-Missing- IC Thread: RP Cast Filled


Full Squid
Jun 20, 2015
It looked pretty, she had to admit. There wasn't anything like it in the world far as she knew and it was doubtful she'd see anything like it again if she didn't come back down here. If she had a camera or her shellphone, she would've taken a picture.

But that was...kind of it. Just a picturesque view. And while the bridge made her curious, she did not feel like falling onto a red lake that could suck up the Word again. She sort of had other stuff to do.

So Alga turned after what she felt was a long time and reached for the door, keeping the crimson lake imprinted in her mind as best she could.

Go: Home
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Inkling Commander
Jun 18, 2015
probably my room?
Alga ==> Go: Home

And with a turn of a handle, a step onto a dresser and a leap through a mirror, she was home again, flopped in bed.

A lot had happened. Twin temples, someone like her trapped in Unreality, and a sortie with a Goddess who might have created everything???

But for all that, for all the grand tasks that it seemed were just falling into her lap... no, perhaps because of them... it was good to be home.

There was a smell of something cooking. Lasagna if Alga had to guess. The warm aroma wafting from the kitchen was tempting. But. At the same time she kind of just wanted to stay in bed. It had been a long day. Heck how long had it even been?

... and what now?


Full Squid
Jun 20, 2015
Bed. She missed bed. After the journey she'd taken it was practically heaven-sent by the Deep Ones themselves - or was it Order now? - and she did not want to get up.

...But Squid, she was hungry too. When was the last time she'd eaten? Actually, how long had she been gone anyway? The way her stomach was crowing, it had to have been a few hours at least.

Alga groaned and crawled out of bed with herculean effort, tossing her backpack somewhere to the floor. Can't sleep on an empty stomach.

Go Eat


Semi-Pro Squid
Aug 1, 2015
Auckland, New Zealand
...Weird. Was her clock broken? Magabelle stared at it for a few moments, trying to figure it out. And, when she couldn't, she figured the internet would have an answer to the problem, right?

She went to the search bar of her web browser to type the question she wanted to be answered.

What to do when friend's mom is


Inkling Commander
Jun 18, 2015
probably my room?
Alga ==> Go Eat

She was close. Spaghetti casserole is basically lasagna but with less steps and an--arguably--fancier name.

Alga pulled herself away from the comfort of the bed and the privacy of her room with a familiar groan from her door. As she snuck her way into the kitchen, Alga was greeted with a friendly 'finally-decided-to-come-out-of-your-room-huh?' look from her grandpa who was just setting the casserole on a pad to cool.

She was just a bit too early. The food was still hot but it'd need to cool a bit. The ceramic of the pot was so warm, it distorted the air around it. Though... not more than the shadowy, gaping reminder hovering just above the table.

Alga kept shifting her perspective. Closing her right eye, there was a black hole in the world blotting out her grandpa's head. Closing her left, she could see the funny look her grandpa was giving her.

...what now?


Semi-Pro Squid
Aug 1, 2015
Auckland, New Zealand
Magabelle, as she read the result, squinted the further it got, and stopping at the end of the second paragraph. This... had nothing to do with clocks...? Looking up at the search bar revealed that her search query was completely different to her intention as well. But maybe it was her intention...?

She shook her head and read the result again, going through the whole thing this time. As she did, despite the fact that she had concluded it was practically jumbled nonsense, it... brought about some kind of feeling in her. Anger? Anxiety? Something that made her clench her teeth and grind them slightly. Getting to the end of the text left her with those feelings clawing at her from the inside.

Read your messages.

She suddenly remembered she had one pending... no, she didn't want to check it—but why would the result be so specific if she didn't need to? Why was a Gooble result telling her what to do?

She moved the cursor over to her messages.

Why was she doing it

Read your messages.


Full Squid
Jun 20, 2015
Ugh. After the day she'd had the sight of it left her absolutely starving. How long did it take casserole to cool?

