I ended with 162 eggs, which is my second best Big Run record! My biggest was last Big Run, with 173, which is a record I'm not gonna break ANY time soon. I also managed to get 999 EVP which... I am genuinely shocked. First and foremost, I did NOT set out to get that, my goals this fest were solely to grind for scales (Of which I got around 300 bronze!) so I can buy the remaining pieces of the Octoleet gear. This is also shocking because my first ever time get 999 was last Big Run... which was also a Golden Rotation. Which I struggled a LOT on. Getting 999 EVP here, with a normal random weapon rotation, and without even much of a struggle, I found shocking. However with that, I also got a Triumvirate clear on Hazard Level Max, which means I got the special decoration for it too! I didn't even know that was a thing until I got it! I had... a VERY productive Big Big Run, to say the least lol