Octo Expansion Secret Boss Help [Spoilers]


Apr 22, 2018
Switch Friend Code
So I'm currently trying to beat the secret fight against Agent 3 and I can only make it to the second phase before I get killed. Do you have any advice for me?
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 20, 2015
Overall tip.
1. Take time at the start and between phases to ink the ground.
2. Strafe, strafe for you life. And learn solid aiming.
3. Get used to the general distance they will dodge roll.
4. Bunny hop between ink puddles is kind of needed.
5. If your armor breaks, unless you're certain about confirming a splat, better run. A single shot or the splash from an Autobomb will speak doom.
6. Be aware when Agent 3 has their special ready, this is a good indicator of when your should either rush or flee.

Phase 1.
1. After the splashdown, swim up diagonally then try to deal as much damage fast. If you see that you're getting hit, not even broken armor, best to retreat for a little healing and try for another attack. Best case scenario you can splat them before or right as they Inkjet.
2. If they do Inkjet, the two obstacles on the map are your friend. Dance around them while Agent 3 wastes their Inkjet.
3. Note that Agent 3 will always fire exactly 6 shots before returning to their launching point, know this and be prepared to camp the point when Agent 3 lands.
4. Get used to the general distance they will dodge roll, especially after the Inkjet, that is prime opportunity to get a lot of damage in.

Phase 2.
1. This one is actually quite simple, Agent 3 will always get a Bubble almost immediately, attack them from the side. You can get a lot of damage in with this. Agent 3 is effectively helpless while tossing out bubbles.
2. However, once the third bubble is thrown, it is advised not to be close to it, Agent 3 will throw an Autobomb and it will explode immediately. Either flee or be on the other side of Agent 3.

Phase 3.
1. Try to rush them down when they're using Autobomb Launcher, BUT be cautious that Agent 3 can still use their main weapon.
2. This phase is probably the least consistent, just try to rush and end it fast, hope that Agent 3 struggles to decided to use their main or special.
3. I do find that there is a bit of a Goldilocks zone, where you can hit Agent 3, but they won't try to use their main.

Phase 4.
1. Make sure you have ample ink coverage to recharge your ink.
2. Throw a Splat Bomb at Agent 3 while their platform is about to reach its first destination, just as they use the Tenta Missiles.
3. Recharge ink as the missiles come down and you should be able to throw a second one, effectively splatting Agent 3. Key is just to get 2 Splat Bombs fast.

Phase 5.
1. Take advantage of the blessed obstacles on the map. Splashdowns cannot deal damage if you're on the other side of a wall. They'll still ink the ground, but you will not receive any damage.
2. After Agent 3 does their 3 Splashdowns, rush them, apply pressure.
3. Whatever you do, stay close to one of the obstacles. Agent 3 can do a panic Splashdown when their health is low.
4. Be very aware if Agent 3 has their special ready, especially on this phase. The panic Splashdown mentioned above requires Agent 3 to auto recover their special first before using it. If you see glowing hair, hug a wall and be prepared to take cover.
5. Finish it!
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Apr 22, 2018
Switch Friend Code
Thanks for the tips. Now I'm more mad knowing I made it to the final phase once only to lose it. He's so frustrating to deal with.
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Inkling Commander
Apr 19, 2016
Switch Friend Code
What... what the heck? Is this battle different for different people? Does it depend on Agent 3's gender or eye color or something? Because my battle was:
  1. One Splashdown, then just shooting. (If they get an Inkjet, I never saw it.)
  2. Baller right off the bat, then shooting with dodge rolling. Easy enough to run away or just shoot it to push it back out of inksplosion range.
  3. Curling Bomb Launcher. I assume they use guns after that, but they're really bad with the launcher, so I never saw it.
  4. Stingray. Agent 3 stands on a floating platform and alternates Stingrays with scattered shots. The easiest phase; they can't aim down with the Stingray and the shooting is badly aimed, so you can safely get close and just chuck bombs.
  5. Three Splashdowns, then shooting and dodge rolling.


Pro Squid
May 7, 2015
Switch Friend Code
What... what the heck? Is this battle different for different people? Does it depend on Agent 3's gender or eye color or something? Because my battle was:
  1. One Splashdown, then just shooting. (If they get an Inkjet, I never saw it.)
  2. Baller right off the bat, then shooting with dodge rolling. Easy enough to run away or just shoot it to push it back out of inksplosion range.
  3. Curling Bomb Launcher. I assume they use guns after that, but they're really bad with the launcher, so I never saw it.
  4. Stingray. Agent 3 stands on a floating platform and alternates Stingrays with scattered shots. The easiest phase; they can't aim down with the Stingray and the shooting is badly aimed, so you can safely get close and just chuck bombs.
  5. Three Splashdowns, then shooting and dodge rolling.
there's 2 battles with Agent 3 one for just collecting the 4 Thangs and escaping then theres also a much harder one for beating all 80 levels and collecting all Mem Cakes


Splatoon subreddit & discord Mod
Community Ambassador
Jul 9, 2016
Switch Friend Code
What... what the heck? Is this battle different for different people? Does it depend on Agent 3's gender or eye color or something? Because my battle was:
  1. One Splashdown, then just shooting. (If they get an Inkjet, I never saw it.)
  2. Baller right off the bat, then shooting with dodge rolling. Easy enough to run away or just shoot it to push it back out of inksplosion range.
  3. Curling Bomb Launcher. I assume they use guns after that, but they're really bad with the launcher, so I never saw it.
  4. Stingray. Agent 3 stands on a floating platform and alternates Stingrays with scattered shots. The easiest phase; they can't aim down with the Stingray and the shooting is badly aimed, so you can safely get close and just chuck bombs.
  5. Three Splashdowns, then shooting and dodge rolling.
You're thinking of the battle at the end of the climb up to the surface, the battle being referenced here it the battle against your inner Hero once you have all 80 mem cakes.
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Apr 22, 2018
Switch Friend Code
Oh whoops, I realized I said final boss in my post which may have confused you. Sorry about that I'll fix that now.


