Most liked and hated kit your main weapon ever gotten?


Inkling Cadet
Mar 26, 2024
Title explains it all. just name what was your favorite/least favorite kit your main weapon got. Originally I was going to do best and worst kit your main weapon got, but I felt that it this question had more room for personal opinion instead of objective fact. Of course depending on the weapon you play it will be easier, for example S-blast... hey look a segue, how convenient

Favorite: S-blast 91
Hated: S-blast 92
This is really a no brainier here. I like the kit with a lethal bomb and a great special over the weapon with sprinkler and a death button? I'm shocked! Don't know what else to say here really, next

Favorite: Dapples Dualies (S2)
Hated: Dapples Dualies (S3)
Dapples is a weapon famous for not really having any good kit luck, but that doesn't mean that it can't be fun. S2 dapples while it doesn't have a good sub, does have a great special. Suction bomb launcher provides paint for you and your team, and you can also get 2 more dodge rolls with the weapon which helps out sometime in fights. Mean while S3 dapples have a passive sub, and a special that while dapples can play off of, doesn't help the main weapon at all!

Favorite: Splat roller (S3)
Hated: Coro Coro Splat Roller (S1)
Do I really need to go over why I love splat roller in this game again? Everything in this weapon kit is perfect for it, everything in the kit compliments each other. This is the best kit Splat Roller can possibly get. Coro Coro on the other hand is dog water, a sub that does nothing for the main weapon and a special that does work on roller was 210p! Remember PFS was tied to the special in splat 1, not the weapon itself so that means roller was stuck with a 210p special with a horrible sub.


Feb 3, 2025
Alright, my favorite kit has to be Kensa Sloshing Machine (S2) with Fizzy Bomb and Booyah Bomb. Fizzy Bomb added mobility and pressure, while Booyah Bomb was perfect for both offense and defense, making the kit feel complete. My least favorite is Sloshing Machine (S3) with Angle Shooter and Trizooka. Angle Shooter is useless for this weapon, and while Trizooka is strong, it doesn’t fit its playstyle. The whole kit feels awkward and frustrating. Still hoping they’ll eventually give Sloshing Machine a real kit, but for now, it’s just pain.


Senior Squid
Apr 29, 2024
Mossdeep City
Man, how am I even supposed to choose between the two heavy edit kits? They're both really good (and super fun!) If I had to come up with something though:

Favorite: Heavy Edit Splatling Nouveau
Slightly less favorite: Heavy Edit Splatling

I can't say I hate vanilla edit since it plays rather differently compared to what you'd expect from nouveau, but it does struggle to get in against long range opponents like chargers since curling can only slide on the ground and cooler is, well, cooler. Still a very strong and mobile support option though.

I find that I like nouveau better since it mitigates the issue of poor long-range matchups with a bomb that's much better for poking and a special that gives it additional range and oppressive power! I also tend to play more aggressively so this weapon sort of gives me more versatility for that playstyle.

As an added bonus I'll do ballpoint too!
Favorite: Ballpoint Splatling (S3)
Hated: Ballpoint Splatling Nouveau (S3)

I guess this one makes sense given how ballpoint rose with the inkjet meta at one point in S3, but surprisingly the only nitpick I have is that I'd take a sub like squid beakon over fizzy in this case. Don't get me wrong fizzy is an amazing sub but I feel like it has less synergy with most charging weapons (unless you're bamboo.) As for S3's nouveau kit I don't really hate it, but it feels meh to me compared to the other 3 kits the weapon has gotten in the series. Ink mine has potential, but I've never really held ink vac in high regard (probably just a me thing though.)

And another thing
Favorite: S2 + S3 Splat Roller
Hated: Every other splat roller kit
Give me curling or give me death!!


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code

my answer doesn't change then lmao. the reasoning kinda does though. favorite is still charcoal decav because of the skirmishing potential of splash wall and the self-sufficiency of the whole package, least favorite is still mint decav even though it's not that bad i just think i would've liked any other bomb more on it


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
I don't have a current main, but I have a very, very long list of former mains. As such:

Fave: Ballpoint Splatling Nouveau (S2)
LFave: Ballpoint Splatling Nouveau (S3)

BPN in Splatoon 2 had Squid Beakon, and along with it one of the best main/sub combos in the series. BPN in Splatoon 3 neglected to bring it back, and while I do personally love Ink Mine, it doesn't work the same in the slightest. Plus, Ink Vac sucks.