Alga moved around towards her grandpa and shifted so that she could see him more clearly, giving the table a bit of a wide berth and tentatively moving to lean against the counter a few feet where he was working. The hole hung there in the world, just as unnerving and strange as the first time she had seen it, and the idea of having to sit down right in front of it made her feel distinctly uncomfortable.

But. She could fix it now. Weird to think about that she even had that power, almost unbelievable, but. she could do it.

She tore her eyes away and looked at her grandpa, eyeing the look he was giving her and blinking in what she hoped looked like confusion. "Hi."

Fat chance she was telling him any of this...

Talk: Grandpa


Inkling Commander
Jun 18, 2015
probably my room?
Talk: Grandpa

"Hi," Alga said, looking away.

Her grandpa raised an eyebrow, but the question didn't creep into his kindly tone. "Hey sweetpea! Hunger finally drive you from the cave, eh?"

Odd. Hadn't she left a note? Well, whatever; she wouldn't need to answer any questions this way, at least.

"Yeah, kinda." Alga glanced around. "Do you know where grandma is?"

"Oh you know how she is," her grandpa said, twirling his finger for emphasis. "One moment she pops a casserole in the oven, another and she's at the neighbors chatting about the earthquake and the city and whatnot."

He toddled over to Alga and leaned in close to add jokingly, "just between you and me, I think her mind is going. Not the first time she's almost burned the house down."

This was not the first time he'd claimed this. Actually Alga couldn't remember an age that he hadn't.

"Anyway..." he went on, "food's not cool yet, but feel free to take a slice. I'll just let the lady know I got a bit peckish."

He winked.

I'm surprised she hasn't wacked you over the head yet the way you're talking." Alga snorted and moved to do as suggested. Not like his excuse would help either of them any, she bet; grandma would know just by looking.

Unable to avoid the table now that she was armed with her dinner, Alga sat down at her customary spot and tried not to pay too much attention to the void a foot from her face. Quietly, barely a whisper that she desperately hoped her grandpa wouldn't hear, she spoke the word that she had learned not all too long ago. She was not eating and talking with a void blocking out her grandparents' faces.

"Uh. What've you been up to? Outside of dinner, I guess."

The void was gone. It wobbled a moment after 'reorder' left her lips, then quickly collapsed in on itself.

Immediately her grandfather came into view, kindly and jovial.

"Oh, the usual," he made a loose circular motion with his arms. "Went for a jog--keeps your gramma off my back--then sat myself in front of the dummy-box for a bit. Lots of hubbub about that quake still."

He got himself a plate. Steam burst from the second hole in the casserole, cheekily taken from the opposite corner. "
Honestly, still kinda shocked. Never thought I'd live to see the day that there'd be a quake here. And then one even seismologists are arguing about... but then that might just be the news over-dramatizing things."

He shrugged. "Nothing interesting, though, sweetpea. And you? Any progress on that song? Errr... were you writing one? Or learning one? I forget."

Alga held back the urge to let loose a long sigh of relief. Gone like it never happened and not soon enough.

"Yeah, it's weird. Bet they're not happy about the plaza."

She took a bite of her food in order to think on his question. What had she been doing before all this? It had just been a few days ago...

"Learning. And it's going okay," She decided. "Kinda difficult, so I've been taking a break. The chords go everywhere."

It feels weird, thinking about it. Just a handful of days ago she had been normal, playing guitar and letting the days roll by. Now it felt like a whole different world.

"Well, I admire ya," her grandad admitted between bites. "I'd always wanted to get into music, but I'd always said 'well, there'll always be time tomorrow!' And wouldn't you have it, tomorrow never came around!"

He broke out laughing as if it was the funniest thing. "Not that I didn't have my share of passions I chased after! Else you wouldn't even be a thing."

He winked and grinned.

"Yeah, I bet grandma would have a load of stories about that..." She could just imagine her grandmother trying to pull her tentacles out in frustration.

Alga glanced over at the microwave to gauge the time, letting silence lapse over her as her mind drifted. She was tired, but she'd barely sat down and hadn't seen her family in...forever, it felt like.

A groan wormed its way through her throat and she took another bite of her food, headache tickling somewhere in the back of her head.

