Random tournament concept


Inkling Cadet
Mar 26, 2024
So I saw Dznutskong thread about a gimmick tournament and reading through it actually gave me an idea for a gimmick tournament. This is just a concept though going over an overview of the whole thing I'm no where near a tournament organizer or know about map lists so this is just a concept.

Economics 101
This is not a class it just a name of the tournament I came up with basically the whole thing is a 2v2 tournament where you and a partner play in a TC PB and play for kills, but with a twist! Yall have a combined total of 6 points (Still thinking between 5/6) to work with for picking the two weapons you go into the match with. You can pick any two weapons yall want, but it can not go over 6 points.

The tierlist above is just something I threw together in like 3 minutes with no thought so don't take it seriously at all.

So for example if somebody want to play the absolutely broken op weapon of vanilla undercover the other player must pick something in the 1 category. But if a player picks something that cost 4 points the other player can pick something in the 1 or 2 category. I feel that it is not only fun to think about weapon choices and weigh pros and cons with each choice, but also encourages player to think outside the box a bit in case their mains are off the table. Of course the weapon costs need to be balanced so that people can't just pick two top tiers and steam roll everyone else. Lastly I had 2v2 because I feel that it's a perfect middle ground where players don't have to form a whole team, but they're not by themselves, and still have to work together.

What do you think?, do you like it or not?, and what changes if any would you make to this concept?


King of the Moon Jellies
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
Switch Friend Code
ooh this could be fun. i’ve always kinda wanted to play in one of those “your team has x amount of money/points/etc to spend, refer to this tierlist for weapon costs” gimmick tourneys, and mixing it with extra rules - 2v2, scored for kills rather than winning the TC match - is interesting. would you be using similar rules to what dz suggested for the 1v1 tourney, where you have to jump to spawn after getting a kill/wipe?

if so… alright folks, are beakons also broken here? (imo, probably not, but maybe could be factored into a weapon’s point value)


Inkling Cadet
Mar 26, 2024
After thinking about it for a bit I would go with after a wipe because getting a kill and having to jump back can be a bit annoying and there is still one player left to hold ground, but with a wipe there is nothing stopping you and your partner from just running into the enemy base and spawn camping them so after every wipe.


Unrelated to Inking the Zone
Apr 4, 2016
Switch Friend Code
There have been point based events in the past. I played in shopping spree ages ago back in splatoon 2 and that was 20$ per team and weapons were 2 - 10$, there are some obvious logistical problems with this format since the price system was a very fragile way of enforcing a meta. I remember VSqueeze was priced at 5$ and every team in top 8 had one, and the winning team had 2. It's very very easy to make really unbalanced unfun metas on accident by just having a weapon be 1$ cheaper than it should be. Although it is very fun watching people pick 3.4 MPU cherry h-3 as a budget kpro.

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