Stats of course, and that's really unfortunate. The Inklings' charm also come with their clothing, and they're described as very stylish beings. That doesn't work out so well if you have to take ability multiplicators and main abilities into account constantly. I had to switch to a female Inkling simply because the thrown together clothes that have the abilities I need didn't suit the male. I want my Inkling to look a certain way, but this simply doesn't work with the current system. What makes this even worse is that some abilities are rare among certain gear types, making your options even more limited.
I really wish there was a way to swap gear abilities between two pieces of gear. I am aware that would be problematic, but I think there is a solution to make this work without giving the player any additional advantages.
I'd suggest to give Spyke the ability to switch the abilities (main and sub) between two pieces of gear for a high price. For example:
So they become:
Now some cheeky Squid would be absuing this of course. Because now, he has
as main ability. And since the brand is Squidforce, he has a 30% of getting strength-up as sub-ability for each slot. So with a way too high chance of 2.7%, he could get this gear:
with only 200 tries and would have a 99.65% chance of getting it, which is simply way too easy.
So my suggestion is, lock swapped gear. Once you've swapped abilities between two gears, you cannot change either of them anymore. You can also not swap already swapped gear anymore. The only way to unlock them to be able to change them again would be to have Spyke replacing both, and that way both gear abilities would return to having their original main ability. You would not be able to replace only one of them, however.
A requirement for swapping would of course also be having all three slots of your gear present and filled with a sub-ability.
Another advantage this has is that money now also has more use, because swapping gear would be quite expensive.
A major problem with this, however, would be ordering gear. Of course they can't be having people ordering swapped gear. Swapping gear itself is a process that should cost a lot and nobody should get around those costs if they want swapped gear. You would have to order that gear with its original main ability and the sub-abilities entirely removed, since they stem from a different gear.
Another major problem, and one that could possibly ruin the game for some, is that you would no longer be able to be absolutely sure which main abilities the opponent is using.