Looking to join a serious team, preferably as a frontliner


Nov 19, 2015
Missouri, USA
I've jumped from Reddit to here so I'm hoping to find someone...

I'm a front liner, running strong main ink saver and fast respawns, either using .96 Gal for it's two-hit KO and wall+kracken, or (I know oddly,) a custom blaster. Blasters great for turning corners into choke-points or assassination if you can navigate around an enemy then sorta ninja pop out of the ink and blast them. Bubbling up in a crowd and OHKOing 2-4 people is pretty satisfying too. The splash effect kills in two hits, so it's also good for standing right up against the wall of a ledge someone is perched on and shooting up. Two blasts kill 'em from the splatter and they have a ton of trouble aiming straight down since ledge campers are usually chargers or squelchers.

I can also use rollers. Usually Gold Dynamo for it's OHKO shenanigans (I also properly jump flick for range,) or I'll use the krak-on splat roller to push in, kracken through peeps and lay beacons to help keep the frontline moving forward. Would love to be great with a paint-brush but I'm only adequate. Usually only trade kills unless I can ninja someone.

I can run support, but only with the custom jet squelcher. I abuse its range and lead shots well, and kracken up if anyone dare get near me. It brought me to Art King and a 25 win streak while I was grinding out wins for team art (took me 7 straight hours of battling to hit King). Missed every splatfest since though, and Art vs Science was the first splatfest I played. Loved the CJS ever since. I also try to counter enemy supports, maneuvering into position to take out snipers. The higher the rank I go the more crucial it seems that those guys need to be taken out.

I don't touch chargers.

Rank wise I'm floatin' around B to B+ at the moment. I don't know if it's because my own lack of skill or just the sheer randomness of teams that makes it a sort of similar ELO from League of Legends. I am getting better though and am willing to learn from serious tip giving. I read guides, try to keep myself knowledgeable. I work at home, so it's easier for me to schedule in play time too. Lookin for good supporters (charge/squelch) and a fellow forward runner. Or just anyone who wants to take the game with a serious competitive attitude.

My NNID is the same as my name here: BigToughMcGruff


Nov 22, 2015
Dallas, Tx
I'd love to join with you. I use splatterscope and really good with sniping. As soon as I saw that you were a front liner I want to join with you since I need someone to cover for me while I'm sniping
Anyways I can provide a solid backline for you! Right now I'm A+ ranked.

I play nothing else but splatterscope, unless someone is willing to teach me how to be a shooter

NNID is EzioJett

P.S- I'm frequently on Skype all the time, you can pm me there my Skype name is luckyfafnir.
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