Overall Splatfest Win/Loss?


Full Squid
Aug 4, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Now that Splatfests are over, how did everyone end up doing in terms of winning or losing teams?

I was able to play and get to max rank in each one, so here's mine:

Dogs - Win
Water Slides - Loss
Marshmallows - Win
Decepticons - Win
Science - Loss
Cars - Win
Pirates - Win
Burgers - Win
Nice - Loss
Past - Win
Pokémon Blue - Win
Sandcastle - Win
Patrick - Win
Fancy Party - Win
Early Bird - Loss
Marie - Win

So my score is 12 wins, 4 losses. Not bad I guess.
I'm curious to see if anyone was able to win all 16.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
I first played in the 7th EU Splatfest and didn't miss any; I got max rank in most of them (didn't really try so hard in the first few). A list of what I voted for, with victories in bold: ghosts, anti-pineapple, rich, barbarian, Pokémon Blue, hoverboard, Patrick, black tie event, space, Marie. Of those which I missed, I think I'd have voted for rock, eating, south pole, singing, tidy, dogs. That'd make 12/16 - neat!

Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
I was a Christmas noob so I didn't participate up until Past vs. Future. When that Splatfest started I had no idea what was going on, why I couldn't just play normal TW, or what sea snails were, ha ha. I ended up really taking a liking to Splatfest and will miss it. Anyway:

Future - Loss
Pokémon Blue - Win
Sandcastle - Win
Patrick - Win
Fancy Party - Win
Early Bird - Loss
Callie - Loss

Hero of Lime

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 26, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I've participated in every single one, and I got max rank in most of them, but there were a few I did not get to/want to finish. It took me a long time to finally win one unfortunately.

Dogs vs. Cats - Loss
Rollercoasters vs. Water Slides - Loss
Marshmallows vs. Hot Dogs - Loss
Autobot vs. Decepticons - Loss
Art vs. Science - Loss
Cars vs. Planes - Loss
Pirates vs. Ninjas - Win (finally!)
Burgers vs. Pizza - Win
Naughty vs. Nice - Loss
Past vs. Future - Win
Pokemon Red vs. Pokémon Blue - Loss
Snowman vs. Sandcastle - Win
Spongebob vs. Patrick - Loss
Costume Party vs. Fancy Party - Win
Early Bird vs. Night Owl - Loss
Callie vs. Marie - Win

Total Wins: 6 /Losses: 10 So I'm glad I was able to salvage my initial terrible record, even if I still lost more. The weird part is, some of my best splatfests were the ones I lost, the early ones especially. And some of my wins came from fests where I was losing a lot.


Inkster Jr.
Jul 18, 2016
I put the ones that actually won in bold and the ones that I chose in italics, since I imagine I can't be the only one who can't remember some of the details. I guess that technically means that I don't have to write the words "Win and Loss", but whatever. Even easier on your eyes!

Cats vs. Dogs - Loss
Rollercoasters vs. Water Slides - Win
Marshmallows vs. Hot Dogs - Win
Autobot vs. Decepticons - Loss
Art vs. Science - Win
Cars vs. Planes - Win
Pirates vs. Ninjas - Win
Burgers vs. Pizza - Win
Naughty vs. Nice - Loss
Past vs. Future - Loss
Pokemon Red vs. Pokémon Blue - Loss (I will fully admit I can't quite remember if I was actually Red, but I'm 79.5% sure...)
Snowman vs. Sandcastle - ??? (Literally can't remember this one...I want to say Snowman, but not sure)
Spongebob vs. Patrick - Loss
Fancy Party vs. Costume Party - Win
Early Bird vs. Night Owl - Loss
Callie vs. Marie - Loss

So, the deciding one is Snowman vs. Sandcastle, which I literally have no idea what I voted for...I even looked through my twitter and miiverse archives. I think it was Snowman, though, which puts me at a dismal 7-9 on Splatfests. If I was Team Sandcastle, though, then I evened out.

...but I do better if Cats got the win they deserved.

Also, for a fun note, I sided with Callie for 13 or 14 of the Splatfests. Sadly, the times that that I abandoned her were times that I lost. Should have stuck with her through everything.

Zero Meddler

Inkling Cadet
May 21, 2015
Cats - Lost
Water Slides - Lost
Marshmallows - Won
Autobots - Lost
Art - Won
Planes - Lost
Ninjas - Lost (I knew I should've went Pirates but nope, stupid me had to side with Ninjas)
Burgers - Won
Naughty - Won
Past - Won
Pokémon Blue - Won
Snowman - Lost
Spongebob - Lost
Fancy Party - Won
Early Bird - Lost
Callie - Lost

Had I sided with Pirates, I would've had an 8/8...


Inkling Cadet
Oct 6, 2015
What I did in Splatfests hadn't had that mucht of an impact but welp, here's the list:

Pop -

Eating +
South Pole +
Singing +

Tidy -
Cats +
Ghosts +

Delicious (Pinapple) -
Fit +
Ninja -
Pokemon Blue +
Hoverboard +

Spongebob -
Fancy Dress Party -
Space Adventure -
Callie -

A visulization of my teams

Wins: 8
Losses: 8

Hah! :D


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
Future - Lost
Patrick - Win
Fancy Party - Win / Costume Party - Lose (I was on both with an old alt.)
Night Owl - Win
Marie - Win

I wish I was able to participate in more!


