Splash Wall Rework


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
I think it's been long enough since the new season released to be able to talk about something completely unrelated.

Splash Wall is an extremely annoying sub weapon, more so than most bombs. The damage required to break the thing is ridiculous for most weapons, typically requiring a bomb costing more ink than it in order to break it in a reasonable amount of time. The way it's thrown is ridiculous, making it nearly impossible to plant on a ledge or place it exactly where you want it in general. Ultimately, the sub is ridiculous. It gets more value when used aggressively by a .52 Gal than any other weapon, despite it being a literal wall to defend oneself.
I will be fixing it. Every last aspect.

The first nerf I'm giving Splash Wall is a base HP reduction, from 800 to 500. This makes it much easier to break, which is fair when you consider how difficult it is for anything that doesn't have a bomb or high object damage to destroy it.

The second "nerf" I'm giving the sub actually makes it better for a few weapons. Instead of being thrown, the wall will be placed directly in front of the user like a Squid Beakon. This nerf shatters the pushing power of weapons that like to use Splash Wall offensively, but also makes it stronger for weapons like chargers that use it to defend against frontline weapons. I consider both of these positive changes.
This also makes placing a Splash Wall on the Tower Control tower far easier. I think this is fair, especially combined with the HP nerf.

The final change I'm making is a buff to counteract the HP reduction. Splash Wall's base duration will be increased to fifteen seconds, more than double its current duration. This makes it much better at protecting an area for a long period of time.

These three fairly simple changes turn Splash Wall from an annoying tool to let a .52 Gal take space into a proper defensive option to cover a retreat, block an area in advance, or protect high ground.
I can only hope the developers get the same idea when developing Splatoon 4.

Thanks for reading this post, feel free to give your opinions on my rework.
Have a great day!
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
I really wish they just reduced the HP rather than make specific weapons a bit stronger against it but it doesn't seem like the devs want to make big changes to any of the subs.
Hopefully, they don't give Splash Wall to 52. again in the next game (we're going to end up with Fizzy on 52. instead).

Regardless, this is a nice rework that would make Splash Wall less of a problem to deal with.

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