Fave: Dualie Squelchers (S2)
LFave: Custom Dualie Squelchers (S2)

vDS in Splatoon 2 had Point Sensor and Tenta Missiles, making it extremely location-heavy and therefore very easy to properly maintain distance between the user and their enemies. Both cDS kits are kind of meh, but I prefer the special on the S3 kit, so the S2 one ends up being my least favorite.

Fave: Rapid Blaster Pro Deco (S3)
LFave: Rapid Blaster Pro (S2)

It was a close call for the favorite between the S2 and S3 Deco kits, but I ultimately prefer Killer Wail 5.1 over Ink Armor. The S2 vanilla kit was just the S3 vanilla kit with Ink Storm, in a game where the meta was LDE bombs and displacement specials. Not good.

Quick note that I'm not counting S1 kits since I barely played that game, otherwise S1 Rapid Pro would be the uncontestable worst.

Fave: Bamboozler 14 Mk III (S2)
LFave: Bamboozler 14 Mk II (S2)

Bamboo Mk III in Splatoon 2 was a sad waste of potential thanks to Main Power Up one-shots being available to its other two kits. With the absolutely ridiculous kit of Fizzy Bomb and Bubble Blower, plus a solo bomb insta-pop combo, it was easily the most fun kit the weapon has ever had. The S2 Mk II kit had Toxic Mist, that's really all you need to know.

Fave: Douser Dualies FF
LFave: Custom Douser Dualies FF

I personally prefer the vanilla to the Custom Douser Dualies. Burst Bomb is great, yes. Triple Inkstrike, however, is really not. Especially when it's competing with a Killer Wail 5.1 that can cancel the main's dodge roll end lag. And I love Ink Mines.

Fave: Kensa Dynamo Roller
LFave: Gold Dynamo Roller (S3)

Anyone who has played kDynamo knows that it's the best Dynamo kit in the series. Sprinkler is already good on it, add Booyah Bomb for survivability and the weapon becomes the bulldozer it was designed to be. I have a deep hatred of S3 Gold Dynamo because the vanilla kit is both easier to obtain and flatly better in solo, meaning the only reason anyone would use the Gold is its lethal bomb.

Fave: H-3 Nozzlenose D (S2)
LFave: Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose (S2)

Finally, we have H-3's golden kit from Splatoon 2 with an extremely main-weapon-enabling Ink Armor. Although H-3's vanilla kit from S3 is no picnic, I'm still willing to play it, unlike its Splash Wall and Bubble Blower Cherry kit from S2, with zero special weapon synergy.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Favorite: vMachine (S3)
Least Favorite: Machine Neo (S2)

I shouldn't have to explain why the vMachine kit in S3 is my favorite Machine kit. Not only is it what I'm most familiar with but it's the best kit it has ever had in Splatoon as well as the most synergistic sub/special combo out of all the midline aoe slayers in S3.
I haven't played S2 but I can't imagine I'd get much from Machine Neo there. While the main weapon is worse in S3 and also has a kit with Sensor, it at least gets to be paired up with Zooka which also benefits from the location tool.

Favorite: Soda Slosher (S2)
Least Favorite: Slosher Deco (S1)

Unfortunately, my potential favorite Slosher kit is trapped in S2 but the combination of Splat Bomb and Burst-Bomb Launcher sounds extremely fun and fitting for the weapon. None of the Bucket kits that came before or after have been able to give Slosher something as aggressive as it got here.
For least favorite Slosher kit though, I'll have to give that title to Slosher Deco which started the terrible pattern of the devs giving the weapon a utility sub in every game. It's even worse in S1 since you can't throw out another Splash Wall while your current one is still active.

Favorite: vTri (S2)
Least Favorite: vTri (S3)

Just like Soda Slosher, my favorite Tri-Slosher kit is trapped in S2. Burst does everything that Tri would need without the same type of insane benefits that regular Bucket would get from Burst. It also helps that it has a supportive HP special that it can use selfishly from anywhere in the map.
Going from having the best sub it could ask for to Toxic Mist was definitely a choice that only highlights how badly Tri needs a poking tool to properly play towards its weapon role. If that wasn't enough, they also gave it one of the hardest specials in the game that puts it in a vulnerable position and exposes where Tri currently is which might not have been a problem if it wasn't so reliant on sharking to get in.

Not much of a surprise that I ended up becoming a Machine main when the rest of the Slosher class didn't have a kit that was even half as fun as Fizzy/Booyah.


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
The Chicken pen
Switch Friend Code
It'd be a little boring if I just did Hydra, so I'll include Heavy too.

