Captain Norris
Inkling Commander
Sorry for double post, but Batman Vs Superman and Iron Man Vs Captain America woudl be great if they did it aroudnt eh times of the films' releases
I'm a vegetation that's offensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1I would like to see:
Pork vs Beef
Sunrise vs Sunset
Pencils vs Pens
Showers vs Baths
That last one will never happen?Early bird vs Night owl
Light vs Dark
Drunk vs High
Batman vs Superman
Halloween vs Christmas
Hands vs Feet
Gun vs knife
School vs Work
Pizza vs Burgers
Science vs Religion
Some of those themes were jokesThat last one will never happen?
Besides I think you mean
Evolution VS Creationism...
Because if someone is religious... they still should believe in science that has been proven... (Example: Gravity, Laws of motion, E=MC²)