True to form, her grandpa didn’t fail to notice a groan from his granddaughter.

"Aww, what's gotcha down, sweetpea?"

"Ah- 'S nothing. I'm just tired, I guess. Haven't...been feeling very good, lately."

She honestly wasn't a very good liar, but that was true at least.

Alga wondered just what he might've thought of her adventures if he knew about them. Stories, probably. She'd only just really started believing it not long ago herself.

"Aww I see," her grandpa got up and gave her a loving pat on the back.

"Well you know what they say, a breath of fresh is a breath of fresh air, and all that. Why not take a stroll around the block to clear your head?" Then, added, "after finishing your meal, that is. Seriously, y've been cooped up in your room all day! Stretch the legs, get some sun!"

Alga had to stifle another groan. A walk? Did she have to? She'd been through the ends of the planet it felt like and all she wanted to do was sleep now that she was eating. Walking was hardly on her priority list.

But she looked at her grandpa with his blissfully unaware expression and felt the complaint die in her throat. Would it make him suspicious if she refused? They must've thought she'd been in there for a full 24 hours practically. Maybe more.

Ugh. This was stupid.

"I guess." Alga conceded, scraping together the rest of the food on her plate. "Probably keep it short, though." A scan of the neighborhood would work. Maybe see if that tree had been moved yet.

"Atta girl!" he chirped, inbetween a bite. "I know what it's like to be captivated by something, but you've gotta get out once in awhile and let the world know you're alive."

He chuckled, spitting some bits of cassarole here and there. Homely and familiar. No table manners. Home. All they needed was Gran there to tell him to 'knock it off' and threaten the couch.

An old wife still threatening the couch. Heh.

"Easy for you to say." She said it with a snicker that she didn't bother hiding. Grandma was gonna have words if he made the table any messier like that, she could feel it.

Alga ate the rest of her meal in relative peace after that. Back home, right where she'd been begging to be not long ago, actually. May as well try to enjoy it.



Pro Squid
Feb 25, 2019
Switch Friend Code
(OoC: Where do you post character sheets? This sounds interesting.)


Pro Squid
Feb 25, 2019
Switch Friend Code
(I have a couple Inklings and a couple Octos I'm thinking of using, unless only one character is allowed, in which case I'll choose one.)


Inkling Commander
Jun 18, 2015
probably my room?
Alga Sargasso ==> Go To: Outside

After finishing her meal, Alga took a moment to step outside. The sun was beginning to fall from its highest point, heralding the death of noon. Alga sighed as a cold wind tickled her face. She was tired.

She was tired and the world was covered in
black voids.

She looked away. That wasn't what she wanted to see right now. Instead she turned to the neighborhood. There were still toppled trees--which was sad, some had been around since she was a little squid--but the power lines were back up, and there were some people walking pets through the neighborhood.

Alga's eyes turned huge as saucers as a person's head phased right into a bubble of void... she was debating what to do for half a second when they arrived at the other side of it just fine.


What now?


Inkling Commander
Jun 18, 2015
probably my room?
Canchi ==> Dream...

The dream was tiring.
Odd, for a dream to be tiring. Tiring and painful.

He was dancing in the dream. Dancing in a ballroom. Or that's what the floor would suggest. The checkered pattern of white and gold marble called back to images of architecture lost deep in the sea.

Dancing in circles, the clacking of their feet echoed through the ballroom: a rhythm in the midst of silence.
A rhythm he could feel, but too erratic to know.

Nothing he'd ever danced before anyway.

He looked around the room, to see four large pillars. Three were alight;
green, blue, and red. Yellow, all the while, soaked up their glow. The four--a pulsing emerald, a crumbling obsidian, a steady ruby and a consuming amber--formed a box around them in the ballroom. Together, they grasped at the sky, forming an ephemeral enclosure.

Above, the night sky shone with more stars than he'd ever seen in Inkopolis. The light pollution never let them through. They shimmered in a moonless sky, lighting the darkened world. As he danced, their whirling forms put jewels to shame.

If he weren't so tired, it would be beautiful. He might have even appreciated it, but this stupid suit was making it hard.

