Meet the Team: Cam


Jan 10, 2016
Hello! I am Camilo, or Cam as I'm more known by. I'm fine with either, but to make life easier, just call me Cam! I am 20 years old, but I feel like I'm just a kid. Nothing wrong with that though, right? ;D

I've been an artist since I was 8 years old. I'm not amazing or anything, but I think I'm pretty good. I'm currently just a hobbyist, but maybe I'll start doing commissions for people just for that little cash gain I need. I do graphic design also! I started in 2010 after being inspired by a friend on the internet. Their work made me want to try it out. Of course, I was complete butt at it at the start, but I got loads better with practice and criticism.

I am the oldest of 3 in my household and the most reserved at that. I don't play many video games and haven't throughout my life. I was always just a boy who loved Nintendo. I bought every Mario/Mario Kart, Pokemon, & Zelda games of the generation and played the heck out of them. I play Smash competitively also. I played Smash 64 when I was but a young Squid.... looking back... I know some people love that game but it's so.... bad. I completely skipped Melee because I just couldn't get a grip of it. I do like watching Melee though, it's exciting stuff. I played Brawl from the start of the scene to the end. Both WiFi and offline. I wasn't all that but eh I tried. I got decent. Sm4sh is out and I'm doing pretty alright in that. I've won an offline doubles tournament with Xaltis, the top Rosalina player in Florida, against ESAM (best Pikachu in the world) and Pazuzu, resident Ike player. Felt pretty good about those $80 going in my pocket. Felt I deserved them for not being carried by my partner, nyeh-heh-heh!!

Speaking of nyeh-heh-heh... I LOVE Undertale. I know many people lately do as well, but that game touched my heart unlike any other. The simplicity of the engine and graphics combined with the amazing story, characters, and witty humor all packed into one make it one of the best games I've ever played. The soundtrack is also amazing.

I currently reside in Florida, where I was born. Though I'm back here after moving from New Jersey after 11 years. The transition back was rough but I'm getting used to it. Still can't stand hot weather though! I'm in a relationship, although long distance. First time I've ever tried that kind, but it's been going well. Hoping to meet over the summer if all goes well.

I love anime, manga, good music and peace & quiet. I love my personal space, but I also enjoy people's company once in a while. That's pretty much all I have to say at the moment. Surprised I typed up this much!

Selfie... in case you were wondering what I look like. N-not that I think you were or anything~

I'm the one on the right btw : ^)



The REAL SwimShady
Jan 9, 2016
Tyler saw your picture and was like "Dude, he's a dog?!?" and I was like "NO! He even says RIGHT HERE that he's the one on the RIGHT." and we had a good laugh. Also, high-five for being the first born child! I like to think I purposefully lead a ****ty life so that my mom won't be like "why can't you be more like your sister???" to my little brother. He just has to be like... mediocre at life and he'll already be doing better than me. Really, I did him a huge favor by being a screw-up. I set the bar low so he doesn't have to work so hard. :cool:


Pro Squid
Dec 3, 2015
Cleveland, OH
I'm a first-born, also!! Woot. I feel like I need to play seems like its right up my alley. I've never been able to get into indie games, but they're becoming such a quality presence in the gaming world now that I feel like I'm missing out. Also, let me know what you think of Bayonetta, because if she's good stuff I might be drawn back into Sm4sh again. I'd love to practice with you!

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