SplatCharger can force opponents to stick to one area.


Inkster Jr.
May 13, 2015
The theory of killing them so they have less time to paint is not in doubt (at least by me). As well as the theory of containing them at their spawn to deny access to turf. However, using this video as an example of said strategy is not convincing. These players just didn't know how to push due to being new and/or not understanding the game. There were many obvious ways to combat what you were doing, they just didn't do it. Revisit this when players get acclimated in the full game and then you might have an example of your strategy.
This ws all I was trying to say.
Enemies can see your line of fire with the charger unless you keep it in the grund until you're ready to shoot. Avoiding you wouldn't have been too terribly difficult, if your opponents had some awareness.

Please note I wasn't insulting your skill if this is what this is about, I'm just noting a few things that aren't going to fly and your opponent's incompetency. All it would've taken was just one guy slipped to the top and that match would've been over. Your team wasn't exactly paying attention to that area.
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Feb 8, 2014
Thanks for posting. I plan to have a long range weapon like the charger as a "pocket weapon", so that was a helpful video.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jul 28, 2014
Switch Friend Code
Sniping is all about area denial, as players have to avoid your line of sight? Thanks Captain Obvious!

No but seriously, this is how it works in almost every shooter ever.


Senior Squid
Apr 29, 2015
As someone who recently put a bunch of time explaining the effectiveness of the Splatcharger, I want to say you executed it PHENOMENALLY. Your accuracy is well above par and you understand map control. Some may argue that you focused heavily on kills, but that in itself kept your enemy stuck in spawn, which denied them objective which lead your team to victory. I'm sure you already knew that though.

Sure the enemies/team members may not have been the smartest, but the game has't released yet so who can blame them?

Anyways just wanted to say major thumbs up and keep up the good work!


Inkster Jr.
May 14, 2015
I agree with EnderGamma. Forget the Haters- you did an amazing job keep the enemy in check. Obviously, the opposing team won't thinking since its difficult to spawn camp on Saltray Rig. There is 4-5 different exits for the spawn. If everyone went his/her separate path, one of them should have gotten out. Also... what were you Rollers doing? Why was top portion uncover?

I look forward to facing you at the level of caliber and eventually destroying your killing streak when the actual game comes out.
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Inkster Jr.
May 13, 2015
I agree with EnderGamma. Forget the Haters- you did an amazing job keep the enemy in check. Obviously, the opposing team won't thinking since its difficult to swamp camp on Saltray Rig. There is 4-5 different exits for the swamp. If everyone went his/her separate path, one of them should have gotten out. Also... what were you Rollers doing? Why was top portion uncover?

I look forward to facing you at the level of caliber and eventually destroying your killing streak when the actual game comes out.
I fear you do not not how to distinguish "hating" and "constructive criticism."


Senior Squid
May 4, 2015
United Kingdom / Great Britain
I fear you do not not how to distinguish "hating" and "constructive criticism."
I'm failing to understand where the constructive criticism is in your posts. Really all you've said is the top part of the map wasn't covered when it didn't need to be in this situation and I only scored 800 points which does not matter in the end of the round, apparently my opponents are super bad and had no awareness when you can clearly see when I beam the laser in the video they would move in the other direction which shows they knew that they could of been hit by the charger and then you say "holding an entire team off with one Charger just won't cut it when you start fighting even mediocre opponents." first of all its not going to be a 1v4 situation every time because I do have my team mates support, secondly how can you even assume that if you don't know the situation the charger could be in? For an example a charger in my opinion could easily pick off 4 people at range if they have precision accuracy. Didn't you also think that I may get better with that to? Cause I've only played this game 3 hours I've already found a couple ways where the charger will work affectively in my favour I'm most likely going to learn more so it will always work in my favour which also can include the help and support of my team mates. There are always ways to counter a counter even if both players are super good.


May 25, 2015
Oh for the love of...

Okay, this will be my last post on this. I've already explained it in far too much detail, but here's another. With the way the other team was playing you could have ran with the Roller, not even using the splash attack, just rolling them over, and then say "See, this his how you use the Roller. I squished them every time they came out of their spawn effectively denying them the rest of the map." This video is not a good example of your strategy because the other team didn't challenge what you were doing. Not even close. It's like if you put a pro soccer/football team against a team of toddlers. The pro players will execute their strategy perfectly but without real competition to contest what they're doing that strategy is not truly being put to the test. They could try any number of strategies, effective or downright stupid, and succeed. There has to be a certain level of skill demonstrated by all players to present something as evidence of the strategy working.

Also this next comment is not to you TsD but to the "hater-name-callers". It's a convenient mental trick to label the opposite side as a "hater" in an attempt to invalidate their stance. Don't get confused though, that doesn't work. Try actually refuting the points they make. If you like the skill TsDs has shown, or you like the idea of the strategy that's fine. However, claiming this video is evidence of the strategy working holds no ground, for the reasons I've stated.

° Moteki

May 12, 2015
Not trying to be mean op, but you seemed way too focused on kills rather than the objective of the game.
That top half not being covered... is startling as was your score at the end. 19 kills with a mere 869 points... jeez.
I think the op did his job quite well. I blame the roller and quite frankly I'm not fond of 2 snipers


Senior Squid
Apr 23, 2015
OP did do a good job, I am impressed with his sniping skills, regardless of his opponents skill level. Squidfingers has a point though: This video does not show the true potential of the charger. Its like the trailers in smash bros that makes every character look good. You can not show how good something is when you are not using it on someone who can show that it is good.

Your video does not show splatcharger can force opponents to stick to one area not because it can't but because your opponents were too bad for you to be able to show this could work on a good team.

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