Motion Controls vs Analog Controls

Neon the squid

Inkster Jr.
Sep 3, 2016
I highly prefer motion controls whenever I use shooters. I am so much better at shooters with motion controls. But with snipers motion is a NO. My hands get shaky when I aim and I mess up.
Comment down which do you prefer.

Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
Well I’m fairly certain that the whole motion vs analog controls thing has been posted on several threads. However, I’m not a moderator, so here are some thoughts.

First off, I started playing this game when my younger brother insisted, so we could play together online (we’re in different cities). He told me before-hand to use analog controls, so I thought, OK. My brother never plays this game anymore, but I play it all the time! Please listen, DO NOT play this game with analog controls. I still do for now, but it really isn’t the way to go. I have a good rank, and let me tell you, it’s clear to me that the people I’m playing with are not using analog controls… I’m sure. Again, I’m sure….

If you have any problems with motion controls (so do I sometimes), I’m going to post some advice that an elder squid @Dessgeega so kindly gave me. I hope that these solid tips help:

- First off, put sensitivity to 0 if you haven't. You can futz with it later, but when you're learning the default is probably best.
- Hold the gamepad horizontally, in your lap. Yes, this means hitting Y to re-orient the camera every single time you boot the game, but people tend to find this more comfortable it seems.
- Turn the gamepad like a steering wheel that you happen to be holding at the sides. With the gamepad in your lap even slight arm rotation will produce big movement, so you can be very precise. You can also whip around by arm flailing and hitting Y, or in less stressful moments just holding the right stick until the camera catches up with you.
- Play the story mode again. That's what it's there for, haha, romping through a few battles with octarians will definitely help you adjust without dealing with other players.
- Use the firing range. It's a surprisingly good place to practice wild maneuvers if you give yourself little challenges. Try doing 180 turns and firing at the dummies, or leaping off the ramp to shoot them mid-air!
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...........Oops! I fell asleep!
Jun 25, 2015
Octo Valley
I started with motion controls and have never looked back. I'm not into shooters, and when I am, I can't stand analog controls.

Splatoon is very clearly designed around motion controls, in my opinion. the analog controls feel like a last minute addition, and I would say feel sort of unfinished, even. if you prefer analog that's awesome, but almost everyone who's made the switch to motion has cursed themselves for playing analog from what I've seen? aha

I even snipe with motion controls, you can get amazing levels of precision if you get the hang of it. and flicking is way easier IMO but its all personal preference at the end of the day. if analog works for you and motion doesnt then that's fine, you don't need to force yourself to use a control scheme you don't mesh with.
(but some people act like they're better for playing analog, which is pretty childish)


Inkling Commander
Jun 7, 2016
Motion controls are definitely more effective. You can pull tricks like snap shots, jumping+shooting in combat, and doing 180s off a ledge to shoot people climbing up (I have sensitivity +3 so I can whip around). It's still possible play without. I got to A+ and was entering and getting booted from S when I finally enabled motion. A+ and below I had enough strategy to out maneuver people and beat them head-on 1v1. In S opponents were beating me 1v1 and I could see that they were aiming better.

I tried learning on story mode. It's not challenging enough. I was too focused on how goofy the controls felt instead of learning how to use them. Turf War was much better. I only needed a couple games of TW to get the feel for motion. The competition took my mind of the controls and forced me to react faster.


Inkling Commander
Nov 5, 2007
South Jersey
Motion controls are superior but play however you want. Playing chargers without motion is generally a big disadvantage outside of peeking around corners, so if you're going to focus on peeking.


Pro Squid
Apr 30, 2016
I am so used to motion controls that I can barely play other shooters anymore. Motion controls are a bit awkward at first, but they are so much more responsive than analog controls. Chargers especially benefit from motion controls as you often have to quickly snap the camera around to get kills.

Btw, if you are a perch sniper, try setting your sensitivity to -3 or something. That gives you a more steady aim, especially if you have shaky hands. If you are more of an aggressive sniper, you should slowly increase sensitivity over time so you can quickly adjust your aim in up close battles. Of course, sensitivity is all up to preference. Personally, I am a sniper main, sniping at +5 with every charger weapon (including the E-litre). Most people find that pretty ridiculous, but hey, whatever works.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Motion controls +5.0, now and always, even when I occasionally try my hand at sniping. Anything else just feels sluggish to me, and I can't imagine ever putting together the co-ordination to be able to play near my current level if I switched to analogue camera.


Inkster Jr.
Apr 27, 2016
New York
Switch Friend Code
Always used motion controls... I tried without it for a while, and it felt so different, in a bad way. Control wise, it feels like not nearly as much freedom as one should have, and it makes aiming pretty annoying-- where you may miss a few shots, you could have gotten them all using motion controls.

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