Hydra Splatling
Disclaimer: I have not unlocked either Hydra kits in S2. Any opinions I have on the S2 kits is based on knowing the main and what it wants. I don't think that ultimately matters for this, but just know that my thoughts on S2 Hydra's synergy is more theory-based than experience-based.
Favorite: S3 Custom Hydra Splatling (Ink Mine/Splattercolor Screen)
I love this kit, I love it so much. Sure Splattercolour Screen is ok at best and generally difficult to use with Hydra. But once you learn it, it's so good! I think the special really highlights the main's long fire duration. It's not the defensive tool that OG Bubbler and Ink Armor are, but it lasts longer than Bubble and activates near instantly unlike Armor. I also really like how much more versatile it is than Bubbler and Armor. It can let you be more aggressive like the other two specials, but it can also be used to block off certain parts of the map or it can be used as a Really Big Burst Bombtm.
And Ink Mines. C'mon now, it's Ink Mines. Even before Custom Hydra was out, me and plenty of other Hydra mains agreed that Ink Mines alone would make cHydra worth it over vHydra. The sub is just that good for the weapon.
It's not the perfect kit, you can definitely do better. But the devs haven't done better yet

Hated: S1 Hydra Splatling (Splat Bomb/Echolocator)

Wow they fumbled Hydra's first kit hard. You might've expected me to put S2 vHydra here, but at least with that kit I can say that both parts had some potential use. Splashdown was bad and didn't work for it's intended purpose most of the time. But it could. It could potentially work againts some peashooter that got a little too close in theory. And Autobombs were a genuinely useful sub that could cover a weakness of the main, even if not too well. Plus it had location utility. That alone makes Auto worth it.

Splat Bomb/Echolocator tho? Yeah uhh, vanilla Hydra didn't have a kit in S1.
Using the sub at all was basically the same as throwing the game. Throwing one Splat Bomb meant you could no longer fully charge the main. And the bomb has too short of a fuse time for Hydra to even get a full partial going for follow up. But hey, at least you can use it as a get-off-me tool right? Well, that 70% bite out of the ink tank means that you can't defend yourself even after gaining some space. Better hope that bomb took out your pursuer or that they gave up! Really you're better off bunny hopping with the main and then using partials. There is not a single situation where using a Splat Bomb would be a good idea.

Echolocator is fine. It's biggest sin is that it doesn't give Hydra any new tools. It just extends your uptime. And while I praise vHeavy's Wave Breaker for doing the same, that special also has the added utility of potential chip damage and shielding. Echo has neither of those. It just lets Hydra be Hydra longer. In a game with frame 1 invincibility specials, multiple global specials, bomb rushes and other completely busted specials, just being Hydra longer is not that helpful.

TL;DR: If S1 vHydra came across any of it's counters, it basically had no answer to them. Be it a Charger or a Blaster poking it under ledges.
S2 vHydra at least had Autobombs.

Heavy Splatling
Favorite: S2 Heavy Splatling Deco (Splash Wall/Bubble Blower)

Hehehehee Splash Wall >:)
I've said it plenty of times that Wall is Heavy's ideal sub. Wall lets the main be the midline anchor that it deserves to be. Add a defensively aggressive special on top of that? Mwah! Perfection!
Sure Heavy can't burst it's own bubbles as quickly as something with a bomb, but I don't care. Bubble Blower on Heavy to me just kinda adds on to what I like about Splash Wall on Heavy. It lets the main push forward more, be more aggressive. In a way, it lets Heavy be Heavy more. But unlike Hydra's Echo or indeed vHeavy's Wave, Bubble Blower can at any point turn into a nuke. There's added utility to it, this one is an entry tool.

Hated: S2 Heavy Splatling (Sprinkler/Sting Ray)
First things first, Heavy has awesome kits all around. Basically every single kit it has gotten has been good or at least decent. Honestly if anyone came up to me and told me S2 vHeavy was their favorite kit, I'd totally get why. It's a good kit! It's a really good kit!

Ultimately what makes it my least favorite is just the fact that it leans so hard into the idea of a backline anchor Heavy. Sprinkler lets it keep up paint even during it's downtime and Sting Ray is best used from far away. S2 vHeavy has very few tools to help it be more aggressive. At most it has Sprinkler shields and feet paint, which is nice but you do kinda need more. And Sting Ray doesn't really work up close or even in the midlines. That special alone encourages a more backline playstyle.

The ideal Heavy kits to me are good at backlining, but also give you the options to go more aggro. It's why S3 vHeavy works so well, it's very clearly a more supportive backline kit, but the quirks of it's parts also allows for a more aggro playstyle.

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