Main Weapon Question


Inkling Commander
Jul 14, 2015
Switch Friend Code
The reasons I put these weapons here is because they are objectively worse than other similar weapons
. It's not even just my opinion. everyone on the competitive side agrees with me. I don't care what people like or don't like, I'm here to deliver the truth and if people can't handle it then that's just too bad.
I don't know Squiggly. From a competitive players POV, I think they suck too.
I don't think you're seeing the point here, we aren't talking from a competitive standpoint, we're talking about regular usage. Let them use what they want, even if it's a "handicap".


Inkling Commander
Aug 28, 2017
I don't know Squiggly. From a competitive players POV, I think they suck too.

(Don't hurt me. lol)

Yeah, I use the N-ZAP 85 with all Special Charge up mains, and all ink recovery up subs. I use the ink armour for a support role and the N-ZAP in my opinion has enough range that you're not over powered, and enough damage that you get a quick splat. I don't like weapons like the Splattershot pro and Jet Squelcher because people use those to hide behind range because they tend to die easily. They are good weapons nonetheless, but I personally dislike that many people use them for the range.
What's the point of using a longer range weapon if you're not gonna abuse the range? What's a jet supposed to do? Go into mid and sacrifice themselves and spend half the match respawning? The reason those weapons are good is because of their range and the ability to utilize it to great strength and apply pressure without dying as much. That's literally the intended and used role of the weapon. I can use a long range weapon and utilize it's range effectively and not die, but I'm not using to because I don't wanna die. If you think you can avoid death by using a long range weapon you might be right, but you'll be so ineffective at doing anything. Also just because a weapon has long range doesn't mean it's a noob weapon that's easy to use. If someone is effectively using a jet against you, they have to be good, and if you're good you're not solely scared of dying.


Inkling Commander
Aug 28, 2017
Let me give you one good reason not to only have one main:


I’m a successful S+ rapid blaster player I live in perpetual fear of my baby being nerfed. As a result i’ve had to branch out into other (less salty and violently attacked) weapons such as the clash blaster and the N zap 86 to ensure if the worst comes to the worst I can still function at that high a level.

So two lessons:

1. Branch out so that a sudden nerf doesn’t spell your doom.

Rapid definitely requires significant skill to figure out spacing and where to shoot and how to be effective at moving around when necessary. If anything it's the N-Zap 85 that has a low skill floor with maximum outcome.


Semi-Pro Squid
Sep 10, 2017
What's the point of using a longer range weapon if you're not gonna abuse the range? What's a jet supposed to do? Go into mid and sacrifice themselves and spend half the match respawning? The reason those weapons are good is because of their range and the ability to utilize it to great strength and apply pressure without dying as much. That's literally the intended and used role of the weapon. I can use a long range weapon and utilize it's range effectively and not die, but I'm not using to because I don't wanna die. If you think you can avoid death by using a long range weapon you might be right, but you'll be so ineffective at doing anything. Also just because a weapon has long range doesn't mean it's a noob weapon that's easy to use. If someone is effectively using a jet against you, they have to be good, and if you're good you're not solely scared of dying.
Eh, fair point. Just some players I know use range as a way to avoid getting splatted. You're a better player if you can splat and not die without solely using range. Most of the time I see Jets hiding and spraying. By no means can a lang rage weapon be effectively used with stick controls though.


Inkling Commander
Aug 28, 2017
Eh, fair point. Just some players I know use range as a way to avoid getting splatted. You're a better player if you can splat and not die without solely using range. Most of the time I see Jets hiding and spraying. By no means can a lang rage weapon be effectively used with stick controls though.
Well how do you know they're "just using range as a way to avoid getting splatted?" There's no way of telling, and if you get killed by someone using them, then think your way around it and be smarter next time you encounter one rather than just calling them a noob who can't play and doesn't wanna die. The goal of a weapon is to apply pressure in certain ways, and if someone is too unskilled to just "not wanna die," then there's no way they'll have enough success with a Jet to do anything of value. Simply dismissing your own mistake by devaluing someone else doesn't do any good.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 10, 2016
How? I can see you're reasoning for Tenta (which wouldn't be on here if it's painting was a little better) and I've played around with Goober (not in ranked) and they both have potential. The other weapons. Ehhhhhh, not so much.
I'm sorry for bothering you again, but I really don't think this should be an issue. The professionals only use weapons that work in their battles, but for the rest of the world there should be no weapon prejudice. Some weapons that are objectively worse than another might be better because of its kit. I don't know the meta very well, but I know that the N-Zap '89 and the vanilla splattershot are nothing compared to their counterparts.