Inkling Commander
Apr 19, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Yep, just reached this part of the game myself. Spent about 45 minutes on it and didn't get past phase 3. Still die on phase 1 more often than not. Oof. I know what I should be doing, I just can't execute it.


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I also advise to stay calm when playing it, doing this will actually let you focus better on escaping Agent 3's attacks. In their Splashdown phase, try to keep your distance after you've dealt enough damage in order to avoid the panic Splashdown.


Inkling Cadet
Sep 12, 2017
A cool bit about the secret boss. Farming phase 1 is pretty good practice facing down someone with Inkjet, especially considering how common it is.

JayCi F

Mar 31, 2018
Switch Friend Code
I think the hardest for me is Phase 3. I just can't find an opening consistently.

For Phase 1, I've nailed him a few times right after the Splashdown, but I'm not THAT good and I usually just camp the Inkjet marker.
Phase 2, I attack right after the Splashdown. He ALWAYS focuses on letting out all the bubbles. Just be wary he can toss 2 autobombs before dying. Many times I've died thinking I was safe to recover
Phase 3...
Phase 4, yeah, just set yourself up for 2 bomb tosses. Buying time to recover is 'easy,' but Inking the turf is a wash.
Phase 5, Have never beaten it, but I've come close. I always die due to the panic Splashdown.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Nov 3, 2015
In the Paradox of Spring
Just to add onto what's already been said:
  • If Agent 3 gets you in the "1 shot will kill me" phase while you're up close to him, I find that it's no use trying to commit to a full disengage at that point. You're too slow to effectively dodge his shots, and should one of his autobombs catch up to you it's game over for sure. Suicidal as it sounds, it might be better to go all-out at that point and try to take 'em down instead. No guarantee that it'll work, but at least your odds off survival will be slightly better.
  • You gotta respect the range of both their splashdowns and their bombs. This goes doubly so if you're already in the near-death state (remember, one shot is all it takes at that point), but even if you're at full health it's unwise to chance the scratch damage, considering how easily Agent 3 can take you down.
  • Speaking of bombs, one thing I noticed 3 do quite often is throw an autobomb overhead while shooting away. Be mindful of any bombs they toss in this manner, as it's an effective trap kill should he bring you down to 1HP.
  • This probably goes without saying, but don't play braindead. By which I mean, don't simply walk and shoot when fighting 'em. No matter how good your aim is, 3 can kill you faster than you can kill 'em, not helped by the fact that they practically have aimbot-levels of precision. Get good at ducking around their shots, and remember to make an escape route in case things go south.
  • In practice, I've determined that your own bombs are good in only two circumstances: right after 3 comes back from using their inkjet, and phase 4 of the fight. Using them at any other time is a waste of ink, as more often than not 3 will just dodge out of the way and take barely any damage from 'em.
  • Finally, and this again goes without saying, but you'll want to have a lot of your own ink on the field. Not only does this allow for more avenues of retreat, but Agent 3 can get stuck in your ink as well, giving you time to bum rush 'em and get a few cheap hits in.
And remember, all the helpful tips in the world mean little if you can't hit 'em or avoid getting hit, so it's all but required that you have good enough aim and positioning skill before going in. And even then, it's a still a hell of a fight enough that patience and time are equally as mandatory. But remember: Agent 3 is a tough little *******, but he's not unbeatable. If you keep at it, you'll eventually come out on top.

(For the record, it took me a good 4 1/2 hours before I finally beat it.)

For anyone else who's beaten the fight: did that little **** squidbag you as well?


Pro Squid
Jul 24, 2017
I aggressed this through after few tries, just went all in. First phase and last felt tricky, but otherwise just going for kill wasnt too bad.

Absolutely Absol

Pro Squid
Oct 19, 2017
In a Switch cartridge
Yesterday, I have tried to beat her for 30 mins but failed miserably (mostly phase 1 and never make it past phase 2). I've watched Youtube vid of Inner Agent 3 and read tips from this thread.

Now, after one hour, I have best my inner demon. Thank you, it's really helpful. I will not play this boss fight again.

I still struggle with that phase 1.

Jon Jon

Sep 24, 2018
I will give this a shot after reading this thread.

I have had such a hard time, even after watching YouTube videos on the subject and everything.

I just find it insanely difficult!


Dec 26, 2019
So I'm currently trying to beat the secret fight against Agent 3 and I can only make it to the second phase before I get killed. Do you have any advice for me?
The key to beating this boss is patience. Patience is important because you don't want to rush Agent 3 and then get yourself splatted. Also, if you don't have good aim with a splattershot, then practice in turf war. If you use analog, make sure to practice with motion and try defeat the boss (Motion makes Agent 3 much easier). I originally struggled with the boss and I just quit. Then I decided to try it one more time a month later and I beat Agent 3 first try.

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