Gods below, a suit AND tie? Who dressed him like this?? The pants were too scratchy and the waist was too tight. He wanted to get out of it but... well the occasion called for it but...
man, just why???

It did set the scene though, he had to admit. A midnight dance, between four weird pillars in the middle of nowhere. A dance for a two. A dance with...

With someone.


He looked beyond the pillars. The world was serene. There were no walls here. The ballroom floor ended beyond the jeweled backdrop giving way to a shimmering forest. Trees with purple leaves swayed in a circular wind around the ballroom.

But all was steady where they danced.


Try as he might,
he couldn't look away forever. So he looked.

She was... it was gorgeous. It looked his age, but... human. Short, bobbed amethyst hair gleamed in the starlight, sparkling with an unearthly quality. Her lips parted, revealing a catty, pearly smile. Her eyes sparkled with cunning.

She... it... was... something.

He looked away to find that she was garbed with equal grandeur. A velvety, black dress flowed down to her ankles, leading to heels that set her just high enough to be eye level with Canchi.

He looked back to
her... its face. Her grin wasn't evil but it was joyfully malicious. She mouthed something:

I'm you, numbnuts."

And then he remembered. Without hearing, he knew
her voice. Her... this thing had been using him? His body? It had used his voice and his words and his memories.

But it was clear now. That... that wasn't him and it'd never been. Ever.

He stopped to pull away, but found their wrists were a union of royal violet ink. Canchi pulled harder and harder. The mass linking them was like tar and concrete, solid and gooey, refusing to let either of them go.

He wanted to shout at
her--at it. It! To scream and wail until it let him go. He jerked his head up, tentacles flailing with sudden motion, and caught a glimpse of her face. For a moment, he knew terror. Canchi pulled violently now, with less anger and more mounting dread.

she said--no. Not 'said.' Commanded...!

You will dance."

The world echoed with the
word's power and Canchi's insides twisted. The pillars trembled like his legs and the floor around them fluttered like his stomach. The marble upended and flapped in an swirling, purple maelstrom of emotion. The sky turned red and the stars began to burst like old lights.

It was terrifying. But Canchi had to admit,
he really was feeling stronger than yesterday.

He pulled again, gathering both will and terror, jerking his unwilling partner around this way and that,
more chaotic than their wild dancing bastardization with more strength than before.

No!" it screamed. "No!!!"

emerald pillar pulsed wildly. The ruby glowed hotter. The obsidian crumbled and reconstructed faster and faster. And the world was fading away, sucked into the amber.

The gel holding their hands together was stretching thinner and thinner.

Canchi wanted to scream for
it to let him go. To leave his body. To let everything be real again.




There was a terrible crashing. A scream. The human flashed
scarlet and azure. She'd torn in two.

And Canchi woke up on the floor.


He turned his aching head to get a face-full of blanket and a whole lot of nothing important. It was... nice.

After some time lying to himself that he wanted to sleep, he got up. The clock in his room read 3:00. He'd been sleeping for awhile now. A really long 'awhile.'

...what now?
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Full Squid
Jun 20, 2015
Well, at least the tree had been moved enough to step around without much trouble.

Alga shifted her head to give the neighborhood a passing glance, the pockets of void shifting in and out of existence almost every which way she turned. It was still unnerving to see, always would be probably, but without the muddled anxiety of a day associating with Octolings and...her, it was an easier sight to bear. She knew what they were now and she had the power to get rid of them. That was something.

In fact, she thought, she could get rid of them right now. But...how to get rid of so many? They just kept popping up wherever she looked, and there were probably more all over the neighborhood. She didn't want to think about the city proper...

Alga licked her lips and focused on the ones she could see hanging around the yard currently. Did she just...




Inkling Commander
Jun 18, 2015
probably my room?
Alga ==> Reorder

As the word of power left her lips, Alga could feel a shift of energy in the air as three different spheres of darkness relinquished the reality they were consuming. Not as many as she'd hoped for, but at least it was more than one...