I you want to argue that both the kit and skill of a player with the weapon are irrelevant then you better expand that list a lot. I don't see the sploosh on your list, and that has less rang ethan the aerospray.


Inkling Cadet
Aug 13, 2017
Yeah, I use the N-ZAP 85 with all Special Charge up mains, and all ink recovery up subs. I use the ink armour for a support role and the N-ZAP in my opinion has enough range that you're not over powered, and enough damage that you get a quick splat. I don't like weapons like the Splattershot pro and Jet Squelcher because people use those to hide behind range because they tend to die easily. They are good weapons nonetheless, but I personally dislike that many people use them for the range.
Dang. Both our mains got nerfed.

Let's organize a protest.


Inkling Cadet
Sep 12, 2017
For my thoughts on the matter, which is probably just restating what someone else said.

Alot of it depends on where you want to go with your main. If you want to have fun in Turf and the early ranks, then whatever you have fun with. In your case, Trislosher seems to be that weapon.

If you want to go in the upper ranks and do well for yourself, then things become a little more complicated. You have several options in the matter:

1) Master one weapon. Spend all of your time mastering one weapon or weapon type, and be a god with it. If you want to be a part of a team, this might be nice, since you can fill in a specific role really well. The only thing is that this choice is relatively boring and restrictive. That, and you'll have difficulty getting perspective on other weapons if you just use one weapon.

2) Choose a set of weapons you like. You seem to have some weapons in mind. Just switch on the fly based on whatever your mood is, or switch based off the stage. I personally do this one. I have a set of weapons I primarily use for whatever ranked mode I'm doing. Admittedly this takes quite a bit of time mastering depending on how different your weapons are. It's still quite fun coming up with different cute sets and learning different playstyles.

3) Chase the flavor of the week meta. Well you'll be effective if you just choose the #1 weapon and learn how to use it. You don't need to worry about map and mode, since the #1 meta weapon generally works on every stage and mode. I think of this as the easy choice. Don't have to think about what you like to use. Just let someone else choose your main weapon for you.


Full Squid
Aug 18, 2017
I don't know Squiggly. From a competitive players POV, I think they suck too.

(Don't hurt me. lol)

Yeah, I use the N-ZAP 85 with all Special Charge up mains, and all ink recovery up subs. I use the ink armour for a support role and the N-ZAP in my opinion has enough range that you're not over powered, and enough damage that you get a quick splat. I don't like weapons like the Splattershot pro and Jet Squelcher because people use those to hide behind range because they tend to die easily. They are good weapons nonetheless, but I personally dislike that many people use them for the range.
The nzap is my most used weapon but I also use almost everything else except chargers (that's the only thing I hate to see on my team). But I am not understanding your point here... You dislike that people abuse the advantages of the range on the splatter shot pro and jet squelcher? How is that any different from loading up special charge and abusing the nzaps advantage of having ink armor (I actually personally dislike when I see someone off in a corner painting to build their special while the rest of us are trying to fight 3v4 or when someone seems incapable of making a push without a special....although I accept it can probably be a viable strategy)? Perhaps you mean you wouldn't enjoy playing the pro or jet because you would have to mind your range instead of rushing people. As an nzap main (although I do play several other weapons including the pro), I respect the people playing long range weapons in ranked because I know it's overall more tough (Not charger players though because I've been burned way too many times even in S+). Minding your range is more difficult than playing a weapon where you can easily paint your way out of trouble. Plus the pro in particular demands good aim.

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
I like my Splatlings a lot. I can make good use of them and their combination of high range and very quick fire rate. But using this also means I have my disadvantages. Like having to charge shots and be vulnerable for a bit to do so. Rushdown weapons have two notable weaknesses that I can point out.

1. They are usually rather lacking in the range department. The idea behind a good rushdown weapon is that it has a good TTK, but its range is usually on the mid to low end of things. This often leads to weakness number...

2. ...being quite visible. Rushing to make kills makes you quite visible to others, especially those of us that like to play support. With my lovely siege weaponry, if I can spot you I can usually reach you. Even in solo play you tend to pay attention to the Splatling shooting a sustained barrage in one general direction.

This is just my take on things. Admittedly, a little biased though.

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