Many of the comments in this thread demonstrate something I get rather salty about—people are overly concerned about getting splatted.
I often see players miss opportunities out of the fear of getting splatted which contribute to the loss of a game. Retreating with the rainmaker is one of the worst ones, or hanging out behind the tower (playing 'support') during the last seconds of the game while leaving one teammate to ride the tower making it so that the opposing team only needs to splat the one person on the tower to win.
It also applies to the OP's concern. I don't always superjump to the rainmaker but I often do. I might get splatted but what if it looks like a potential opportunity and I don't get splatted and it enables a further push? If I get splatted I'll probably be back in play by the time the enemy breaks the shield and starts pushing, and there will probably be a teammate somewhere I can safely superjump to at that point.
I don't mean to suggest we shouldn't be wise and minimise getting splatted, and we should be especially thoughtful where we superjump, but there's no need to be worried about getting splatted. It's not real :)