Still, looking around at the hundreds of voids that dotted the air, she couldn't help be feel dismayed at the work ahead of her. Was she going to need to clean them all up like this?


Full Squid
Jun 20, 2015
Alga made herself look away after a minute in which she just stared. She would deal with the rest later. Wasn't like they were going anywhere, right...?

Looking out into the neighborhood, she set on off just as her grandpa wanted, making her way down the cracked street and surveying the damage as she went. She didn't really know where she was going, but she knew at least that she wouldn't be out long.

She could just...think.

Go For a Walk


Inkling Commander
Jun 18, 2015
probably my room?
Alga ==> Go for a Walk

Problems have a way of being things people share. They share them to halve them. They share them because of common experience. In this way, communal wisdom is built. Alga knew this in a primal sense, if not one she could put into words. But somehow, looking across the street to her gleefully upset neighbors, she couldn't help but feel that her experiences were a bit too out of the social ballpark to gently disrupt their rage-induced sport. They'd either consider her insane or imaginative. They might have believed that before this, anyway.

As Alga got closer, she noticed they were chatting over a ruined flowerbed, once a vibrant floral menagerie now reduced to colorful, wilting bits across the sidewalk. It was a shame. Gran loved to talk about the hard work that went into them. Stuff about taking care of the soil and not planting the wrong plants next to each other. It was kind of sad to see it go.

It was sad to see everything going to hell, really. Alga had always felt a little separated from the people around her and the events these past few days haven't helped. She stroked her brown tentacles more than a little self-conscious. She
could feel the brief glances from the neighbors transform into fixated stares. Alga pointedly looked away.

She wished she had her guitar. Having something to play or do always helped to keep her mind off issues of the now, stuff she couldn't fix.

But she'd have to fix... whatever this was, huh? That's what God, or Order, wanted, right? To fix all these... holes?

Alga looked from emptiness to emptiness. She couldn't help but wonder what they all were. They were voids, sure, but did she really understand them at all? The Word had something about it not being Her Turn, but what did that even mean? There was so much she didn't know and she was supposed to make it better? That felt far too big for a single person.

Far too big a task for Alga.

She sighed as she continued on her way.

She'd walked a few blocks, ready to round the corner and return home when Alga heard a pleading girl's voice from behind a fence. "It's true!! I really saw it!"

"Nuh uh!!" retorted a young boy. Alga could see them between the fence's gaps, posturing the way kids do. Indignantly huffing their chests out and frowning until they got their way.

They couldn't be more than a few years younger than her honestly. When was it that she'd last gotten into a bratty fight with her cousins...? She could feel the churning annoyance. Feelings that something so fundamentally obvious was being violated. Things so obvious trampled on so carelessly.

Alga stroked her hair, fidgeting.

"They were really fighting here!!" the girl continued, "A boy and a girl were turfing while two people dressed all fancy shot at them! Then they took the boy away!"

"You're lying! I'm gonna tell mom!"

The girl started to cry, all semblance of strength rushing out of her body as she collapsed to cry. Drama queen.

...Alga hadn't realized that she'd stopped to listen until then, as if the other's tears washed away her childhood revere--one that even if it wasn't very fun experience to relive, it still had some level of nostalgia attached.

In any case, the girl was probably lying. Kids have really overactive imaginations. But then Alga remembered her own experiences the last few days--heck the last few hours--and was taken aback. Maybe she had been telling the truth? Maybe she was judging the kid just like she imagined others would judge her current situation. Maybe...

She could ignore it. Fancy men turfing with other kids in the neighborhood was hardly Alga's problem. And probably not related to fixing the world. It'd be much easier to walk away.

And even if she did get involved it didn't mean she had to talk to the kid. Just ask a mirror some questions and then she could tell if what the kid was saying was true. Just an idle curiosity.

But then what if the kid was getting in trouble for telling the truth of something actually dangerous happening in the neighborhood? It probably wasn't a big deal?? Like cosmically isn't the world falling apart? Why was she even thinking about this???

Ughhh... what to do?

((I did a lot of monologuing here. Let me know if anything is OOC.))

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