Pro Squid
Dec 3, 2015
Cleveland, OH
I was a DOG riding a ROLLER COASTER eating a HOTDOG when suddenly the DECEPTICONS attacked and stole all the world's ART. I drove after them real fast in my CAR but was stopped by a band of sneaky NINJAS. They demanded that I make them some tasty BURGERS, which I did, but I spit in all of their food which was rather NAUGHTY of me. A magical spirit came to me and told me that the only way to save the world was to travel to the PAST and fill my Pokedex in POKEMON RED, build a giant SNOWMAN, and summon PATRICK from the Cartoon Abyss. By doing this I was able to sneak into a FANCY PARTY attended by all the Decepticons, where I called upon the spirit of the great NIGHT OWL to help me defeat the invaders. My bae was so proud of me that she gave me a kiss and said "Thank you dog, but your Princess is in another Castle!" And her name was CALLIE.

Too lazy to type out all my wins and losses and I felt like telling a silly story. I think that makes me... 11-5.


Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
Roller Coasters


Pokémon Blue
Fancy Party
Night Owl

Looks like I lost two, go me! Most of those were just predicting the winner before selecting and I was completely and utterly indifferent with Autobots/Decepticons because I've never watched the show, but I definitely went with my heart when I chose Dogs, Roller Coasters, Marshmallows, Science, and Marie. I thought.... I lost a third one somewhere. Oh well, no complains here.

Also I hit King on all of those except for one, where I missed it by literally one game. Procrastinating, YAY!


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Nov 3, 2015
In the Paradox of Spring
For the record: aside from the Pokémon one, not once did I ever side with a team for popularity reasons. I always went with the team that I preferred, even if I knew going in that I was wont to lose.
(My teams underlined, winning teams in bold.)
  • Roller Coasters v. Water Slides: Sided with Team Coasters, but I didn't take it all that seriously if memory serves. Probably the only Splatfest in which I didn't get to Champion status.
  • Autobots v. Decepticons: I remember very little about this one, other than I had an easy time at first before getting saddled with multiple defeats. Oh, and that after this one I had a serious case of awful play that lasted at least two weeks.
  • Art v. Science: Torn between my love of the arts and biology, I ultimately sided with Krill Nye and the Science Squids. I believe that was the closest one ever, so despite losing it I can't say I hated it.
  • Cars v. Planes: Ah, I remember thinking I wouldn't get to join this one on account of having to work a 4-day shoot starting the next morning. Nevertheless, I hopped in the Car and made my way to Champ status before leaving.
  • Pirates v. Ninjas: While I do think ninjas are cool, I've had more to do with pirates in recent times, so I went with them. Talk about lucking out something fierce; if only that luck could keep going...
  • Burgers v. Pizzas: Absolutely horrible experience. I maintain that Team Pizza was hands-down the worst Splatfest team in Splatoon's history.
  • Naughty v. Nice: I'd have sided with Team Naughty had I not been put off by the idiots who decided to turn it into the hentai team rather than the delinquent team as intended. Seems I lucked out with getting good teammates compared to the other people on this board.
  • Past v. Future: By this point I think everybody was starting to get burnt out from how formulaic Splatfests were getting. For once I won, this time because the team I liked better also happened to be the better battling team as well.
  • Pokémon Red v Blue: In which I finally decided to be a little ***** and join the less popular team. (Not that it stopped me from getting frustrated and breaking my desk.) It's a shame Marie's BLUEISBEST the Vulpix never saw distribution.
  • Snowman v. Sandcastle: In which I actually had a lot of fun with the Splatfest for the first time in months, even though we Snowmen came out the losers. Perhaps the change to the Splatfest Power system had something to do with it?
  • Spingebill v. Patrick: Aside from having the dumbest Splatfest topic possible (why couldn't we get Batman v. Superman NOA?!), it was pretty forgettable.
  • Fancy Party v. Costume Party: Ah yes, the one time I explicitly fought for personal reasons. It was a rough road, and I was convinced I'd failed in my task, but in the end we pulled through for the baby.
  • Callie v. Marie: They saved the best for last, and so did I. Finally I got off my lazy *** and worked my way up the Splatfest Power brackets. While I wasn't good enough to break into the Top 100, I still think I did well enough.

Overall: 9 wins, 4 losses.

  • Cats v. Dogs: I've had both, but cats came first, and I'll still gladly take a lapcat over whiny begging mutts any day of the week. Perhaps I saved myself some unnecessary headaches by missing it.
  • Marshmallows v. Hot Dogs: This one's a toss-up. I don't really like marshmallows unless they're in s'mores, yet my personal history has left me with a slight distaste for hot dogs. As it's only slight, however, I guess that gives 'em the edge.
  • Early Bird v. Night Owl: I actually signed up for this one, and sided with Team Owl as a result of being, well, a night owl. Too bad I'd made plans to go camping that weekend, and I couldn't let my boys down for some useless Sea Snails.

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