Nintendo vacates Jackpot’s 2024 World Championship title


Inkster Jr.
Jun 4, 2024
Switch Friend Code
According to the Nintendo Versus Twitter account, Nintendo has vacated Jackpot’s 2024 World Championship title, citing behavior against the Community Guidelines. Additionally, the in-game banner distributed to celebrate the championships will be adjusted later via software update.

I have no commentary, but I thought it was a headline worth sharing.


Inkling Commander
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
Switch Friend Code
i wonder what the 'adjustment' will be? i see a lot of speculation that they'll be replaced with another team that made it far in the championships, but i'm not sure they'd be willing to risk something else coming out about the team they pick and having to adjust it again. i kinda expect the placeholder with the promo kids to come back

regardless i'm pleasantly surprised that nintendo actually responded. kind of expected them to just... silently never try to acknowledge its games' competitive scenes like this again lol


Inkster Jr.
Jun 4, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Yeah, I kinda figured they’d bring back the placeholder kids. Assuming that this works like other sports’ vacated wins, the victory isn’t awarded to the other team instead, so the championship this year had no winner.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Yeah, I kinda figured they’d bring back the placeholder kids. Assuming that this works like other sports’ vacated wins, the victory isn’t awarded to the other team instead, so the championship this year had no winner.
I agree with that decision but it's still very disappointing that the Worlds Championship has now ended up without even having a winner despite all the hard work that so many teams put into getting the chance at competing.

Edit: Took out "would" because it didn't fit what I was trying to say
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Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
Ohio, USA
Switch Friend Code
I think this is a massive step forward for Nintendo/Splatoon Community relationships. If Nintendo is going to continue to make online games they need to be able to enforce their community guidelines. I think Nintendo doing their part separate from but still in tandem with the Splat Safety ban shows that they can be trusted to do things like that. I need more action before I would say something as radical as “Splat Safety isn’t needed anymore because we have Nintendo,” but this is a good thing.


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Northeast US
These two things aren't related at all but between this and the unexpected really-specific-but-very-thoughtful QoL changes in the recent patch, I'm starting to get more of a feeling that at least someone over there cares and is paying attention.

Additionally I remember we were all really worried when the community guidelines were changed to require TOs to get licensed for large tournaments because historically nintendo has been really difficult to communicate with, but then (at least from what I've heard, I'm not like, in direct contact with any TOs so if someone knows differently please enlighten me) the process of getting licensed, while imperfect, turned out to be much less of a roadblock than it was feared to be. So maybe they really are making an effort. Maybe we really are moving into an era of like.. not feeling totally abandoned by our (game's) creators at all times.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
Dr. Light's Laboratory
Glad nintendos actually addressing this I hope the new one is cool cause I like the look of the old banner but dont want to use it for obvious reasons


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
i wonder if the banner will still reflect that NA won in general, so that people who supported Jackpot for the sake of like, yknow, hometown pride, still get some sort of prize since NA did win, without having to be supportive of the specific team
i do feel a bit bad for the members of jackpot that did relatively very little to warrant the ban (especially given that the tweet itself acknowledges that it's addressing "certain members of Jackpot"). the banner being gone is totally fair play, but to have no tangible reward for winning does suck a bit since it was still an impressive feat. i feel like they could've still gotten the trophies cuz it doesn't do any harm for them to just collect dust on a shelf and like, surely the trophies were already in production; i feel like removing any official connections to the members and banning them from participating in future events is enough. ultimately not much reason for me to care about that end of it though, and i can get that it's setting a precedent that future world champs teams better be nice if they want to be recognized for it

regardless of what they do with the banner, it will be very cool to have a version of it that people can use without coming across like they're supporting racists! obviously i don't really assume that that's what people who used the banner were intending to do before, but like, there must have been some people using it as a dogwhistle, so it's a very welcome change. i'm very very surprised nintendo is doing anything about it, i truly thought they'd just ignore it since it all happened in unofficial environments. in all honesty i think the fact that they're undoing what they've done for Jackpot is an indication that they are interested in continuing to do this kind of thing, because i feel that they would have just tried to move swiftly on otherwise. like i said, this seems to be done partially to set the standard for how they handle this, and there would be no reason to set that standard if they planned on just dropping it forever. hopes are high that we can get new, better champs in the game someday


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
This decision is very unusual coming from nintendo. Historically they've stayed silent on matters like this. They technically didn't have to take any action at all regarding this, or vacate the win for that matter. It really seems like overkill.

This decision was announced from the nintendo VS account instead of any of the other official accounts too.

Was this decision actually made from the typical japan-centered nintendo staff in this matter? Or was it made by a newer group centered in the west?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
They technically didn't have to take any action at all regarding this, or vacate the win for that matter. It really seems like overkill.
I don't think the decision to take away their win is going too far.
The punishment makes it clear to any teams that will want to compete in future Nintendo tournament that their behavior and actions will be enough to disqualify them.
It's unfortunate for Jackpot that their win won't be awarded but I think it's more important to establish this rule now and show that when situations like these happen, there will be consequences for those teams.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
I don't think the decision to take away their win is going too far.
The punishment makes it clear to any teams that will want to compete in future Nintendo tournament that their behavior and actions will be enough to disqualify them.
It's unfortunate for Jackpot that their win won't be awarded but I think it's more important to establish this rule now and show that when situations like these happen, there will be consequences for those teams.
The rules are being retroactively applied to behavior outside of the actual tournament based on select clips. This isn't based on an illegitimate win, or poor sportsmanlike conduct at the event.

Do we really need to background check every player on everything they've ever said or done?

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