. Zones is ok, but I still have a little trouble figuring out where I should even go. Haven't played Clams or Turf yet, no opinion there.

I probably just need to get more used to it, but first impressions are lukewarm at best.
And also, not trying to be mean, but just don't use backlines. If a class is at a disadvantage on a map, it's probably not a good idea to use it. Even though there is a possibility of getting the other map.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
The Chicken pen
Switch Friend Code
And also, not trying to be mean, but just don't use backlines. If a class is at a disadvantage on a map, it's probably not a good idea to use it. Even though there is a possibility of getting the other map.
A bit cruel don't you think? Telling a backline main to stop using backlines.

Like yeah, I figured that out pretty fast, don't need you telling me :)

I know that using something like the Edit would be better for this map. But I'm a Hydra main, so of course my opinion of the map is going to be coloured by how good Hydra or it's fellow backlines are on it.
I don't hate the map, far from it. Simply acknowledging that it's not that fun for my preferred playstyle


Gnarly Eddy's Boyfriend
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
And also, not trying to be mean, but just don't use backlines.
I think I get what you're saying, it's common for more experienced players to have different weapons for different maps/modes, but I feel like telling a backline player to just not play a backline is a bit too far, like I feel this is much more a map design issue than a player issue, especially if this is the only case.


Inkling Commander
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
Switch Friend Code
to add to the above conversation - it’s long been a talking point with other maps (*cough cough brinewater cough*) that open sightlines, no cover, no viable flank routes, etc etc… it’s really good for backlines and hard for frontliners to work around. yet i think we all accept that “just don’t play frontlines” is a wild thing to say… that’s a lot of people’s preferred role, and it’s ideal for all roles to be at least a little viable on a map.

anyway to respond to the original topic directly uhh i keep trying to walk against the moving platforms which is great for exercising my octoling but not great for playing. but i may just be stupid 👍 i need to play the new map more to have a real opinion on it


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
My opinion on the stage has gotten a bit more negative after playing it more.
Most of my points are the same but I've noticed that there's a huge lack of inkable walls which makes it very hard to move around.
The moving platforms also don't really add anything, with most of my matches on the map being made harder because they get in the way of my movement.
I've barely played zones on it though so maybe it's better there, especially since you won't need to push far into the enemy base to get a knockout.


Inkling Cadet
Jun 5, 2024
East Inkopolis bay
Female she/her
Splat zone/Rainmaker here isn't great but tower control is good and clam blitz is still clam blitz


Semi-Pro Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
At first I had a hard time with the layout of it (I didn't play much S2 so I'm not used to having maps with spawns on the same side) but it's actually really fun. Haven't gotten to try clam blitz yet but the other modes feel good. Splat Zones can feel a bit restrictive after the drop but otherwise I really like actually being able to flank lol, and the overall aesthetic of it is pretty cool too :)
Def not perfect but I think it's a strong map for this game


Inkling Commander
Jan 29, 2024
Playing it more, this map is pretty cool! It feels a lot closer to older maps than newer ones if anything. It feels like if you're in mid you need to watch so many different points that flanking people isn't bad at all. The moving platforms get in the way more than they help but can still lead to some pretty cool plays and I don't think I've played a single game where I've been locked out super hard. Not the greatest map on the planet but it's better than a majority of the stuff in this game for me.


Full Squid
Feb 3, 2019
Switch Friend Code
I think it is really bad honestly. It is really hard to get out of the low ground of mid, there should be at least one more way back up in my opinion. And even though I dislike mid, it might be the best part of the map lol.... on clams, tower and rainmaker the objective has to move through one single chokepoint in the enemy's base with no flank routes. Absolutely awful imo.

And I even dislike the moving platform gimmick sadly 😭. The one on the top mid bridge is more annoying than anything else honestly. And the one in your spawn is really annoying as well especially on rainmaker where it becomes a bit of a luck based thing whether you happen to arrive in the opponents base when the ramp is moving towards the goal or not.

Its sad because I really enjoyed all their changes to the existing maps in the update. Oh well


Full Squid
Nov 29, 2021
Not a bad map but from what I've seen and played I wouldn't prefer it in rotation. A pretty mid map in a great season.


Pro Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I need to learn to work around those moving platforms. When I toss my Fizzy Bomb at the beginning of the match (to ink a path forward/charging Special), I take just long enough to shake it up that the platform near the base starts moving towards base, so I swim against the platform like a fool. Then, when I have my Cooler ready, I keep forgetting that placing it by the platform gets it immediately squished, meaning nobody gets to use it and I have to start over. In other words, I like Skipper Pavilion better.


Full Squid
Jan 31, 2024
Neo Jersey, US
So I guess I’m making my judgments from… the PTSD that the last season’s map gave me. I love backline and Marlin gives me a hernia. Almost to the point that I would avoid it if it’s in rotation. Absolutely no spots for backline and the propeller gimmick is extremely annoying. Not only that, but even if you have the propeller raised, someone can still ink the wall and get to you. Alfonsino at least gives you a chance to shoot down the player who wants to jump to your backline position. I’m not sure if “Marlin=Bad” is a controversial/hot take, but from my experience, this is how I see it.

So after this debacle, I think Lemuria is alright. I don’t see how useful the moving platforms are yet, but I’m willing to experiment and don’t think they’re a bad gimmick in theory. The under bridge area reminds me a lot of “The Reef” which I know people pointed out, but it feels… nice. I almost want to say cozy. It feels like you can make a fire there. I still need further research on the map, but at least I don’t feel the doom that I experienced when playing marlin for the first few games.

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