For my thoughts on the matter, which is probably just restating what someone else said.
Alot of it depends on where you want to go with your main. If you want to have fun in Turf and the early ranks, then whatever you have fun with. In your case, Trislosher seems to be that weapon.
If you want to go in the upper ranks and do well for yourself, then things become a little more complicated. You have several options in the matter:
1) Master one weapon. Spend all of your time mastering one weapon or weapon type, and be a god with it. If you want to be a part of a team, this might be nice, since you can fill in a specific role really well. The only thing is that this choice is relatively boring and restrictive. That, and you'll have difficulty getting perspective on other weapons if you just use one weapon.
2) Choose a set of weapons you like. You seem to have some weapons in mind. Just switch on the fly based on whatever your mood is, or switch based off the stage. I personally do this one. I have a set of weapons I primarily use for whatever ranked mode I'm doing. Admittedly this takes quite a bit of time mastering depending on how different your weapons are. It's still quite fun coming up with different cute sets and learning different playstyles.
3) Chase the flavor of the week meta. Well you'll be effective if you just choose the #1 weapon and learn how to use it. You don't need to worry about map and mode, since the #1 meta weapon generally works on every stage and mode. I think of this as the easy choice. Don't have to think about what you like to use. Just let someone else choose your main weapon for you.