Here is the thing.
They NEED to do something to rank carry and savescum rank because that DOES transfer to splatfest too.
if someone is B skill (1200?) in rank but savescum to s they start in 1600, end up getting teamed with me, and then have me have a headache for 3 minutes because they are making so bad judgment I rather put my head though a wall and it would be a less headache. IF Nintendo did not allow savescum/carry and started at 1200 and they try "savescum" for splatfest IT WOULD NOT BE A REAL ISSUE because they would not have the SKILL to pull off a high score in time. WE NEED TO DEAL WITH RANK CHEATING and dealing with that solves the splatfest problems. I think as others point out,
seakingtheonixpected is missing big picture.
If nintedo fixes RANK savescum, then the ripple effect will go to splatfests and be more enjoyable. AFTER taking care of the rank issue, THEN we can see if splatfest scumming is an issue. You can't have 2 issues and try to pin the result of blame on only 1 issue.